Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Чудеса архитектуры". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цель: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме.


  • активизация изученной лексики по теме;
  • повторение типовых фраз;
  • продолжение работы над развитием коммуникативных умений в говорении (диалогические и монологические высказывания), аудировании, письме;
  • продолжение работы над развитием умения работать в группе, инициативы, творчества, воображения, уважения к мнению товарищей;
  • продолжить работу над интеллектуальным развитием учащихся;
  • продолжить работу над развитием речевых способностей, психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью, и мыслительных операций;
  • продолжить работу над развитием мотивации к изучению английского языка;
  • продолжить работу над развитием общеучебных умений;
  • формирование способности анализировать и давать оценку.

Оформление доски: тема, цель, задачи урока, элементы проекта, его цель и критерии, карта мира.

Оборудование: выставка книг об архитектурных достопримечательностях, рекламные буклеты, магнитофон, видеомагнитофон.

Примечание: по ходу урока за правильные ответы творческие группы получают жетоны, при упоминании какой-либо достопримечательности её местонахождение отмечается на карте мира.

Ход урока

Этапы урока



ление темы и целей урока (3 мин.)
1. T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you very much!

CL: Good morning, Irina Vitalevna!

2. At the beginning of our lesson I suggest you listening to the song and answer some questions:

What is this song about?

What words can we use to formulate the theme of our lesson? (…)

3. What are your answers? (…) Right you are.

4. So, our theme is “A World of Wonders”.And today we’ll speak about wonderful landmarks and their specific details.

So, let’s begin our work.

Видеозапись песни “This is wonderful world” (Click on – 2, Virginia Evans).

На доске: тема, цель, задачи.

зация лексики (5 мин.)
First of all let’s revise the words according to our theme.

1. What kinds of landmarks do you know. Name the words in chain, please. (CL…) You are splendid.

2. What verbs can we use describing landmarks? (P1…) Right you are. Thank you very much.

3. Take a card. All together read materials (CL…) P2 – translate.





Earth and red rock








Stained glass


Stone, wood

На партах выданы карточки.
  4. And what adjectives do you use according to landmarks (in groups)
s k y s c r a p e r a b m
o p o e c a s t l e t r o
p y c h a m b e r h o i n
a r h f r j h g c g w d u
l a g d v l g y h f e g m
a m p h i t h e a t r e e
c i f s n a g g p b c x n
e d d j g d z c l n m b t
v k s n s c d t e m p l e

Thank you very much. You know many words. Let’s continue our lesson and watch TV.

На партах выданы карточки.
Просмотр видео-
ролика (5-7 мин.)
You’ll have to see an episode and write down the names of the landmarks and their specific details. (просмотр и ответы на видеовопросы) Видеоролик о Лондонских достопримеча-тельностях (Click on – 2, Virginia Evans).
вание (5 мин.)
There are many other landmarks in different countries in the world. Guess what it is and mark its location at the map:

The Kremlin: It is in the centre of Moscow, Russia. It is made of red brick and has twenty towers. Inside it are many churches and palaces which are open to the public.

The Royal Albert Hall: It is a circular building with a huge domed roof near Kensington Gardens in London. It is named after the husband of Queen Victoria of England. Many famous musicians and orchestras have performed at it.

The Sphinx: It is one of the most famous landmarks in the world It is also one of the oldest. It was constructed over 4,000 years ago in Egypt. The face of King Khafre, the King of Egypt at that time, is carved into the rock. It is situated close to the pyramids.

The Jorvik Viking Centre: It is located underground, in the old town of York. Visitors can see part of the Viking town that was discovered when a local shopping centre was being built. The museum has a display of traditional costumes.

Notre Dame Cathedral: It's in Paris. It was built in 1345. It's used as a place of worship. It is 68 metres high. The Cathedral is famous for its stained glass windows.

The Pyramid of the Sun: It is in the ancient city in Mexico. It is a pyramid with hundreds of steps that lead up to the site of an old temple it was completed in AD 200. it is made4 of earth and red rock. It was used for religious reasons.

Uluru: this enormous rock is located in Australia. Its name means “The centre of the Earth”. It is surrounded by flat land. People are amazed by its beautiful orange colour, its caves that contain fascinating carvings and drawings.

The Taj Mahal: it is one of the most beautiful building in the world. It was built by an Indian ruler. He built it in honour of his wife after she died.

The Sydney Opera House: It is a strange-looking building reminding of sailing boats. in Australia. It was designed by a Danish architect called Jorn Utzon. It was opened in 1973. There's a concert hall, two theatres, a cinema and a recording studio inside.

The Wieliczka Salt Mine: It is in southern Poland. Visitors are taken down into a hidden world of natural and man-made wonders.

They can see the enormous chambers which have been dug out of the solid rock. They can also see pretty green lakes, and chapels with beautiful carvings. There are also 250 kilometres of tunnels and underground caves with huge salt crystals in strange shapes .A special attraction is the Chapel of the Blessed Kinga, which was made by the miners themselves in a chamber 100 metres underground. The walls and floor of the chapel, as well as the lovely statues it contains, have been carved from rock salt.

The Louvre: It is the national museum and art gallery of France. It was used as a royal palace until 1682. It was opened to the public as a museum and art gallery in 1793.

Today many of the world's most famous paintings are kept in it, as well as sculptures, jewellery and other forms of art.

The Little Mermaid: It is located in the harbour of Copenhagen. This small statue is the national symbol of Denmark. It was inspired by a fairy tale by the famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen. The statue was made by Edvard Eriksen in 1913.

The Arc de Triomphe: It is located in Paris. It was completed in 1835. it is made of stone blocks. It was built as a memorial to Napoleon’s victorious battles.

Использованы материалы из “Enterprise-2”, Virginia Evans.
Защита проектов (22 мин. – по 4 мин. на группу; 5 групп) You home task was to create an advertisement about a world-famous landmark. What is the aim of it? How did you prepare your project? What should your advertisement include? What are the criteria of it? (CL…)

You must make us go to your country and see this wonder of the world.

(1 гр: о Китае в виде диалога в книжном магазине и представление книги об архитектуре этой страны.

2 гр: о Статуе Свободы в виде озвучивания видеоролика.

3 гр: самые высокие здания мира, представление их макетов.

4 гр: достопримечательности Италии с представлением народных танцев, рекламной брошюры.

5 гр: Египетские пирамиды – в виде диалога в турагенстве, с макетами, фото.)

После каждого выступления задаются вопросы слушателям: Have you caught any information according to our plan? What did you like in this add?
Подведение итогов, объяснение д/з. (3 мин.) - Thank you for your work. Let’s choose the best advertisement. Whose project did you like most of all and why? (…) Count your cards. So, your choice is … .

- Look at the map, please. We see there are many interesting places in the world which should not be missed. I hope you’ll visit a lot of wonderful landmarks in your future and admire their spectacular views.

- Open your record books. Put your mark for the lesson. You were splendid (your marks for the work are…). Thank you for the lesson.