План открытого урока в 6-м классе по теме "Exercising"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока: систематизировать и расширить знания учащихся по теме “Exercising”.

Задачи урока.


  • формирование лексической базы по теме At the Gym;
  • совершенствовать навыки устной речи, чтения, монологического высказывания;
  • повторение грамматических структур Conditional Sentences Type 1, Zero Type.


  • развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме “Fitness”.
  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
  • развитие памяти, внимания, мышления.
  • развитие умения логически излагать, обобщать и делать выводы.


  • воспитание культуры здорового образа жизни;
  • воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве (слушать и уважать чужое мнение);


  • Компьютер;
  • Презентация в Power Point “ At the Gym”;
  • Учебник H.Q.Mitchell “ To the Top 2”;
  • Раздаточный материал по теме презентации;
  • Фотографии и картинки по теме урока.
  • Раздаточный материал для повторения Conditional Sentences.

Ход урока

I. Актуализация.

In different languages there are similar words. They sound the same and they mean the same. I suppose it’s because these words are important for all people.

One of them is fitness. People all over the world want to be fit.

By the way, why do people want to be fit? Let’s exchange ideas.

(Ученики высказывают свои соображения по этому вопросу, а учитель в это время записывает их идеи на доске в виде опорной схемы ).

Примерный перечень идей:

  1. When you are fit, you can work better and faster. You think more clearly. So it’s important for your career.
  2. You can live longer.
  3. If you are fit, you look good. Is it important to look good? Why? (when you look good people like you, they want to communicate with you, they trust you).
  4. If you are fit, you can choose any job you like, because for some jobs you must be fit( a firefighter, a policeman, a pilot, a lifeguard).
  5. When you are fit, you don’t fall ill very often.
  6. When you are fit, you think positively and believe in yourself.

Примерный вид опорной схемы:


Now look at this scheme , sum up all the facts and tell me why it is important to be fit (ученик, глядя на опорную схему, подводит итог всему вышесказанному).

II. Развитие навыков устной речи.

А) There are different ways to become fit. Open your books at page 90 and look at the pictures in Exercise 1.


What do these people do to be fit? (go jogging, do karate, lift weights, do aerobics).

These fitness programmes are absolutely different and they are for different people.

What is the best programme in your opinion? (дети высказывают свое мнение об этих программах).

B) Продолжаем работу с этими картинками. Let’s concentrate on one of these pictures.

Let’s talk about lifting weights.

What is lifting weights? (a fitness programme)

Try to think of as many adjectives and word combinations which can be used to speak about lifting weights as it is possible. Дети предлагают свои варианты слов и выражений.

Вот примерный список: (учитель фиксирует слова на доске)









it’s fun

it’s good for your arms, heart, legs

to be slim

to be strong

you need equipment

you need an instructor to give advice

it’s cheap ( expensive)

be exhausted

C) Look at these words and make up a short situation about lifting weights.

Follow the plan:

  1. Give a definition of the activity .
  2. Enumerate the positive sides of this activity. Don’t forget to use: firstly, secondly, in addition, best of all....
  3. Give the negative sides of this activity. Begin with however.
  4. Finally, give your opinion of it.

Дается одна минута на подготовку и опрашивается монологическое высказывание по теме.

D) Now let’s talk about doing karate. It is a Japanese system (style) of fighting.

Many people do karate because they want to be fit.

Работа строится так же, как и по предыдущей картинке: ученики придумывают слова и выражения, а затем составляют монологическое высказывание по теме.

Примерный список слов и выражений по теме :

Must be quick, move very fast, can kick and hit, work long hours, tiring, dangerous, difficult, risky, fit, strong, fun, are not afraid of anybody....

III. Формирование лексической базы “At the gym” с помощью материалов презентации и учебника.

A) One of the ways to be fit and to get enough exercise is to work out in a gym. In our textbook we have got a very nice dialogue “ At the gym”. But before reading it I’d like to give you some additional information about a gym. I have prepared a presentation “At the gym” . Let’s watch it. Be attentive and try to remember the names of the exercise machines which you are going to see.

B) Просмотр презентации “At the gym”.

What are the things which you managed to remember?

C) После просмотра презентации учащимся раздается ее печатный вариант. Распечатку просматривают еще раз , при этом можно вслух фонетически отработать слова, которые ученикам показались трудными. Далее идет обсуждение презентации.

(При обсуждении ученики могут пользоваться распечатками).

What is a gym?

Why do people go there?

Is it useful?

Are there many different types of exercise machines?

What are they?

What exercise machines are good for your heart?

What exercise machine helps to strengthen your arms?

What exercise machine helps you to be slim?

Do you need an instructor if you want to join a gym?

Would you like to join a gym? Why?

What exercise machine do you like?

Have you ever been to a gym?

What is better: to join a gym or to have your own exercise machine at home?

Если позволяет время, можно попросить одного из учеников рассказать о том, что он запомнил из материалов презентации “At the gym”.

D) Физкультминутка.

There is an expression Fitness on the chair. Even if you are very busy, you can have some exercise sitting on your chair. Sit still, put your hands on your knees and do jogging on the sport (бег на месте).

E) Now let’s turn to our dialogue. It’s exercise 2, page 90.

1. Listen to the tape and get ready to read it out in groups. (Дети прослушивают аудиодиск и затем читают диалог по ролям).

2. Let’s get divided into 2 groups and have a kind of competition. Your task is to give as many interesting words and expressions from the dialogue as it is possible (without looking into your books).

Это задание заставляет детей более тщательно работать с текстом.

3. There is a nice picture which illustrates the dialogue. Look at this picture and answer my questions.

Whom can you see in the picture?

Where are they?

What is a gym?

Why do people go there?

Are there many exercise machines in this club?

What are the most popular of them?

Do the girls usually spend many hours at the gym?

How often do you think they work out there?

What do they do there?

Look at the girls. Do you think they are fit? Does it help them in their studies?

What does Phil think about the gym?

What does he do to be fit?

What words make him change his opinion?

Is it difficult for him to choose a good programme?

Why doesn’t he want to do aerobics?

Why doesn’t he want to use exercise machines?

Does he want to lift weights?

What is good exercise in his opinion?

Are the girls laughing at him? Why?

Is Phil shocked, embarrassed or excited about it?

F) Sum up all the answers and give me the main idea of the conversation (опрос).

The rest of you are going to have the following task.

Look at this funny picture and tell me if this man does anything special to keep fit. Why does he do it? What is his dream? (Учащиеся готовят мини-ситуации по рисунку).

Рис. 3

IV. Повторение Conditional Sentences в контексте урока.

Not long ago we studied a very important point of grammar – Conditional Sentences Type One and Zero Type. The next task can help you too revise this point of grammar. Here are some cards (раздаточный материал). Use the prompts to make Conditional Sentences. Be attentive! Your sentences should give people some useful advice what to do to be healthy and get enough exercise.


If you join a gym,

If you work out in a gym,

If you want to be fit and healthy,

If you use a treadmill,

If you want to strengthen your arms,

If you need some exercise,

If you need some information about fitness programmes,

If you are a bit chubby,

If you join a karate club,

If you buy a bicycle machine,

If you like to exercise to music,

If you are tall,

If you eat 10 times a day

If you work on exercise machines too long,

you can’t be good at karate

you‘ll be exhausted

you will have a lot of exercise

you’ll feel more energetic

you will learn a Japanese style of fighting

you’ll be slim and healthy

join a gym!

you’ll help your heart

you should lift weights

play computer games!

do aerobics!

it’ll do you a lot of good

consult an instructor

you’ll be able to practice at home

V. Рефлексия.

What was the most difficult (interesting) task during the lesson?

VI. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.