Opinion composition (сочинение-эссе)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Презентация используется для практики навыков аргументирования и закрепления формата сочинения с элементами рассуждения. В начале данной презентации выводятся шаблоны, где показаны средства логической связи, которые обязательно должны присутствовать в данном типе сочинения, каждый из последующих пяти слайдов соответствует одному абзацу. Шаблоны могут быть заучены наизусть, что сэкономит время на экзамене. Дополнительно учитель может дать другие приемлемые фразы и выражения.

Слайды 2-6

Make an introduction (Raise a problem)

The problem of ...... is discussed a lot nowadays (state the problem). Some people think (that).... (give one opinion). Others believe (that).... (give a different opinion). As a result this is not an easy question to answer (there is no easy answer to this question).

Express your personal opinion and give reasons (2-3) for it

As far as I am concerned,,... (state your opinion). (Here are some arguments to support my point of view.) Firstly, (give your first argument for). In addition (Moreover),... (enlarge your argument for). Secondly,... (give the second argument for). As a result...Thirdly,... (give the third argument for).

Express an opposing opinion give 1-2 reasons for it

On the contrary (however, nevertheless), there are some people who disagree with my point of view. In their opinion... (give the first argument against). In addition (moreover),... (give the second argument against). [or Consequently... Last, but not least,...]

Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

However, I cannot agree with them because ... (say why you disagree with them). In addition (What is more...), ... (enlarge your argument).

Draw a conclusion (Restate your position)

To sum up (in conclusion, on the whole), it can be argued that...., but in spite of the arguments of other people I still think that (Give a one-sentence summary of your opinion or state your opinion in a different way.)

Далее в презентации дается пример готового сочинения, при помощи которого, на уроке можно закрепить формат и вводные выражения. Шаблон, можно использовать для обучения умению аргументировать свое мнение следующим образом.

Учитель последовательно выводит на экран фразы - клише и по отдельному нажатию клавиши предлагаемые варианты аргументации по данной теме. После выведения фраз - клише на экран, осуществляется этап генерации идей, где ученики обдумывают и предлагают свои аргументы за и против, при этом ученики наглядно видят формат и обращают внимание на то, что аргументация обязательно следует за очередным вводным словом или выражением. Далее учитель выводит предлагаемую аргументацию для сравнения или обучения, если у учеников возникали проблемы.

При помощи этой же презентации можно устно (или письменно) отрабатывать аргументацию по любым другим темам. Учитель выводит фразы - клише, ученики высказывают или записывают возможные аргументы. Это помогает ученикам хорошо запомнить последовательность фраз клише и в дальнейшем не пропускать определенные этапы этого типа сочинения. На этапе заключительной отработки можно перед выведением на экран очередного вводного выражения просить учеников предложить другой вариант следующего вводного слова или воспроизвести заученное вводное выражение из данной презентации. Темы при многократном применении презентации нужно менять.

Слайды 7-11

The lottery can ruin people’s lives. What is your opinion?
The problem of winning the lottery is discussed a lot nowadays.
Many people argue that lottery is a bad thing, as it encourages people to waste money.
However, other people say lottery is a useful thing as it helps at least a few people.
As a result this is not an easy question to answer.

As far as I am concerned, lottery cannot make your life worse.
First of all, lottery is exciting and entertaining.
In addition, it is always fascinating to see how the winners can change their lives.
Secondly, the winners can make the lives of their friends and families a lot easier.
Thirdly, some of the money can be donated to charity.

On the contrary, some people disagree with my point of view. In their opinion lottery can have a negative effect on people.
Furthermore, people might become addicted to gambling and obsessed with lucky numbers.
Last but not least, winning a million pounds does not guarantee happiness as you may lose your friends.

However, I cannot agree with them because the winners can always help those in need.
What is more, in many lotteries some of the profit is given to charity, so even if you do not win you are helping someone indirectly.
In conclusion, I would like to say that people may be right but in spite of the arguments of other people I strongly believe that lottery never ruins people’s lives. It helps to fund charities and makes a few people lucky.
Nevertheless, I must admit that, people are able to choose whether they want to play the lottery or not.

В последней части презентации последовательно при нажатии клавиш выводится каждый абзац, в котором выделены устойчивые фразы, потеря которых ведет к снижению балла.

Это еще раз помогает привлечь внимание учеников к необходимости наличия абзацев, количеству абзацев и вводных выражений, последовательности их употребления.

Слайд 12

The problem of winning the lottery is discussed a lot nowadays. Many people argue that lottery is a bad thing, as it encourages people to waste money. However, other people say lottery is a useful thing as it helps at least a few people. As a result this is not an easy question to answer.

As far as I am concerned, lottery cannot make your life worse. First of all, lottery is exciting and entertaining. In addition, it is always fascinating to see how the winners can change their lives. Secondly, the winners can make the lives of their friends and families a lot easier. Thirdly, some of the money can be donated to charity.

On the contrary, some people disagree with my point of view. In their opinion lottery can have a negative effect on people. Furthermore, people might become addicted to gambling and obsessed with lucky numbers. Last but not least, winning a million pounds does not guarantee happiness as you may lose your friends.

However, I cannot agree with them because, the winners can help those in need. What is more, in many lotteries some of the profit is given to charity, so even if you do not win, you are helping someone indirectly

In conclusion, I would like to say that people may be right but in spite of the arguments of other people I strongly believe that lottery never ruins people’s lives. It helps to fund charities and makes a few people lucky. Nevertheless, I must admit that, people are able to choose whether they want to play the lottery or not.