Методическая разработка по дисциплине "Английский язык" на тему "Межличностные отношения. Молодежь в современном мире"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип занятия: урок изучения нового материала.

Методы обучения: Проблемный метод, дискуссия.

Время: 90 мин.

Средства: мультимедийный проектор, экран, компьютерная презентация .

Цели урока:

1. Цель познания:

– знакомство с проблемами молодежи в Великобритании, сравнение с жизнью подростков в России;
– чтение и аудирование с целью извлечения полной информации;

2. Цель развития (формируемые компетенции): способствовать формированию компетенций:

ОК4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

Речевая компетенция:

совершенствование монологической формы речи;
– формирование коммуникативных навыков студентов, способности логического изложения материала.

Языковая компетенция: овладение новыми языковыми средствами в рамках изучаемой темы;

Социокультурная компетенция: расширение знаний о жизни молодежи и подростков страны изучаемого языка.

3. Цель воспитания:

– содействовать социальной адаптации подростков;
– воспитывать толерантность в отношениях со сверстниками;
– воспитывать стремление к здоровому образу жизни.

Студент должен:

содержание статьи “ To be or not to be?”
– устную речь студентов в рамках поставленных проблем;

участвовать в обсуждении проблем по прочитанному материалу;
– грамотно излагать свою точку зрения;
– использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности;

Междисциплинарные связи: “Обществознание”.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя.

Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you at our conference. Who is absent today?

Today we’ll be discussing the report you’ve read and translated at home about life of the British teenagers “To be or not to be?” and then compare these problems with the problems of Russian teens. And I wish you good luck. Don’t worry. We begin.

First of all we’ll check your homework read and translate the article.

1. Warm up. Answer the questions:

– Why did minority young people study at University in the past?

– In what pats of Great Britain is unemployment high nowadays?

– Why is unemployment so high among people who have graduated from University?

– How does situation in the job markets affect pupils too?

– How changes in families do affect young people?

– What do you think about peer pressure?

– What major problems have you read about?

2. Teacher: Nowadays young people in Britain face more problems then ever before.

What are they? Tell us the main of them, please.

Презентация. Slide 1.

S 1 : Parental pressure.

S 2: Changes in family life, divorce.

S 3: Peer pressure.

S 4: Unemployed and fear of the future.

S 5: Bad habits: smoking, drugs, alcohol.

3. Teacher: Well, let’s discuss all these problems and the first listen the project about relations between parents and their children.

Student report. Slide 2.

Children and parents.

Being a parent is probably the most difficult and demanding job people ever do. It can also be quite a disappointing time for some parents especially if they expected parenthood to be enjoyable all the time, or had unrealistic ideas about having the perfect child. But for most parents it is one of the happiest and most satisfying experiences of their lives.

There are some problems that can make being a parent even more difficult – such as lack of money, cramped housing conditions, problems in your relationship p.

The most important thing to remember is that there is no one correct way of bringing up a child. Provided their need are met, children from all different kinds of social, religious or cultural backgrounds can still grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults. You are the only experts when it comes to bringing up your children.

4. Teacher : In every family there’re some rules and regulations. Do you feel some

pressure from your parents? Tell us please what do they? The scheme below can help you

– allow you to do…
– permit you to do…
– make you do
– let you do…
– forbid you to do…

What do your parents allow you to do?

What do your parents make you do?

What do your parents forbid you to

– dress the way I want
– get a part time work
– organize party at home
– smoke
– help with housework
– baby sitting
– drink
– choose my friend
– be at home by… ’clock
– stay late at night
– observed the curfew
– make dinner for myself

Or something else

Slide 3.

Высказывания студентов.

5 Teacher:

In Great Britain so in Russia children of the previous generation almost always lived in a traditional family with both parents and their brothers and sisters. Nowadays divorce remarriage are very common and many young people have to hope with the separation of their parents and readjusting to a new family.

So next problem, we’ll be discussing DIVORCE.

Student report:


Their marriage ended in divorce. Why? There can be many reasons. Divorce is usually very painful for both sides. Divorce is the official ending of a marriage, declared by a court of law.

Divorce is legal in many countries: in Russia, European countries. It’s legal in Britain, though not in Ireland, and can be given for an irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. This can be caused by adultery, cruelty, or desertion and in Britain by two years separation.

In the USA divorce is also legal, though different states may have different laws about it. In most states one may get a divorce for the same reasons as in Britain, usually after at least one year’s separation, and in some states one can get a no-fault divorce, when a person doesn’t blame either person.

In both Britain and America the court decides which parent should have custody of the children, how the property is to be divided, and whether one partner, usually the husband, should pay money towards the living costs of the other and children

Teacher: Well, thanks for your researching. And I’d like to know your mind about it.

Discussion about the report.

1. What do you think why divorce is usually very painful for both sides?

2. Where is divorce legal?

3. Could you tell me if you live in full family or with the single parent?

You are lucky children! But imaging, that you live with the single parent. What difficulties do you face?

Possible answers students: shortage of money, difficulties in relations with stepmother, stepfather or stepsister and stepbrother.

6. Teacher:

Next serious teens’ problems are bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drugs.

In Great Britain teenagers have right to buy cigarettes and alcohol at age of 17. In our country this age is 18 and 21, but in many places teens can get alcohol and cigarettes easily.

Maybe it is not the important problem?

There are people who claim that this is not serious problem. What is your idea about it?


The problem of smoking is much under discussion. Some people smoke some don’t. At present little is known for certain about the tobacco effect on the human organism. The amount of nicotine absorbed by heavy smoker per day is capable of killing a horse. Yet it does no visible harm to the smoker. At least no immediate harm.

As to long-range effects much of what is attributed to tobacco can be caused by different factors. Quite a number of studies are carried on in order to establish caused effect relationship between smoking and some dangerous diseases. The number of theories advanced is increasing, but the many papers dealing with the problem have to admit that most evidence is ambiguous and there is a little confusion and a lot of controversy concerning the results obtained. However the little evidence that is conclusive makes all doctors say that the practice is harmful.

Most of those smoking wish to give it up and it is the matter of records that a great-many heavy smokers often make several attempts before they give up … either smoking or the attempts. It requires not a little will power and a great deal of determination. So only few succeed. And those few say that they have felt so much better ever since.

Discussion about the report.

Teacher: Let’s discuss that report, answer some my questions:

Do you to smoke? How old are you? How do you buy cigarettes, I wonder.

Well, students, who of you smoking? Nobody .Very good. I see.

More and more teens are turning to drugs. Look at the screen and let’s read the official reports.

Статистика наркомании среди подростков. Students report:


The Using of heroin drugs has been rising steadily in last 10 years.

Nowadays Russia take the first place in the world of using heroin drugs.

Our country consumes 75-80 ton heroin every year.

There are 503000 people with drug addiction.

But the real number is much more about 2,5 million people among them:

20% – schoolchildren;

60% – the people from 16–30 years old;

20% – older 30 years old;

14 000 children with drug addiction;

30 000 people die from drugs every year.


7. Teacher: What is your attitude towards the following opinions about drug and drug addiction.

Высказывания студентов по полученной информации:

S1 – In my opinion the idea that drugs can help to escape problems is nonsense;

S2 – I think a lot of people take drugs as rebellion, but it’s a one way ticket;

S3 – By my view, the popularity of drugs can be explained by the failure of our culture to allow us to express ourselves freely;

S4 – I suppose, drugs ruin our dreams. They make our lives unhappy;

S5 – The unpleasant side of drugs is degradation. All of them destroy people. They’ve got that death tag on them;

S6 – I don’t think that drugs help to escape from the problems and boredom of everyday life.

S7 – It causes to lose everything financially and emotionally.

8. Teacher: And at the last tell us what do you feel about teens’ problems

I find them…

useless to discuss
difficult to solve
interesting to discuss

Звучит стихотворение читает студент:

Why is nothing ever easy, why are some boys so very sleazy?
Why can’t I have that brand new dress? Why am I under so much stress?
Why don’t my parents ever believe me? Why can’t they ever see…
Why do I feel so often unhappy?
Why do they always wish I was still in a nappy?
Why does my face feel like a block of lard? Why are all these years really hard?
There’s a reason for all these problems tears.

I’m going through my TEENAGE YEARS!

III. Подведение итогов, выводы из полученной информации. Рефлексия.

– What new information have you known?
– What was the most interesting for you?
– If that information useful for you?


It’s new


I think otherwise


It’s interesting


I don’t understand

IV. Домашнее задание. Сообщение “Молодежные субкультуры”.

Homework: to write the report “The youth subculture”.