Тема урока: "Mass media"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: интегрированный, обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Вид урока: дискуссия.

Задачи и цели урока.


  • формирование практических умений и навыков иноязычной речевой деятельности учащихся (в чтении, аудировании и говорении) через дискуссию и презентацию собственного мнения;
  • учить правильно употреблять языковые средства, строить фразы, повышать общую культуру выражения мысли;
  • cравнивать средства массовой информации в Великобритании и в своей стране.


  • развивать мышление, память, логику, воображение;
  • развитие знаний, умений и навыков изучаемого языка;
  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
  • развивать самостоятельность;
  • развивать кругозор в области СМИ в своей стране и стране изучаемого языка.


  • формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитание чувства коллективизма, взаимовыручки, умений работать в паре и группе;
  • воспитание культуры общения.

Методы обучения: словесный, наглядно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, поисковый.

Средства обучения:


К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман “Счастливый английский”;

М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева “Английский с удовольствием”;

В.П. Кузовлев “Английский язык” академический школьный учебник;

С.А. Шевелева “Деловой английский”;

Г.Л. Кубарьков, В.А Тимощук “Сборник новых тем”;

мультимедиапроектор, презентация, дидактический раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

Вводная часть.

Teacher: Good morning students and our guests. I'm glad to see you. Today is the 25th of October. The theme of our lesson is "Mass media". The plan of the lesson is: 1. What’s mass media?

2. Kinds of British newspapers.

3. The media in Russia.

4. What is your favorite media?

Основная часть

Teacher: Let’s start our lesson from the phonetic exercise. Read the poem for detail and answer the questions.

1. Which books does Lane like? Why?

2. Which books does Lane dislike? Why?

I love to read books,
It’ my cup of tea.
Books are full of ideas,
Don’t you agree?

Books can teach and excite,
Books can comfort and thrill,
Books can show you the world,
And will make you feel.

Funny books make me laugh,
Romances make me cry,
Adventure books make me happy,
I don’t know why.

Thrillers bore me to death,
Fantasy is good fun.
And I can’t stand science fiction,
Don’t give me one.

All those robots and fights,
And alien ships,
Make me cry at night,
Make me work in my sleep.

Books will never let down,
Books will never mislead,
When you make a new friend,
Ask him “What do you read?”

As you know, the mass media play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. Mass media usually create public opinion. Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in their spare time. What means of communicating do you know?

Student 1: I know such means of communicating: newspaper, television, radio, the Internet, books, magazines, computers.

Teacher: Now I give the word to our librarian.

Teacher: Thank you for interesting story about mass media.

Teacher: Let’s have a talk about mass media in Great Britain and in Russia. Look at the screen! Your task is find unnecessary word in every group.

  1. paper, computer, newspaper, book.
  2. news, articles, Internet, stories.
  3. scandals, celebrity gossip, TV.
  4. Broadsheets, Tabloids, Local, magazine.
  5. Mayak, TNT, Auto Radio, Europe Plus.

Teacher: O.K. You know many words about mass media. The next task is to connect the words from two groups.

Crossword form
Weather selling
Celebrity events
Popular gossip
International stories
Detailed articles
Intriguing forecast
Biggest - puzzles
Crime programme
Political opinion
Condensed headline
Easy newspaper
Serious magazine

Teacher: Thank you. You are right. Look at the next slide. Let’s speak about British newspapers. What kinds of newspapers are there in the United Kingdom?

Student 2: In the UK there are two main kinds of newspapers: broadsheets and tabloids. Originally these names came from the size of the newspapers. A tabloids format newspaper was smaller and the broadsheet format newspaper was bigger.

When we talk about tabloids and broadsheets, we talk about two different kings of newspapers: easy reading and quality newspapers. Tabloids report news in a very condensed form. They write about celebrities, the British Royal Family, sport, crime stories and scandals. Broadsheets give their readers long, detailed reports on the latest news and focus on more serious things: politics, economy, government , international events, business, culture.

Teacher: Right you are. Look at the slide about media in Russia.

Our modern life isn’t impossible without information. What kinds of newspapers are in Russia?

Student 3: Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can't imagine our life without them. There are 400 names of newspapers in our country. There are some newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for people who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting. Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance.

Teacher: Thanks for your story. Today Russia can be proud of different kinds of newspapers. Which newspapers are popular in our town?

Student 4: Our local newspapers are …..

Teacher: We continue talking about positive and negative things about watching television. Let’s divide into two parts. Pupils of the first variant say about positive things and pupils of the second variant say about negative things. Now we are read to start. (учащиеся делят выражения на две группы)

Teacher: Now, look at the screen and check your answers.

Good (advantages) Bad (disadvantages)
1. You relax. 1. Getting addicted .
2. You can receive the necessary information. 2. Getting lazy.
3. You can listen about famous people. 3. You have no time to be in a fresh air.
4. You can learn about important events. 4. You have no time to go in for sport.
5. You can study foreign languages. 5. You stop writing letters to your friends and relatives.
6. You can take part in shows and competitions. 6. You may put on weight sitting in front of television.
7. You can travel around the world without money. 7. You watch horror films for the night and then sleep badly.

Teacher: Right you are. And now we are going to discuss about your favorite media. Which of mass media is your favorite? Give your reasons.

Student 5: My favorite media is radio. I'm fond of listening to music on the radio.

Student 6: I read a lot of newspapers and magazines. I like reading newspapers as I can always find some interesting and useful information. That’s why it is my favorite media.

Student 7: As for me, I like reading magazines. My favorite magazine is “Игро мания”. This magazine is very popular and interesting for young people. “Игромания” publishes information about modern computers, popular computer games and video games.

Student 7: As for me, I like to listen to music on headphones. I can listen to music everywhere. My favorite music is hip-hop and house-dense.

Teacher: Thanks for your opinions. We can’t live without Internet. Every of us have the personal computer at home and at work. We spend much time on different sites. We get much information from the Internet. The first Internet appeared in the USA in 1960. In 1965 was Internet was based the first Net work. In 1977 was appeared the first Modem for personal computer. Who likes to go online?

Student 8: As for me, I like the Internet best of all. I always get news over

the Internet. Besides, I can chat with people online, discussing different questions. I can send or get messages by the Internet.

Teacher: Thank you for your answers. There are thousand of books in Russia. The first book appeared in ancient Egypt. The first printing press was invented in Europe in 15 century. Books are friends during our life. What kinds of genres of books do you know?

Students: There are fantastic books, horror books, science books, detective stories,

Fairy tales, adventure stories, historical books and novels.

Teacher: Who in your family likes to read books?

Student 9: As for me, I like reading books. It’s exciting to imagine the looks and actions of the characters. Besides, I always relax reading books.

Teacher: The first television program was invented by John Lodge Beard.

The first TV program was based in Great Britain in 1936. The first color TV was appeared in the USA in 1956. Who likes to watch TV? Which television program do you like best?

Student 10: My favorite media is television. I always get news over TV. I can’t miss a talk show or a quiz show. Besides, I can switch on the TV while doing my homework. It’s fantastic. I really relax watching TV.

Student: I like the TV program “Comedy Club”. I have an opportunity to see the world staying at home.

Teacher: I think that all of us don’t imagine our life without mobile phone.

Student: As for me, I always have my mobile phone. I can listen to music, call to my friends and parents, make photos and go online.

Teacher: Thanks for your participating. You are very active today. Your marks are …. (назвать оценки за урок)

Your homework will be to write the article for our college press.

Our time is up. And now our lesson is over. I hope that the theme of our lesson was useful and interesting for you. Good bye.