Открытый урок по теме "Город моей мечты"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


  • активизирование речевой деятельности;
  • систематизация знаний по теме: “Город”;
  • повышение лингвострановедческой компетенции.


  • развитие умений выделять главное и обобщать изученное;
  • совершенствование навыков аудирования.


  • воспитание чувства патриотизма;
  • развитие интереса к предмету.

практическая: развитие всех видов речевой деятельности: аудирования, говорения, чтения, письмо; расширение словарного запаса, поддержание интереса к предмету.

Задачи урока: формирование навыков аудирования, развитие навыков монологической речи, чтения, письма с использованием пройденного лексического и грамматического материала.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий.

Вид урока: урок-игра.

Оборудование (средства обучения): компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, 9 слайдов, карта города, карточки с названиями дней недели, надпись “A Town of My Dream” , призы, плакат
“A town ”.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение цели урока).

T: Good morning, children! Sit down! We have an unusual lesson today.

Look at the blackboard. You can see an empty town. We must build it. You, my dear friends, should answer my questions. Each participant gets one point for every correct answer. If the answer is wrong, you’ll get no points. Our game has eight tasks. (На доске прикреплен пустой лист. Учащемся необходимо построить свой город, но для этого необходимо выполнить ряд заданий. За каждый правильный ответ участники игры получают один из элементов города.)


II. Основная часть.

T: And now we come to the first round (task) of the game. Change your task. (Презентация. Слайд 2) (Учащиеся выбирают последовательность заданий, нажимая на двери любого здания)

1. Post office.

T: Riddles. Your home task was to prepare riddles. Go to the blackboard and ask your riddles and we’ll try to guess them (Слайд 8). (Учащиеся загадывают друг другу загадки.)

P1: It runs and runs,
But it'll never run out.
It flows.
Who knows?
What I'm talking about?
(A river.)


P2: It is running
Night and day,
But it never
Runs away.
(A watch.)


P3: What has four legs
But is not an animal?
(A table.)


I am white,
I am good to drink.
What am I?


P4: I am yellow,
I am made from milk,
You eat me with bread.


What goes up when the rain comes down?
(An umbrella.)


P5: I am big,
I am in the sky
I give light.
What am I?
(The Sun.)


P6: I am not a bird,
But I have wings,
I can fly
What am I?
(A fly, a butterfly.)


P7: It does not speak,
Nor does it sing,
Or at the door-bell
Give a ring,
But still it lets
Its master know
Someone wants to see him.
(A dog.)


P8: Never planted,
Still it grows.
What's the answer?
Now who knows?

2. ZOO.

T: We have animals in our zoo. We have:

a tiger
a wolf
an owl
a monkey
a turtle t
a mouse
a viper
a goose
a fox
a parrot

Write the words in the plural form. (Cлайд 4) (Написать слова во множественном числе.)


T: Transport. Look at the screen. Name these transport means and make up sentences. (Cлайд 3) (Составить предложения с предложенными видами транспорта)


T: Work in the group. Tell your favourite jokes. (Cлайд 5) (Рассказать любимые шутки. Работа в группах.)

For example:

At the Lesson.

Teacher: And what do we make from wool?

Boy: I don't know.

Teacher: What is your coat made of?

Boy: My coat was made from father's old coat

He Needs Training Little Dime:

Dime: Mummy, I want to be an Arctic explorer:

Mother: That's fine, my boy.

Dime: But I want to go into training at once. Please, give me some money for ice-cream, so that I can get used to the cold.

Much Work.

Teacher: You have very much money, Pete.

Pete: Yes, mother gives me fifty co pecks if I come to the table with clean hands.

Teacher: Oh, so much money for a little boy!

Pete: Yes, but I do much work for it.


T: You have got lists with buildings. Let’s build a street. Listen to me attentively. (cлайд 7) (Аудирование. Учащиеся прослушивают текст и расставляют предметы.)

T: We can see a park. There is a café in the park. There are many flowers and trees round the café. There is a supermarket behind the café. Near the supermarket there is a cinema. On the right there is a library on the corner. There is a museum in the middle of the street. There is a school behind the library.

Let’s check your work. Change the lists with your neighbor. And give a mark for this work.


T: School timetable. Make up your School timetable. Be attentive! (Cлайд 6) (Составить собственное расписание.)

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

III. Подведение итогов.

It was the final lesson. And I liked your work very much. You’ll get good and excellent marks. The lesson is over. Good – bye.