Литературная гостиная как форма повышения эффективности уроков английского языка "British & American writers". 10–11-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: повышение культурного и образовательного уровня и раскрытие социокультурного потенциала личности учащихся.

Образовательный компонент цели: совершенствование навыков активного овладения чтением, понимание и восприятием текстов и кинофрагментов; углубление знаний учащихся в области английской литературы.

Развивающий компонент цели: развитие индивидуальных умений работы в паре, группе, к переключению внимания в упражнениях комплексного характера, в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Воспитательный компонент цели.

Развитие эстетического вкуса, воспитание уважения к носителям иноязычной культуры, углубление познавательного интереса к предмету, привитие вкуса к чтению.

Стратегия работы.

  1. Чтение с пониманием основного содержания текста.
  2. Чтение с полным пониманием информации в тексте.
  3. Чтение с пониманием структурно-смысловых связей текста.
  4. Аудирование с пониманием в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемой информации.
  5. Развитие лексических навыков.

Ход урока

TEACHER: Good morning, students!

Let us continue our talk about British & American literature. You have already learned about some noted British & American writers, poets, essayists and playwrights who made their countries famous and contributed much in the world literature. This year we have already read the extracts from the works of the following writers: Louisa May Alcott, Edith Necbit, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, H.G.Wells. Let’s learn more about their lives and literary work.

TEACHER: Read the text about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and say if the following statements are true or false.

  1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Welsh writer.
  2. His father was an outstanding person, who influenced his son a lot.
  3. Conan Doyle`s mother had a gift of storytelling.
  4. At the age of 9 Arthur went to the boarding school to get education.
  5. The life in the school was hard for the young man.
  6. He didn`t write a lot to his mother during his stay at the boarding school.
  7. Arthur was good at sport.
  8. Besides succeeding in sport ha had a talent for painting.
  9. Arthur chose the profession in medicine.
  10. Robert Louis Stevenson influenced Arthur a lot.
  11. Arthur’s teacher Dr Joseph Bell had the qualities, which later Arthur Conan Doyle gave to his famous character Sherlock Holmes.
  12. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle couldn`t get a lot of money for living due to his medical practice.
  13. He decided to abandon a medical career because of little money he earned.
  14. The famous detective was the only popular character, created by Sherlock Holmes.
  15. Professor Challenger and his friends found species of unknown animals and plants.

Приложение №1

TEACHER: Today we will speak about women writers who wrote for children. They are Edith Nesbit and Louisa May Alcott. They lived and worked in different countries but they have got one thing in common: they both loved children and understood their unique world.

Their every book was eagerly awaited and enjoyed both by children and adults. It was because they told stories of how children really behaved. And now the task is to match the blurbs and the titles of the books.

TEACHER: Match the blurbs and the titles of the books.

Приложение №2

TEACHER: You see that both families have to survive without their fathers and only good relations love and mutual aid help them overcome difficulties. You know, Louisa May Alcott was an extraordinary woman. What is one thing we know for sure? She was the author of the novel “Little women”, but what are 5 things that we don`t know about Louisa May Alcott.

Listen and you will see that there are more than 5 things we don`t know about her. (Students listen to and then name these things)

Приложение №3 Видео

Correct answers:

  1. She was a woman’s companion
  2. She was a teacher
  3. She was a laundress
  4. She preferred younger men
  5. She inspired the careers of many famous women including Hilary Clinton, and J. Rowling
  6. She had no medical training, but assisted imputations performed without anaesthesia
  7. She was a governess
  8. She was a professional comedian

TEACHER: Edith Nesbit and Louisa May Alcott served as a major influence upon Joanne K. Rowling, a British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. Read some interesting facts about the United Kingdom’s best-selling author and answer the questions:

Приложение №4

TEACHER: Put the parts of the text about J. Rowling in the correct order.

Приложение №5

TEACHER: And now we are going to speak about another famous British writer Charles Dickens and his well-known novel “Oliver Twist”.
Work in pairs. Each of you has a text with some missing information in it. Don`t show your card to your partner. Ask each other questions to fill in the gaps with the missing information.

Correct answers.

Card A

Where was Charles Dickens born?

What town did the family live in until 1822?

What kind of school did Charles go to?

Why did the family leave Chatham?

Where did Charles get work?

Card B

Was Charles the first child in the family?

Who helped Charles find work at a blacking warehouse ?

Who did Charles learn much from?

What happened to Charles’s father in London?

Приложение №6

TEACHER: How We Can Honor Famous Literary People? (x – stands for the person's name)

  • To erect a monument to x
  • To place a memorial sign
  • To name a town/school/street/library/etc. after x
  • To organize a museum of x
  • To celebrate the anniversary of x
  • To write the biography of x
  • To make a film version of x`s works
  • To stage x`s works
  • To organize a literary contest in memory of x
  • To organize readings of x`s works
  • To give literary awards named after x
  • To hold a festival where x lived/worked
  • To publish x`s works in great numbers
  • To issue posters/cards/coins/banknotes/etc/ with the image of x
  • To paint portraits of x.

TEACHER: Do final literary test. Приложение №7

Приложение №1

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes and for the adventures of Professor Challenger fiction stories, plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels. Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Arthur’s father a chronic alcoholic, was the only member of his family, who apart from fathering a brilliant son, never accomplished anything of note. On the contrary, Mary Doyle, Arthur’s mother was an outstanding person. She had a passion for books and was a master storyteller, her son Arthur wrote of his mother’s gift of “sinking her voice to a horror-stricken whisper” when she reached the culminating point of a story. After Arthur reached his ninth birthday, the wealthy members the Doyle family offered to pay for his studies. During those grueling years, Arthur’s only moments of happiness were when he wrote to his mother, a regular habit that lasted for the rest of her life, and also when he practiced sports, mainly cricket, at which he was very good. It was during these difficult years at boarding school, that Arthur realized he also had a talent for storytelling. Arthur decided to follow the medical career. He began attending the University of Edinburgh and that is where Arthur was sent to carry out his medical studies. The young medical student met a number of future authors such as for instance James Barrie and Robert Louis Stevenson. But the man who most impressed and influenced him was without a doubt, one of his teaches, Dr. Joseph Bell. The good doctor was a master at observation, logic, deduction and diagnosis. All these qualities were later to be found in the person of the celebrated detective Sherlock Holmes. After graduating from the University he opened his first practice in Portsmouth his practice started to earn him a comfortable income. During the next years the young man divided his time between trying to be a good doctor and struggling to become a recognized author. Some years later he decided to abandon a medical career. His stories about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson became very popular among readers. The famous detective wasn’t the only popular character, created by Arthur Conan Doyle His new hero Professor Challenger was quite the opposite of Sherlock Holmes. Nevertheless The lost world was an immediate success. It involved the Professor in a delightfully humorous adventure, with a number of other highly personable characters stranded a mysterious region of South America, discovering prehistorical fauna and flora. In those days the term “Science Fiction” had not been formulated, so when Conan Doyle wrote this story, in his mind it was a “boys book”. Arthur Conan Doyle died on Monday July 7, 1930, surrounded by his family. His last words before departing for “ the greatest and most glorious adventure of all” were addressed to his wife. He whispered, “ you are wonderful”.

Приложение №2 (Little women or Railway children)

The story concerns a family who move to “Three chimney`s”, a house near the railway after the father ,who works at the Foreign office ,is imprisoned as a result of being falsely accused of selling state secrets to the Russians. The three children Roberta, Peter and Phyllis find amusement in watching the trains on the nearby railway line and waving the passengers. They become friendly with Albert Perks, the station porter and with the old gentleman who regularly takes the 9.15 down train. He is eventually able to help prove their father`s innocence and the family is reunited.

 Living in poverty, their father gone to war, the March girls have only their mother and themselves. Meg`s romantic, energetic, ready to start a family of her own. Beth`s introspective, peaceful , afraid of everything except her dolls and music; Amy`s beautiful , artistic, determined to live among the rich and famous. Jo`s arrogant, hot tempered funny, a writer who keeps pet rats and detests being a girl. They love each other, fight with scold, nag, tease and protect each other, through days of joyous triumph and dark tragedy. For each girl, in her heart, knows she has something more precious than money: sisters.

Приложение №3 Видео


  1. Rowling has said of her adolescence, “Hermione is loosely based on me. She’s a caricature of me when I was eleven, which I’m not particularly proud of.”
  2. After the separation with her husband, Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes, Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression, and contemplated suicide. It was the feeling of her illness which brought her the idea of Dementors, soul-sucking creatures introduced in the third book.
  3. Her own favourite books were Narnia books by C.S.Lewis, The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge and Manxmouse by Paul Gallico. She adored E.Nesbit and loved Noel Streatfeild. At the age of nine she discovered the books of Jane Austen and they remained her favorite, ever.
  4. Her book which had started as a typical children book, had become more detailed, having acquired the depth suited for adult readers. Later, Joanne said in an interview to Newsweek:”I wasn’t really aware that it was a children’s book. I really wrote it for me. It was what I found funny and what I liked.”
  5. Nicolson Cafe had become her favorite place to write Harry Potter.
  6. Her book had been rejected by twelve publishing houses before it was finally accepted for publication by “Bloomsbury Press”, a small publishing house based in London.
  1. Where did Joanne use to write Harry Potter?
  2. Which publishing house accepted Harry Potter for publication?
  3. What authors and books did she admire?
  4. What personal tragedy inspired her for creating Dementors, soul-sucking creatures?
  5. Is her Harry Potter series for children only?
  6. How is one of the main characters of the book Hermione related to Rowling?

Приложение №5


In1990, while she was on a four-hour-delayed train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry “came fully formed” into her mind. She told “The Boston Globe” that “I really don’t know where the idea came from. It started with Harry, then all these characters and situations came flooding into my head.” When she had reached her flat, she began to write immediately.


However, in December of that year, Rowling’s mother died, after her ten-year battle with multiple sclerosis. Rowling commented, “I was writing Harry Potter at the moment my mother died. I had never told her about Harry Potter.” Rowling said this death heavily affected her writing and that she introduced much more detail about Harry’s loss in the first book, because she know about how it felt.


When she was a young teenager, her great aunt, who Rowling said “taught classics and approved of a thirst for knowledge, even of a questionable kind”, gave her a very old copy of Jessica Mitford’s autobiography, Hons and Rebels. Mitford became Rowling’s heroine, and Rowling subsequently read all of her books.


Although she writes under the pen name “J.K. Rowling”, pronounced like ‘rolling’ her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply “Joanne Rowling”/ Fearing that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she use two initials, rather than her full name. As she had no middle name, she chose ‘K’ as the second initial of her pen name, from her paternal grandmother Kathleen Ada Bulgen Rowling. She calls herself “Jo” and has said, “No one ever called me ‘Joanne’ when I was young, unless they were angry.” Following her marriage, she has sometimes used the name ‘Joanne Murray’ when conducting personal business.


As I child, Rowling often wrote fantasy stories, which she would usually then read to her sister. Rowling can remember telling stories from early on and writing down her first story when she was 5 or 6 years old – about a rabbit called Rabbit who got the measles and was visited by friends including a giant bee called Miss Bee.


Joanne K. Rowling is the author the Harry Potter series of book, which began with the 1997 tale Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The book told the story of Harry Potter, a seemingly ordinary boy who discovered that he was actually a wizard. The book was a sensational hit, and by the end of 1999 the top three slots on the “New York Times” list of bestsellers were taken by the first three books in the Harry Potter series.

Приложение №6

Card A. Charles Dickens was born in ______- on the 7th of February, 1812. He was the second child and the eldest son of John and Elizabeth Dickens. After a short period in London, John Dickens in 1817 was transferred to the dockyard at _______ , and here the family remained until 1822. These were the happiest years of Charles Dickens`s childhood and youth. Here Dickens went to _______. He also learnt much from his mother, who was a well-educated woman, and from the books she gave him to read. When Charles was about ten, the family left Chatham ______, even after selling off all the furniture and nobody in London came to the rescue of John and Elizabeth Dickens and their 6 children. A friend of the family helped Charles find work at   _____. A few days after, his father was arrested and sent to the debtors` prison, the Marshal sea. John Dickens was a happy-go-lucky man, irresponsible man, and he usually spent more than he earned.

Card B. Charles Dickens was born in Ports Mouth on the 7thof February, 1812. He was ______ child and the eldest son of John and Elizabeth Dickens. After a short period in London, John Dickens in 1817 was transferred to the dockyard at Chatham, and here the family remained until 1822. These were the happiest years of Charles Dickens`s childhood and youth. Here Dickens went to a small day-school. He also learnt much from his _____ who was a well-educated woman, and from the books she gave him to read. When Charles was bout ten, the family left Chatham in debt, even after selling off all the furniture and nobody in London came to the rescue of John and Elizabeth Dickens and their 6 children _____ helped Charles find work at a blacking warehouse. A few days after, his father _______ and  ______ to the debtors` prison, the Marshal sea. John Dickens was a happy-go-lucky man, irresponsible man, and he usually spent more than he earned.

Приложение №7

Literary test

What is the full name of the author of “Sherlock Homes detective stores” Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle
What sport was he good at during his study at boarding school? Cricket

Whom did he inherit his gift of storytelling from? From his mother

What city did he study medicine in? Edinburgh

How are his teacher Dr. Joseph Bell and the famous character Sherlock Holmes related? They were both masters of observation, logic and deduction
How many children are there in the March family? four
What is the name of the house where the family moved after the father’s imprisonment? hree Chimney’s
When did the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry come into J.Rowling’s mind? In 1990
Where did Charles Dickens spend his happy years? At Chatham
What does the word “happy-go-lucky” mean? беспечный