Урок-КВН. 2-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 2


  • Шары разноцветные (праздник спорта)
  • На доске:


Sport is good for all.

Цели урока:

  • Повторение и закрепление ранее изученного материала (лексики, грамматики);
  • Развитие навыков чтения, письма и говорения;
  • Развитие внимания и логического мышления;
  • Развитие умения работать в группе;
  • Воспитание у учащихся познавательного интереса;
  • Расширение кругозора.


  • цветные фотографии с видами спорта;
  • карточки с определёнными видами заданий;
  • эмблемы для участников зимних видов спорта: лыжники (skier) конькобежцы (skater);
  • Smart board (для презентации текста);
  • шоколадные медали победителям и конфеты всем участникам.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

– Good afternoon, children.
– Glad to meet you.
– Welcome to our club of merry and quick-witted (cheery and sharp witted) people.

2. Речевая зарядка.

– Do you like English?
– Can you read in English?
– Can you write in English?
– Can you speak English?

3. Задачи урока.

  • – Let’s play and see if you know the words on the topic “Sport”, if you can read and do grammar tasks.
    – Let’s see who the best in English is today and whose team is the best in English.
  • First of all we must divide into two teams. Split.
  • Everybody, come up to me and take ay card you like
    1-st team “SKIERS” 2-nd team “SKATERS”

Who has got the card with the letter “C”? Well you are the captains of your teams.

4. Основная часть.

Today we have invited guests to our lesson. They are the teachers of our Gymnasia and they will judge our competition.

Let’s begin our tournament (competition).

Do you know any English words on the topic “Sport”? Name them, please. (Учащиеся называют как можно больше слов по теме.)

  • Competition – warm-up (разминка)
  • Fill in the right letters.
  1. c…mpet…tion
  2. p…p…lar
  3. imp…rt…ant
  4. s…bj…ct
  5. s…adium
  6. b…dmint…n
  7. sk…ting r…nk
  8. sw…mming p……l
  9. f……tb…ll
  10. b…seb…ll
  • Word-chains (цепочки слов) :Find as many words as you can.
  • Find the pair (найди пару) and join the word together.









on the skating rink

a snowman

  • Make up questions and ask each other (one team asks the other team).

Have you got skates?/ Do you like to ski?
Can you skate well?/ Are you a good skater?
Where do you go to skate?/ Where do you like to ski?

  • Correct the mistakes.

1/ I goes in for figure skating.
2/ My sister likes play tag and hide-and-seek.
3/ My parents am good sportsmen.
4/ My friend like boxing.
5/ He are a strong boy.

  • Let’s have physical exercises.

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
1-2-3 hop! 1-2-3 stop!

  • And now let’s see how quick-witted you are. Do you remember poems and dialogues on the topic “sport”?
  • Now it’s time for you to read the text about sport “Sports are good for all.” Then we’ll see how you understand the text.

Sports are good for all.

Sport is popular nowadays.

Many people like sports. They do morning exercises, train in clubs and jog in the morning.

PE is an important subject at school. Boys and girls run, jump, play football, basketball, volleyball, ski and skate. They take part in school competitions. Sport helps people to have good health.

My favourite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool every week. My friend likes toplay football. He is a good football player and a brave boy.

Are the sentences true or false (according to the text)?

  1. Sport is popular nowadays. (+)
  2. Many people don’t like sport. (-)
  3. English is an important subject at school. (-)
  4. They take part in school concerts. (-)
  5. Sports helps people to have good health. (+)
  6. My favourite sport is swimming. (+)
  7. I go to the swimming pool every day. (-)
  8. My friend likes to play basketball. (-)
  9. My friend is a brave boy. (+)
    It’s time to check up.
  • Captains’ competitions.

The city you are from
You favourite subject
Sport you go in for
Like/don’t like
So, what is the score?

  • Now speak about you family as a sporty one.

5. Заключение.

Thank you very much. The competitions are over. In some minutes our judges will tell us which one is the best today.

Награждение команды победителей.