"In the world of Books" ("В мире книг"). 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 8

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока: активизация лексики по теме «Жанры книг. Любимые писатели» в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников.

Задачи урока:


  • совершенствование монологической и диалогической речи учащихся;
  • активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых образцов по теме «Книги, жанры, писатели»;
  • совершенствование навыков понимания иноязычной речи на слух;
  • умение систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания.


  • развитие творческого воображения и мышления;
  • формирование умения коллективного речевого взаимодействия;
  • развитие речевой активности;
  • формирование метапредметных навыков и умений.


  • способствовать формированию интереса к чтению книг различных жанров писателей и поэтов своей страны и страны изучаемого языка;
  • формирование лингвистической и социокультурной компетенций;
  • умение аргументировать свою точку зрения с целью формирования единого мышления;
  • воспитание культуры учащихся средствами иностранного языка.


  • расширить кругозор учащихся.

Тип урока: повторение и закрепление полученных знаний с использованием информационных технологий.

Оснащение урока:

  • Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.
  • Презентация в Power Point.
  • Аудиозапись носителей языка.

Оформление: полка с выставкой книг, портретами писателей и поэтов, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока. Введение в тему.

Good morning, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you! How are you? That`s great! Sit down, please. Let's start our lesson. Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world! Well try to guess what it is!

– Please, look at the screen. There you can see some proverbs. I would like you to read and translate them:

  1. Books are our best friends.
  2. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
  3. Don't judge a book by its cover. (Слайд 2)

Now, are you ready to continue the lesson and answer the questions:

1) What is the theme of the lesson? (дети называют тему урока)

You are quite right! Today we`ll speak about different kinds of books and well-known writers. We`ll learn about your favourite books, writers and you`ll get a lot of interesting information about them.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

– Please, look at the screen, read the proverbs once more and explain your opinion about their meanings.

1) Books are our best friends. Книги – наши лучшие друзья.

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb? What is your idea?

2) Choose an author as you choose a friend. Выбирай писателя так, как выбираешь друга. -What do you think?

3) Don’t judge a book by its cover. Не судите о книге по ее обложке.

What is your idea? What is the meaning of the proverb? (Высказывают свое мнение)

III. Речевая разминка.

– I agree with you. Now tell me please: what kind of books do you know?

– Let's remember the words of Ex.7 on p.83. Read and find the translations of the words.

(работа по учебнику; активизация ЛЕ по теме урока).

IV. Актуализация изученных лексических навыков.

– I’d like you to remember different kinds of books. We know that there are books which can be:

  1. Light / heavy reading;
  2. Fiction / non-fiction;
  3. Travel books, romances, thrillers;
  4. Adventure, love stories;
  5. Detective stories;
  6. Fairy-tales and fantasies;
  7. Ghost stories and mysteries;
  8. Animal stories and family stories. (Слайд 3)

Well done! So let's read the definitions about different kinds of books and fill in the missing words. - Don’t forget to begin your sentences with (работа в группах над словами, которые лежат на партах; детям дается время составить дефиниции о жанрах книг и отгадать ответ, выразив свое мнение, используя клише)

  • I think..,
  • I guess…,
  • To my mind,
  • In my opinion,
  • As I remember,
  • If I'm not mistaken …
  • I prefer … to …

Примеры дефиниций:

  1. A book about killer or a crime is … (thriller)
  2. A story about 2 people who love each other is … (romance)
  3. A story of a person’s life written by somebody is … (biography)
  4. A book which describes real things and events is called…(non-fiction)
  5. Books about imaginary events in the future are called…(science fiction)
  6. A children’s story in which magical things happen is … (fairy tale)
  7. A narrative about someone who investigates crimes and catches the robbers, killers is called… (detective story)
  8. A book in which you can find pirates, ships, islands, lost treasure is… (adventure story)

Thank you very much! You have done it rather well!

V. Listening comprehension (Аудирование).

– Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story is it?.(Детям предлагаются 4 аудиозаписи)

  1. detective story – you are right!
  2. horror story – it's true.
  3. fairy tale – good for you!
  4. science fiction – nice!

So,you’ve guessed all of them. Welldone!

VI. Проверка домашнего задания. (Представление своего любимого писателя, книгу).

– It's time to check up your home work. Your task was to present (introduce) your favourite book.

– What kind of books do you prefer? (презентация своей любимой книги, монологическое высказывание на тему « My favourite book»)

So many minds, so many thoughts. Thank you for your answers. Well done!

VII. Закрепление изученной лексики (писателей и поэтов).

– I see that you know different kinds of books. Now we are going to speak about writers and poets.

– Firstly, let's check if you can recognize them. Look at the screen.

What writers do you know? Name them, please. (Слайды 4-6)

The game «Guess». Игра «Угадай»

Now answer the question, please.

If we want to get a book where do we usually go? –you are quite right. We’ll go to the bookshop or to the library. -Now look at these books and try to guess the authors.

(выставка книг)

I’d like you to read the sentences and tell the names of the authors and the titles of the books.

  1. A famous book by English writer. It’s about criminals, robbers, killers. The main characters are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. «The adventure of Sherlock Holmes» by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  2. The story about the adventures of an American boy from a little town. He lives with his aunt. Life with Tom, who is the main character in the book, is never boring. «The adventure of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain
  3. This novel is about the adventures of a man who spends 28 years on a tropical island. «The adventure of Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defoe
  4. It is an adventure novel by Scottish author. There you can find the treasure island with pirates and buried gold. «The Treasure island» by Robert Louis Stevenson
  5. A great English playwright 's book. It's about love of two young people and it ends tragically.«Romeo and Juliet» by William Shakespeare
  6. The book is written by English author. The story is about the adventures of the boy Oliver, who is the main character of the book. «Oliver Twist » by Charles Dickens (Слайд 7)

Match the following works and their authors

Works Authors
1. «Treasure Island» a) Charles Dickens
2. «Romeo and Juliet» b) William Shakespeare
3. «Oliver Twist» c) Arthur Conan Doyle
4. «Robinson Crusoe» e) Mark Twain
5. «Tom Sawyer» f) Daniel Defoe
6. «The adventure of Sherlock Holmes» e) Robert Louis Stevenson

VIII. Подведение итогов.

– Let's make a conclusion. What do you like and don’t like? What is your idea?

Tell me, please what do you think about books and about the lesson? Have you got any problem? (Рефлексия урока)

1st pupil: Books are full of many things that I would like to know.

2nd pupil: Books are full of greatest men that lived long, long ago.

3rd pupil: Books are full of countries that I would like to see.

4th pupil: Books are full of people that I would like to be.

5th pupil: Books are full of children that I would like to meet.

6th pupil: Books are full of sweet fruit that I would like to eat.

7th pupil: Books are full of mountains that can be high or low.

8th pupil. Books are full of birds that I would like to see. 9th pupil: Books are full of some trips, that I would like to take.

10th pupil: Books are full of nice things that I would like to make.

11th pupil: Books are full of good songs that I would like to sing.


  • I have known…
  • I don’t know…
  • I like…
  • I don’t like…
  • I feel…
    Satisfaction   Dissatisfaction
    Happiness   Sadness
    Success   Fear
    Proud   Tired
  • Why? Because I…
    worked hard
    didn’t relax
    was active
    got a good (bad) mark

Books are our best friends. I believe you’ll certainly agree that books are one of the best inventions of a man.

Выставление оценок.

– You’ve worked well during the lessons. …. You’ll get …. marks. Your home work is to prepare the topic about books. The lesson is over. Good-bye! Thank you for your attention!