Открытое занятие по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" "Меры безопасности в работе электрика"

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Открытое занятие по дисциплине “Иностранный язык” специальность 110810.51 “Электрификация и автоматизация сельского хозяйства”

Цели и задачи:

  • обобщить и систематизировать знания по теме занятия;
  • проверить усвоение модальных глаголов долженствования в упражнениях и устной речи в рамках темы
  • раскрыть особенности системы мер безопасности в работе электрика, принятых в международном сообществе;
  • развивать память и внимание с помощью упражнений различного характера;
  • развивать умение работать в команде при выполнении игрового задания;
  • воспитывать уважение и ответственное отношение к своей профессии;
  • воспитывать осознание принадлежности к мировому сообществу;



Teacher: Good afternoon, students!

Students: Good afternoon, teacher!

Teacher: I’m glad to see you.

Students: We are glad to see you too.

Teacher: Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

Student: I am.

Teacher: Who is absent?

Student: Nobody is.

Teacher: Thank you. Take your seat.

Electrician mistakes once a life – when he chooses profession...

The second mistake may be fatal... Today we are going to speak about safety measures for electrician at work. Tell me: is it important for electrician to know and follow safety measures?

Student: Yes. I think it’s very important.

Teacher: During the lesson we’ll revise

• Safety signs

• Potential hazards at work

• First aid rules

• Means of individual protection

• Protective equipment

• Safe work practices and learn

• How to report an accident

We’ll move step by step up to the top and if you do all the tasks well, you’ll get Safety Course Certificate. OK?

Students: OK!

Teacher: To get the Certificate you need: listen to me and your friends’ reports attentively, be active and do the tasks in your work books. Let’s start and take the first step up! Yesterday we read the text about safety signs. So, according to ISO international standards there are three types of signs. What are they?

Students: Warning, prohibition, mandatory

Teacher: That’s right. Look at the screen or task 3 in your work-books. Which of these signs are warning, prohibition or mandatory?

Student 1 (2, 3...):

1) prohibition 2) mandatory

3) warning 4) prohibition

5) warning 6) prohibition 7) mandatory 8) warning

Teacher: OK, now a more difficult task. Look at task 4. Match the signs to the instructions. Keep in mind - there is one odd instruction.

Студентам даётся 2 минуты на выполнение задания по рабочей тетради. Проверка выполнения осуществляется фронтально.

Students: 1 I 2 G 3 F 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 H 8 B

Teacher: Well done. I think it’s time to move up. Electricians at work are exposed to several hazards. What are they? Mr. Dmitriev has prepared a report.

Listen and say what are the three main electrical hazards?

Student: Electricity is a source of power. Electricians, electronic technicians, power line workers work with electricity directly. Working with or around electricity exposes workers to lots of hazards. We are going to remind you about some of them. Here are three hazardous groups. (полный текст сообщения находится в приложении)

Teacher: Thank you, Mr. Dmitriev. Now (addressing the group), answer my question: what are the three main electrical hazards?

Student: Electric shock, electrical burns, еlectrocution.

Teacher: Right you are.

Teacher: Have a look at the chart in task 5. It shows the general relationship between the degree of injury and amount of current effecting the human body.

The current level is not shown. Complete the chart. What amount of current is allowed for the first line? Perception level. Slight tingling sensation. Still dangerous under certain conditions...

Student 1: 1 mA

Teacher: Right. The second line: Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing. Average individual can let go. However, strong involuntary reactions to shocks in this range may lead to injuries.

Student 2: 5 mA

Teacher: Good of you! So, the next....

Teacher: You see how dangerous the electric shock is. If you experience electric shock, you, perhaps won’t be able to help yourself, but if your co-worker is in trouble you should try to save him. Mr Ruzhbeliaev is going to remind you of the first aid rules for electric shock. Listen to his report and say: What must you do first of all?

Student: Shock victims must be removed immediately from the source of electricity. To protect yourself from shock, turn off the power before touching the victim, wire or equipment... (см. приложение 1 )

Teacher: Thank you. So, what must you do first of all?

Student: We must turn off the power.

Teacher: I think not only electricians but people of other professions should know this. Let’s watch video episode 1. Then you will do task 6 in your work books.

So, first – watch the video, then – look through task 6, third – watch the video again and choose the correct item.

Студенты просматривают видеофрагмент1 два раза, затем выполняют задание в рабочей тетради.

Teacher: Well, are you ready to check up?

Student: 1. A man has climbed a power pole. 2. The rescue man was informed that power had been put off the line. 3. When he touched the wire 50 thousand volts jawed him. 4. Fortunately his safety strap prevented him from falling. 5. He was treated for surprisingly minor injuries.

Teacher: Does everyone agree with the choice? Yes! Well done.

Teacher: The man didn’t die only due to safety equipment and his co-workers’ help. So, never neglect means of individual protection. What means of protection do you need?

Student: Protection gloves, hard hat, protection boots, goggles, ear plugs, tight trousers and sleeves, safety strap, climbers...

Teacher: Well, I see you know them. What do you think: Is there any difference in MIPs for working on the power pole and in the basement?

Student: Yes. Some MIPs are different for different conditions of work.

Teacher: Let’s play. Dasha and Max will be electricians. Mr Iskoskin and Mr Ivanov will help them. I’ve got some MIPs on my table. Find suitable things and put them on. Max’s working on the pole, Dasha – in the basement. The time is limited for 2 minutes.

Teacher: Your time is up. Show your results and give short comments about them.

Student (assistant 1): Our electrician works at height, so he needs safety strap, protective gloves, tight clothes, a tool belt and a hard hat. He also needs a safety strap and goggles.

Teacher: Is everything correct? Thank you. Now, let’s listen to the second team.

Student (assistant 2): Our electrician works in the basement. So she needs protection boots, a hard hat, tool belt, protective gloves and a torch, perhaps. She may also need a rubber mat to stand on.

Teacher: Thanks. Take your seat, please.

Teacher: I think this electrician also needs GFСI.

This device is widely used in all western countries inside and outside the buildings.

Listen to the recording 2 times and fill in the gaps in task 7 with appropriate words. You may put the number of the gap next to the word.

Студенты прослушивают аудиозапись два раза и выполняют задание в рабочей тетради.

Teacher: Now let’s check up.

Student: A ground fault circuit interrupter is an electrical device which protects personnel by detecting potentially hazardous ground faults and quickly disconnecting power from the circuit. A potentially dangerous ground fault is any amount of current above the level that may deliver a dangerous shock. Therefore, GFСIs are required in such places as dwellings, hotels, construction sites, near swimming pools and hot tubs and other wet places.

Teacher: Brilliant!

Teacher: And with GFСI we make a step up to Protective equipment. Listen to report of Mr Pashkanov and answer my questions:

1. What protective shields are used in Europe?

2. What kinds of plugs are used for grounding?

3. What circuit protection devices do you know?

Student: There are various ways of protecting people from the hazards caused by electricity, including insulation, guarding, grounding and electrical protective devices. (см. Приложение 1)

Teacher: Thank you, Mr Pashkanov. Now answer my questions:

1. What protective shields are used in Europe?

Student: Plexiglas shields are used in Europe as protective ones.

Teacher: What kinds of plugs are used for grounding?

Student: Three prong plugs are used for grounding.

Teacher: What circuit protection devices do you know?

Student: Fuses, circuit breakers, GFCIs....

Teacher: Mr Pashkanov has mentioned Lock-out tag outs. These items must be put on the faulty equipment. Look through task 8 in your work books. Watch the video episode 2 and put the steps of lockout procedure into correct order.

Студенты смотрят видеофрагмент 2 и выполняют задание в рабочей тетради.

Teacher: So, let’s check up.

Student: 1. Notify personnel; 2. Initial evaluation; 3. Shut down, isolate, lock or block; 4. Apply completed tags; 5. Flag if appropriate; 6. Clear the area; 7. Try equipment

Teacher: Good. You all worked in summer and your supervises always told you: do this, don’t do this. OSHA has introduced many instructions for electricians. Listen to report of Mr Kavkasin. He will tell you about some of them.

Student: So, workers can reduce electrical hazards by following some basic precautions... (см. приложение 1 )

Teacher: Right you are, Mr. Kavkasin. Who knows whose life it will take...

Teacher: Things happen. And even if you follow all safety measures you are still in danger. If you got into an accident at work you must report about it in correct and clear form.

Let’s watch the 50000 volt video again and then you will report the accident for the emergency doctors.

Студенты смотрят видеофрагмент 1 ещё раз и выполняют задание в рабочей тетради.

Teacher: OK, let’s see what you have written in your report.

Student reads the report aloud.

Teacher: Now you know how to report about an accident. And we have reached the top of the pole.

Teacher: Finally I’d like to ask you to evaluate your work. Look at page 8 in your work-books and mark the after action review.

Students fill the after action review form in the workbook.

Teacher: Now, show me your results, please. I see, you know safety measures for electrician at work. And I’m happy to give you Safety Course Certificates.

(преподаватель вручает каждому студенту сертификат и комментирует за какой вид деятельности на занятии студент заслужил награду)

Teacher: Before finishing our lesson I wish to say that no matter what type of electrical hazards confronts you, always stop to notice what’s going on and think about a safe plan of action. Thoughtful action is the best strategy for any electrical emergency.

Be safe. And don’t take chances! Thank you for the excellent work! Good-bye.

Students: Good-bye.

Приложение 2. Рабочая тетрадь.

Приложение 3.

Приложение 4.

Приложение 5.