Обобщающий урок по теме "Образование"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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  • обобщить знания по изученной теме,
  • повторить лексический и грамматический материал,
  • развитие монологической и диалогической речи по теме,
  • развитие фонематического слуха.


  • доска,
  • карточки,
  • аудио и видеозаписи,
  • телевизор,
  • проектор,
  • учебник «New Opportunities».

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Greetings. Warm up. Weather.

– What day is it today?

– What date is it today?

– What is the weather like today? (30 c)

II. Объявление темы урока.

– Today we are going to talk about education, discuss some facts about education in different countries and play a little (10c).

III. Разминка. «Brainstorming».

a) Повторение лексики по теме (игра с мячом) (1-2мин).

Teacher – Students

Students – Students

b) Мини-диалоги.

– Role play the dialogues (2-3мин.)

  1. Т → Р (Общие вопросы) # Do you take care about your college?...
  2. P ↔ P (your desk mate)
  3. P ↔ P (your classmate)

c) Matches: (30с.-1мин.)

– Подберите к этим словам и выражениям соответствующий русский перевод. Соедините цифру и букву.

1. best subjects   а) детский сад
2. worst subjects   b) сдавать экзамен
3. degree   c) сдать экзамен
4. nursery school   d) наилучшие предметы
5. pass an examination   e) наихудшие предметы
6. take an examination   f) степень

d) – Missing vowels (Пропущенные гласные) (2-2,5мин).


Write in the suitable columns.

people institutes subjects


  • People: lecturer, pupil, professor, student, teacher.
  • Institutes: college, university, school.
  • Subjects: Economics, Law, Politics, Engineering, Philosophy.

e) School subjects puzzle (2-3мин).

– Write the words: биология, английский, география, история, физика, естественные науки (наука)?

Key: physics, science, geography, biology, history, English.

f) Which words go together? (Какие слова употребляются вместе?)

(1-2 мин).

1. Application   a) age
2. At your   b) education
3. Comprehensive   c) field
4. Dining   d) form
5. Head   e) former
6. Physical   f) hall
7. School   g) room
8. Sixth   h) school
9. Sports   i) teacher
10. Staff   j) uniform


  1. d
  2. a
  3. h
  4. f
  5. i
  6. b
  7. j
  8. e/d
  9. c
  10. g

g) Missing words (2-3мин) (Чтобы составить полные предложения, выберите соответствующие выражения из предыдущего упражнения).

  1. We have to wear a … until we’re sixteen.
  2. John teaches … at the local secondary school.
  3. Our … is a very nice woman who teaches French and German.
  4. – I didn’t go to school …
    – I started work at fifteen.
  5. When you’re a …, you don’t have to study so many subjects.


  1. School uniform,
  2. Physical education,
  3. Head teacher,
  4. At your age,
  5. Sixth former.

IV. Discuss the time – table and favorite subjects (4-5 мин.).

(Обсуждения расписания и любимых предметов).

Т → P

– At home you prepared a time– table: (Демонстрация расписания)

– What subjects do you have on your time– table?

– What subjects do you like?

– What subjects you do not like?

На доске:

Subjects I like Subjects I don’t like Subjects I ‘d like to study

V. Let’s check your homework (3-4 мин.).

– You asked your classmates about their favourite subjects?

(Представление результатов опроса).

VI. Аудирование. Listening.

Mark Smith’s education.

  1. How old was Mark when he started nursery school?
  2. At what age did he leave primary school?
  3. What were his worst subjects at school?
  4. How many GCSEs did he get?
  5. How many A levels did he take?
  6. What is he studying now?


  1. Mark was three (years old) when he started nursery school.
  2. He left primary school at the age of eleven/ when he was eleven.
  3. His worst subjects at school were Physics and Chemistry (and PE and Games).
  4. He got ten GCSEs.
  5. He took four A levels.
  6. He is studying History now.

VII. Reading the text. Работа с текстом (на основе текста New Opportunities Russian Edition Intermediates p. 91).

a) – Read about schools in the UK and the USA.

– Which of these things are mentioned? (1-2 мин).

Subjects, universities, teachers, exams, fees, violence, uniforms

b) What are the nearest British equivalents of these American words? (1-2 мин.).

Elective, elementary school, grade, high school diploma

Answers: Elective-optional subjects; elementary school– primary; grade-year; high school diploma-GCSE.

c) Please shut your books, complete the sentences: (sentences от on the board) (4-5мин.).


b) – Find three similarities and three differences between the British and American education systems (1-2 мин.).

  similarities differences
British education system    
American education system    

VIII. Work in groups.Групповая работа (3-5 мин.).

– We work in group now. Each group chooses one envelope with a task. You should discuss it and decide who will be representing your group.

– Where would you prefer to study? Why?

IX. Speech (5-6мин.).

X. Conclusion. Writing a sinkwein poem. (Education).

XI. Home work: Read the story Thomas Edison’s Shaggy Dog, Literature Spot 3, page 136.