Виртуальный текстовый чат по английскому языку. Тема: "About Myself". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Предполагается, что учащиеся знакомы с лексикой таких тем, как “Sports”, “Theatre”, “Cinema”, “Museums”, “Hobbies”. В качестве обучающих программ использовались компьютерные программы “ Bridge to English”, “Diamond English”.

Проведены подготовительные уроки по развитию лексических навыков учащихся по теме, развитию навыков письменной речи и использования речевых клише, а также обучению ведению переписки в условиях чата. (Приложение 1)

Форма занятия: интерактивный чат между учащимися 9-х классов.

Цель занятия: формирование вторичной языковой личности, способной вступать в межкультурную коммуникацию по теме “ Me & My Spare Time ”

Задачи занятия:

Практическая: научить учащихся участвовать в реальной иноязычной коммуникации на заданную тему в чате; проконтролировать уровень формирования монологических и диалогических умений, навыков чтения и письма; научить формировать оценочные суждения по заданной теме.

Образовательная: расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся через развитие умений и навыков использования и применения в речи лексических единиц по заданной теме и грамматических структур.

Воспитательная: воспитать у учащихся систему этических правил поведения в чате, культурно-этических правил ведения дискуссии и участия в беседе, повышение уровня культуры общения с незнакомыми людьми, виртуальными собеседниками.

Развивающая: задействовать эмоциональную сферу учащихся, формировать положительное эмоциональное отношение к виртуальному собеседнику, к незнакомым собеседникам, к собеседникам, выражающим придерживающихся мнения по проблеме, отличного от точки зрения собеседника.

Методическая задача учителя: вести виртуальную интерактивную беседу в нужном направлении согласно сценарию чата, мотивировать учащихся к высказыванию собственных мыслей. Роли “подсадных уток” – Приложение 2.

Оснащение урока:

Техническое: ICQ chat, телекоммуникационная связь, компьютеры.

Методическое: сценарий чата, раздаточный материал (памятки). (Приложение 3)

Языковой материал:

1) лексические единицы:

to be fond of
to have an enjoyable time
to devote much time to...
to be delighted (with) to be idle, to be bored
to waste time, a waste of time

2) Грамматический материал – complex sentences,
conditional mood, to be going to do,
Future simple tense, gerund, infinitive

3) Речевой материал:

a. Is there a tennis court here?
What's the charge per hour?
What occupation do you usually devote your free time to?
Are you interested in art or music?
Is it a pleasure to visit an art exhibition?
What kind of music are you delighted with?
Are you sometimes idle in your free time?
Is it the same free time and doing nothing?
Do you manage to find time for recreation?
Are there many rock fans?
Are you a telly addict? a computer freak?
What is your idea of having grand time?
Do you prefer outdoor activities?
Do you prefer recreation or rest?
b. Work done – have your fun
Business before pleasure
Lost time is never found again
Doing nothing is the most tiring occupation
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

План занятия:

1. Подключение (5 мин);
2. Регистрация (5 мин.);
3. Чат (20мин);
4. Подведение итогов (10 мин.).

Тематический план чата:

1. Greetings and getting acquainted
2. “In two days I have a holiday…. And what to choose?”
a) Opportunities and difficulties.
b) Free time: for recreation or for rest?
c) Indoor or outdoor activities.
3. Conclusions
4. Parting. Let’s meet again.

Сценарий чата:

Kitty: H/A!!! We R glad 2 meet U. )))))))))))))

Witch: H/A!!! Happy 2 chat /W U. !!!!!! !!!

Missy: Hello, everybody, we R happy 2 chat /W U! How R U today? Let’s get acquainted with each other. Who is going to chat today?

Charmy: Hi! Nice 2 meet U ALL! !!!!!!!!

Charmy best: I‟m fond of chatting…. H/A!!!! ….☺☺☺!!!)))))))

Missy: charmy best, by the way, what R your plans 4 U weekend? Guys, let’s speak of our holiday plans in general. Don’t you all find it exciting? What occupation do you usually devote your free time to? ))))

Kitty: It’s an interesting topic.

Unreal field: BK A4ME I’ll be very happy to have a cool holiday this week.

Charmy: Why? Aren’t U tiered from studies?

Unrealfield: But what will we do next?

Ok: 2 go camping, of course.

Lissy: Why should we go there? Aren’t U tired? Maybe stay at home and relax?

Naughty: I’m not going to go camping any more. I get tired.

Unrealfield: Ha-Ha!!! Are you going 2 sit at home? Are you sometimes idle in your free time? Is your dream to stare at TV?

Lazy: TV can teach you anything.

Naughty: I’m almost an orphan. My parents are very busy. My father is a businessman and my mother is a teacher. They leave home for work early and come back very late. All days long I’m alone. Even at the weekends my parents don’t pay attention to me, because they are very busy with housework. I’d like my parents to work less. Perhaps, they would get less money, but we would be a real friendly family and we will spend more time together.

Lazy: Why should I do fitness? Aren’t you tired of sports?

Presstile: unrealfield I’m W U here. Better to have some fun going out. We should have a cool holiday.

Cool: I think we must go to the night club and have some fun there.

Presstile: Perhaps UR right! But still we can’t do it every weekend.

Kitty: When I hear hip hop I get excited. Just think. It’s the time of our life. We are young…

Charmy: Right UR. We often go there. It’s boring and every time the same.

Lissy: Even slow person can move his body. – ))))))))

Kitty: It’s a waste of time!!!

Charmy: We should develop our mind & creativity.

Cool: And I’m crazy about night clubs. I like to mix with guys, make friends and get to know new folks.

Ok: Why? It’s stupidity!!!!

Cool: We must dance: It’s a kind of sports too. It’s a drive. So go on moving….

Justie: AFM I’m not going 2 the club. It’s only for a change. By the way, what kind of music are you delighted with?

Missie: Go easy! Don’t be so serious. It’s a chat, we are just chatting, let’s meet each other. I like “Tokyo Hotel”; I listen to it all the time. I eat a lot of chocolate and enjoy dancing. Are you with me here?

Unrealfield: Justie, What R U Going 2 do I wonder?

Justie: I’m going to the theatre or to the museum to be an intelligent person.

Kitty: What a stupidity!!!!

Naughty: I don’t have any intention to observe dull and old pictures.

Justie: but it’s what I’m going 2 do!!!!

Unrealfield: Why have U made up your mind of going there?

Justie: If you think that museums and theaters are unnecessary, you simply don’t want to be a cultured person.

Owo: CMIIW, Justie, maybe you are right. It’s something special: to go to an art exhibition, to the theatre or to a concert. !!

Justie: It’s silly 2 move your body.

Charmy: Yes, it’s dull. IMV NE person should realize his interests & abilities.

Missy: Can anybody advise me where to go? What kind of leisure activity to choose? Have you made up your mind what to do?

Charmy best: As 4 me I’m going 2 a fitness club.

Lazy: Sports give something only to the people who want neither to think nor to relax.

Charmy best: I do aerobics every weekend. It makes you fit.

Kitty: A4 Me I don’t not. It’s unnecessary.

Witch: It costs a lot of money I think. Is there a tennis court here? What's the charge per hour?

Charmy best: Not really as expensive as you think.

Owo: You can’t buy your health for any money!!!! :!!

Missy: That’s true!!! But what kind of leisure activities would you advise me now?

Lazy: I like love stories. I devote much time to reading. It’s never boring.

Charmy best: I must add here that every man is the architect of his own weekend. :))) That’s the saying.

Missy: Thank you everybody. I’ll be glad to meet you next time. Now I know that U R bright & clever, I’ll be glad 2 meet U next time.☺☺☺!!!

Mouselittle: Hey, everybody, BTW I’ve got a nice idea!!!! Let’s meet online next week!!!!!!!

Gallina: Weldone, Mouselittle! ))))))))

Missy: People, I think our time is up. We’ve talked about so many things. What conclusions can we make of our talk? Is there real love and friendship in our life? So let’s meet in reality, not vitality on weekend.

Gallina: So many men-so many pastimes)))) let’s spend our time together. Better do anything than be computer freaks.

Kitty: OK! Great ideas! Thank U, everybody. I’ll be very glad 2 meet U next time. CUL8R!!! )))))))))

Missy: Thank you everybody. I’ll be glad to meet you next time.

3. Подведение итогов чата.


What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
When squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can enrich
That smile her eyes began.
A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Teacher: Is it the same free time and doing nothing?

Do you manage to find time for recreation?

Do you prefer recreation or rest?

There are some English proverbs on your cards, try to find Russian equivalents to them.

Work done – have you fun

Business before pleasure.

Lost time is never found again

Doing nothing is the most tiring occupation

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Thank you very much for your good work. It’s interesting to know that you never waste time and spend your free time useful. I have some questions to ask: Are there many rock fans?

Are you a telly addict? A computer freak? What is your idea of having grand time? Do you prefer outdoor activities?

There are various ways you can choose to spend your leisure time. The difficulty sometimes is what leisure pattern to take up– there such a dozens to choose from. Different people spend free time differently. Some people like to go to concerts and listen to music, enjoy the songs of their favorite groups. Imagine please that you are at the concert of the famous group "Beatles" in 60th years and enjoy the song "Yesterday".

What impression did the song make on you? Do you like "The Beatles"? Is this group still famous?

Bye for now! Have a nice weekend!