Внеклассное мероприятие для начальной школы

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Представление основывается на сюжете сказки “Теремок”. В нем участвуют: Маленькая Разбойница (из “Снежной королевы”), Пингвин (из “Мадагаскар”), Гарри Поттер, Красная Шапочка, Кот в сапогах, Капитан Джек Воробей и Дюймовочка.


The Little Robber Girl


Harry Potter

Little Red Riding Hood

Puss in Boots

Captain Jack Sparrow


(На сцене стоит теремок. Появляется Маленькая Разбойница.)

The Little Robber Girl:

Snow is falling

All is white

All is bright

A billion snowflakes

Fill the air

They are falling everywhere.

It is Christmas time. Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming? Oh, Christmas is coming… I’m alone. I have no mother. I have no father. I have no sister. I have no brother. I have no friends.…

(Увидела теремок.)

It is a nice house.

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? Nobody. I will live here.

(На сцене появляется Красная Шапочка.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around.

Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground.

Snowflakes, snowflakes in the air

Snowflakes, snowflakes everywhere.

There are a lot of snowflakes everywhere.

(Увидела теремок.)

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

The Little Robber Girl: I live in this house. I’m The Little Robber Girl. And who are you?

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

The Little Robber Girl: I’m alone. Do you want to be my friend?

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes.

The Little Robber Girl: Come in. Let us live together.

(Мимо шагает Гарри Поттер.)

Harry Potter:

It is winter time

And it is cold.

But I’m happy

Playing in the snow.

(Попадает снежком в теремок.)

What a nice house!

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

The Little Robber Girl: We live in this house. I’m The Little Robber Girl.

Little Red Riding Hood: And I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

The Little Robber Girl: And who are you?

Harry Potter: My name is Harry Potter. Let me live in your house.

The Little Robber Girl: Come in, please.

(Мимо шагает Пингвин.)


Christmas stockings are so bright.

They are green and red and white.

Look at them at Christmas night

They make such a beautiful sight!

(Увидела теремок.)

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

The Little Robber Girl: We live in this house. I’m The Little Robber Girl.

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

Harry Potter: I’m Harry Potter. And who are you?

Penguin: I’m Penguin. Let me live in your house.

The Little Robber Girl: Come in, please.

(На сцену выходит Кот в сапогах.)

Puss in Boots:

Water is freezing

In the lake

Across the frozen ice we can skate.

Or build a snowman

On a hill

Or ride a snowboard

It’s a thrill.

(Увидел теремок.)

What can I see? It is a nice little house. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

The Little Robber Girl: We live in this house. I’m The Little Robber Girl.

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

Harry Potter: I’m Harry Potter.

Penguin: I’m Penguin. And who are you?

Puss in Boots: I’m Puss in Boots. Let me live in your house.

The Little Robber Girl: Welcome to our house.

(Все герои украшают ёлку. На сцену выходит Дюймовочка.)

Thumbelina: Hi! What are you doing?

Penguin: We are decorating the Christmas tree.

Puss in Boots: Look! There are so many Christmas decorations!

Little Red Riding Hood: Bright lights!

Harry Potter: Shiny ornaments!

The Little Robber Girl: We are waiting for Christmas!

Thumbelina: Christmas?

Puss in Boots: Yes. It’s a special time of the year!

Penguin: And who are you?

Thumbelina: I’m a poor girl. My name is Thumbelina. In summer I live in the field. But now it’s very cold.

The Little Robber Girl: We live in the nice warm house. I’m The Little Robber Girl.

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

Harry Potter: I’m Harry Potter.

Penguin: I’m Penguin.

Puss in Boots: I’m Puss in Boots. You may live with us.

Thumbelina: Thanks!

Penguin: Look! Snow! Let’s play in the snow!

(Герои играют в снежки. На сцену выходит Джек Воробей.)

Captain Jack Sparrow:

I’m the Captain of a pirate ship

And I’m not afraid of the sea.

All the sharks are afraid of me!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Pretty decorations…. Hi! Who are you?

The Little Robber Girl: We are friends. I’m The Little Robber Girl.

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

Harry Potter: I’m Harry Potter.

Penguin: I’m Penguin.

Puss in Boots: I’m Puss in Boots.

Thumbelina: I’m Thumbelina.

Captain Jack Sparrow: What is this?

The Little Robber Girl: Christmas tree.

Puss in Boots: We are waiting for Christmas.

Captain Jack Sparrow: What is Christmas?

Little Red Riding Hood: Christmas dishes.

Harry Potter: Time with friends.

Thumbelina: Christmas decorations.

Penguin: Giving and opening presents!

Captain Jack Sparrow:

I love the holidays too!

I’d love to celebrate with you!

My name is Captain Jack Sparrow. Let me be your friend.

Little Red Riding Hood: With pleasure. Keep Christmas with us!

Puss in Boots: Christmas magic!

Penguin: Christmas fun!

All characters: Merry Christmas everyone!

(Исполнение песни “We love Christmas”.)