Урок английского языка по теме "Жизнь насекомых". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Класс: 5

УМК: “Spotlight для 5 класса” Н.И.Быкова, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В.Эвенс.

Обучающая цель: знакомство с новой лексикой; обучение поисковому, ознакомительному чтению на основе текста “It’s an insect’s life!”;

Развивающая: развивать 4 вида речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо, говорение); развитие умения выполнять групповой проект;

Воспитательная: воспитание любви к животному миру, учить работать в группах, воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи.

Оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, плакаты для выполнения проекта, фломастеры.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент


Teacher (T):

Hello, children
Hello children
How are?
How are?
I’m fine, Thank you
I’m fine, Thank you
And you?
And you?
Let’s begin our lesson.

Фонетическая зарядка

T: Look at the screen. (слайд 1)

Therе is а rhyme. Let’s listen to a rhyme about a butterfly:

Butterfly, butterfly
Where do you fly?
So quick and so high
In the blue, blue sky.

- Listen and repeat after me. (учащиеся повторяют построчно рифмовку)

- All together (учащиеся повторяют рифмовку хором)

- Masha, read please (обучающиеся выборочно читают рифмовку)

2. Речевая зарядка Warming up

T: My, friends, the world around us is varied and beautiful.

If you go to a farm you meet farm animals. Do you know any farm animals? Name them. (слайд 2, учащиеся называют домашних животных) (a hen, a duck, a cow, a goose, a goat, a sheep, a rabbit)

T: If you go to the zoo or to the forest you meet wild animals. Do you know wild animals? Name them. (слайд 3, учащиеся называют диких животных) (a bear, a leopard, a crocodile, a rhino, a deer, a cobra, camel, an elephant, a lion, )

T: When you come home you meet pets. Name them (слайд 4, учащиеся называют домашних питомцев) (a cat, a dog, a guinea pig, a goldfish, a tortoise).

Т: Who has a pet? What pet have you got? Is she/ he big, small, clever. What colour is she/he? Do you like him?

(Ответы обучащихся, расскзывают о своих домашних животных)

Т: Listen to the sounds. (слайд 5)

Are they animals?

No!!! Of course they are not animals.

Т: What are they?

Pupils: Insects.

T: Today we are going to travel to an interesting world of insects. We will learn the names of some insects, will read the text about them, get new information about insects, make a project. (слайд 6)

3. Основная часть

Введение лексики:

Look at the screen. (слайды 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) Listen and repeat after me: T – Cl:











Повторяем слова индивидуально по схемам: T-P1, P2 (слайд 12,13,14,15,16, 17,18)

Oh, there are many words

Find insects (выполняем задание “найди слова”) (слайд 19):

Ladybird, hen, dragonfly, bee, goose, deer, fly, camel, ant, tortoise, beetle, duck, cow, mosquito, dog, wasp, grasshopper.

(Ответы учащихся)

Т: What insects can’t fly? (Ответы обучающихся: grasshopper, ant). They are ground insects

The others can fly. They are flying insects.

Работа с текстом.

a) Let’s look at ex. 2a on p 73 and read the title. What do you expect to read about?

(Ответы обучащихся)

Look at the picture and repeat the words. Do you know how many legs bees have got?

(Ответы обучащихся)

b) Scan the text and what is missing. Fill in the gaps (работа вместе). Read the text (слайд 20)

There are about ... million types of insects in the world. These little creatures live in our ... and gardens. Some live near water, others live in fields, ... and forests. Some ... come out during the day while others come out at night.

... are really important. They keep our gardens clean because they ... dead leaves and other waste. They are also an important food for ... and other animals. Some insects, like bees even make food - ....

с) Look at 2b answer the questions

(Обучащихся отвечают на вопросы к тексту)


Let’s relax
Let’s fly like a butterfly
Let’s jump like a grasshopper
Let’s fly like a fly
Let’s walk like a ladybird.

T: We have two groups


Complete the table (по группам):

ladybirds They are ...  (colour). They live in... They can...
grasshoppers They are ... (colour). They live in... They can...

Let's check. Are you ready?

Tell about the insects using the table. Who can?

Выполнение проекта: (работа в группах, раздать два плаката)

Т: Look at the posters. They are nice. There is а funny sun, flowers, green grass, mushrooms but they haven’t got any movement, no people, no animals, no birds. Make a project and then tell us about insects, you can use your table and the text. I have got some insects, but they are colourless. Make them bright and colourful, glue them. Do it as quick as you can. You have 3 minutes. (учащиеся выполняют проект)

Т: The time is over

Let’s look at them, show us your projects. Two of you, come here.

T: Who can you see? What colour are they? What can they do? Where do they live?

(Обучащиеся представляют свои проекты, описывают насекомых)

Т: Your project is good and yours is good too. I like your projects. What about you? Do you like them?

(Ответы обучащихся)

Now they are bright, there are many insects. What do you see here? Name them.

The nature is so beautiful, protect it.

Do you hear sounds? The world is so nice with insects. They are really important. They keep our garden clean, eat waste, bees make honey

4. Подведение итогов

Do you hear buzzing? (buzzing) (надеваю маску пчелы)

I’m a bee. I work much, day and night. I have a big family. All bees work hard. There is an English saying: аs busy as a bee. Do you know its Russian equivalent? – (трудолюбивый как пчелка).And you worked as bees.

What’s in? (показываю подарочную коробку) Toys or sweets? I have sweet presents for you. You are nice. You know English well. Thank you for your help.

You’ve got five, four for the lesson. You worked well. (оцениваю обучающихся)

5. Домашнее задание: Open your recordbooks, and write down your hometask. It is to learn new words on р 73.

Goodbye my friends. Thanks for the lesson.
