Телемост "Останкино. Москва – Fleet Street. London"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.


  • Активизировать умения и навыки учащихся в устной речи (монологической и диалогической), аудировании.


  • Развивать навыки творчества и самостоятельной работы


  • Воспитывать уважение к собеседнику в ходе дискуссии.

Технические средства обучения:

Диаграммы, схемы, таблицы, газеты, журналы, магнитофон.

Используемые приемы:

  • Применение вербальных и невербальных опор при употреблении языкового и речевого материала.
  • Опора на жизненный опыт учащихся.
  • Ситуативное обучение (телемост).
  • Ролевая игра.
  • Темп работы.

Ход урока

Teacher: Hello everybody! Let me introduce myself. I’m Svetlana. I’m in Ostankino now. As you know, it’s one of the most famous places in Moscow. It’s the centre of the Russian TV industry.

Today we’re having a TV bridge with Great Britain, London.

In both studios you can see representatives of press, radio, television, famous announcers, psychologists, sociologists and a great number of correspondents.

John, can you hear me?

Student 1: Yes, Svetlana. I’m here. I’m John Mitchel. Hello everybody!

I’m in Fleet Street in London. It’s one of the most famous streets in London, the centre of newspaper industry of the UK.

I’m in the Press centre where the conference on different problems of mass media is taking place now.

Teacher: We know mass media are one of the most characteristic features of our modern civilization.

Meet our guests in Ostankino!

What do you think of mass media?


People are united in one global community with the help of mass media.

  • People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media.
  • Mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet, etc.

Teacher: John! What do you think what information people can get from different sources of mass media? Thanks.

Students: People can learn news and opinions on different problems.

People can find entertainment, advertising, educational items and many other things in mass media.

Teacher: Let’s discuss newspapers now. What are the most popular newspapers in Great Britain?

Fleet Street: The most popular newspapers in our country are The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, the Daily News, The Observer and many others. And what are the most popular newspapers in Russia?

Ostankino: The Kommersant, The Argumenty and Fakty, The Moskovsky Komsomolets, The Gazeta and many others.

There are many serious newspapers and tabloids in Russia.

Fleet Street: We have quality papers and so-called yellow press in the UK too. Many people don’t like tabloids because reporters give unfair information about private life of famous people. The press is daily filled with violence, murders, gossips, horoscopes, etc.

Teacher: We know there are many local newspapers in both countries.

By the way, do you know where and when the earliest newspaper appeared?

Students: It was Roman handwritten sheet called “Acta Diurna” started in 59 B.C.

Magazines appeared in 1700s.

Radio, TV and the Internet appeared only in the 20-th century.

Teacher: Who invented radio? When?

Students: A.Popov. In 1895.

Teacher: Now let’s talk about radio.

I can see Cindy Brown, the Director of BBC 1. I have a question to you.

What can you say about the development of radio in Great Britain?

Cindy Brown: There are 8 main radio stations in the UK. What about Russia?

Student: Oh, we have so many different radio stations, such as Mayak, Radio Retro, Radio Maximum, so many music channels.

Teacher: What is your attitude towards radio?

Students: You can listen to radio everywhere, in the car, at home, even in the forest.

You can listen to talks or take part in different talks on national and international affairs, on science, history and other educational subjects.

John: Ladies and gentlemen! We invited the Russian guest Daria Kholodova to our Press Centre in Fleet Street. She is studying in London now. Daria is an exchange student from your country. I ‘d like to ask some questions.

(Диалог №6 стр. 37 Рабочая тетрадь “Enjoy English 8” )

Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! The first part of our discussion is over. Have a minute of rest. I want to ask people in the hall some questions.

  • What is your favorite mass media?
  • Do you like radio?
  • What is your favorite TV channel?

Thanks a lot!

Teacher: It’s great pleasure to talk to such a highly-educated audience!

Now let’s go back to Fleet Street. John, can you hear me? It’s Svetlana. John?

John: Yes, I’m here, Svetlana.

Teacher: The problems of mass media are being discussed now. The question is: What were the earliest mass media?

Students: Books were.


  • Do you like reading books?
  • What is your favorite genre?
  • Do you know any names of the British /Russian writers and poets?

Teacher: What is the latest mass media?

Students: The Internet is.

Teacher: Why is the Internet becoming one of the most popular kinds of mass media?

(Students give their opinions)

Teacher: Everybody can agree with me that television is the most popular source of information. By the way, the name “television” comes from the Greek word “far” and the Latin word “see”. So television means to see far.

  • What is your attitude towards television?
  • What is your opinion about TV?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of television?


  • Television is doing a lot of harm. We begin to forget how to spend our free time. Many people don’t have hobbies, don’t meet their friends, don’t go to the theatres, cinemas or sporting events. They don’t read books or listen to music. All their free time is given to TV.
  • If you don’t like TV, don’t watch it. Switch off the television! But don’t forget we get so much information with the help of TV. We watch TV to be well informed. It gives wonderful opportunities for education.
  • People get lazy sitting in front of TV. They don’t communicate with each other. But we can do without TV, e.g. when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountains far away from civilization, we realize that we don’t miss television at all!
  • TV enriches our intellect. We can see the best actors and performances, films. We can hear the latest news, listen to political discussions. TV is a great thing in the world!
  • Too much TV is bad for children, for their health, eyesight.
  • Most of educational programs are good and informative.
  • What I hate is violence on TV. That’s really awful! There are so many films, programs of violence on many channels. It’s so terrible when people are killed, etc.

Teacher: You can see that tastes differ. But people in different countries see the problem of television in the same way.

John: Svetlana! My colleague Bernard Ben is here with me! He wants to ask passers-by some questions.

Teacher: Oh, that’s great!

(The questions to teachers who are guests at the lesson)

  • Do you like watching TV?
  • Do you like to watch the news?
  • Do you watch soap operas?
  • What do you prefer quizzes or wildlife programs?

Teacher: Our psychologists made a research on watching TV habits of ordinary people in Russia. The results are the following.

How many hours a week do you spend watching TV?

  • 23% - less than 5 hours
  • 12% - 5-10 hours
  • 27% - 10-15 hours
  • 32% - more than 20 hours
  • 6% - I don’t watch TV at all. I hate it.

What kind of programs do you like watching?

  • The news - 7%
  • Discussion programs – 9%
  • Documentaries – 10%
  • Plays – 5%
  • Films – 17%
  • Serials – 6%
  • Quiz shows – 4%
  • Classical music programs – 8%
  • Pop music programs – 22%
  • Sports programs – 7%
  • Others – 17

Are you for TV or against?

  • For – 88%
  • Against – 12%


  • What are your arguments for TV?
  • What are your arguments against TV?

Teacher: Now, we have tried to discuss many questions. There are a great number to solve. I’m not sure if it will be done soon. I’d like to thank you for your participation in our TV bridge. I wish you love, happiness and success. Be lucky! See you soon.

Список литературы:

  1. М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Английский язык: Английский язык с удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2009
  2. О.Г. Беспалова. Пособие по развитию коммуникативных навыков разговорной речи на английском языке для средней школы. – СПб, СМИО Пресс, 2008
  3. А.С. Любченко, И.Д. Кравчук и др. под ред. С.Н. Смоленского. Нестандартные уроки английского языка в школе. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2007
  4. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский с удовольствием/Enjoy English для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2009
  5. Интернет ресурсы.