Методическая разработка. "Урок-дискуссия «Save our planet! What depends on us?!»"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:


  • Совершенствовать разговорные навыки (монологической и диалогической речи), чтения и аудирования с целью подготовки учащихся к выполнению проектной работы по теме.
  • Активизировать лексический и грамматический материал (modal verbs) по теме в различных видах речевой деятельности.


  • Развить умение выражать аргументированное отношение к поставленной проблеме
  • Развить умение структурировать материал.
  • Развивать способность к обобщению и анализу


  • Формировать ответственное отношение к природе, к проблемам окружающей среды
  • Способствовать воспитанию экологической культуры,

Задачи урока:

  • Закрепление лексического материала, совершенствование умения применения изученной лексики в устной речи.
  • Создать ситуации для употребления в речи изученных лексических единиц.
  • Совершенствовать навыки неподготовленной диалогической речи.
  • Совершенствовать навыки аудирования.


  • индивидуальная работа (высказывание собственного мнения по проблеме урока)
  • групповая работа (работа с индивидуальной карточкой ученика на уроке)
  • работа с компьютерной презентацией, работа с видео роликами

Приготовление и оснащение урока:

  • схемы на доске
  • компьютерная презентация, на базе электронного пособия
  • аудиозапись–высказывания по проблеме (включена в презентацию)
  • видеоклип “ Michael Jackson - Earth Song” (2 минуты, включен в презентацию)
  • видеофильм “ Environmental problems” (3 минуты, включен в презентацию)

Методическое содержание урока

Этап урока Задания, стимулирующие деятельность ученика Учебный материал Время Примечание
1. Начало урока Warm-up discussion

What can you say about words “Nature” and “Ecology”?

Opinion talk about why do we love our planet.

Talk based on the explorations. Look at the table. 5 мин Слайды 1-5, высказывание личного мнения по заданию
2. Центральная часть урока Discursive Talk

- How can you characterize our planet?

Opinion Talk “The most important ecological problems”/ Discussion Talk based on video

- Video “Environmental problems”

Listening and Speaking. Opinion Talk

Speaking on a problem:”How Do We Care for the Earth?”

Video-clip: “Michael Jackson - Earth Song.”

Speaking based on video



Talk based on the video

5 мин



15 мин



15 мин

Слайд 6-8, работа в рабочих группах.


Слайд 9-17, индивидуальные высказывания, ответы на вопросы.

Слайд 18-29 высказывание

с опорой на речевые образцы и видеоролик.

3. Итоговая часть урока Homework

Make a poster “Help the Earth!”

We’ve Got The Whole World In Our Hands !!!

Ideas how we can help the environment


5 мин Слайд 30-32. Разбор домашнего задания

Подведение итогов урока

Ход урока

Организационный момент. (Слайд 1)

T: Good morning, children, teachers and our dear guests. Today we have our lesson on the topic “Ecology”. You wil exchange your opinions about ecological problems. You have to answer if you are friends of our planet and how to protect our planet . The theme of our lesson is “ Save our planet”

How can you define the word “ Ecology”?

P. : Ecology is the natural balance between plants, animals, people and their enviroment.

T.: Yes, you are right..

1. Начало урока (Слайд 2)

T. : You can see 2 words at the blackboard “Nature and Ecology”. Give as many associations connected with these words as you can.

P1: (Слайд 3) Nature: water, sky, river, forest, grass, birds, air, animals, nature, people.

T: But the medal yas got 2 sides. We do not forget that. What about Ecology?

P2: (Слайд 4) Ecology: Litter, air pollution, water pollution, ecology, environment, chemical, damage, protect.

T: What does the word environment mean?

P1: Environment means what is around us.

P2: The air we breath, the soil on which we stand and walk.

P3:  The water we drink.

P4: The forest, the field, th deserts.

T: Let’ s read a poem about our planet (Слайд 5). (Приложение 1).

T: Children, do you like this poem? And why?

P1 : Yes, we like it. This poem is about our planet. It’ s about our Mother Earth.

T: Do you love our planet? What do you love on our planet?

P2 : I like to wake up when the sun is shining. I think it’s the beautiful morning. It will be a nice day. I love everybody.

P3: I like the sound of birds singing. It sounds like an orchestra. I like to walk in the forestto listen to this concert

P4 : I like to go to the forest and see how birds fly from tree to tree.

P5: I like to gather mushrooms and bearies and to lie on the grass in warm sunny day.

P6: I like the sea. I”m a good swimmer and I feel like a fish in the water.

P7: I like to listen to the sound of the sea.

T: Everybody of you love our planet.

2. Центральная часть урока

Discursive Talk How can you characterize our planet?

P1: Our planet is beautiful and huge

P2: Our planet is blue,green and nice,

P3: Our planet is peacefull and fragile

T: Our planet is fragile. It is so easy to destoy its natural balance. Let’s watch some videoabout our fragile planet and discuss it.

Video-clip: “Michael Jackson - Earth Song.” (Слайд 6)

T: What can you say about this video? Describe your impression .

P1: I like tis song but I’m shoked to see what’ s happened .

P2: I’m sad. It’ s awful !

P3: I’m terible shoked.

P4 : I’m angry. It’ s a pity !

T: Why are you shoked, angry and sad?

P5: Because, people kill our planet!

T: The most important thing is that killing our planet, we kill ourselves.

T: (Слайд 7) Let’ s read another poem and discuss it (Приложение 2).

T: What problems are mentioned in this poem?

P1 :Air pollution.

P2: Water pollution.

P3: Destruction of forest.

T: How can you define the word pollution?

P4: Pollution is making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangtrous for people and animals to live in.

T: Look at the blackboard. What are the other ecological problems? (Слайд 9)

P5: Destruction of Ozon layer.

P6: Greenhouse effect.

Opinion Talk “The most important ecological problems”

T: Let’s discuss these problems. The first is Destruction of forest. (Слайд 10). Why do people cut forest down?

P1: People cut forest down for different needs.

T: What needs exactly?

P2: For furniture, paper, cardboards . They are made from wood.

T: What’ ll happen if we continue to cut forests down?

P3: Huge forests includung rainforests help to control the world’s weather and they produce a lon of Oxygen.

T: How does it influence on our health?

P4: There are many illnesses which we can’t cure. Ther are old once like cancer and new once like AIDS.

T: If we destroy rainforests we’ll never find the cure.

T: Greenhouse effect. (Слайд 11) What is greenhouse effect?

P1: The greenhouse effect is the problem of temperaturerise in the Earth’s atmosphere.

T: What is the cause of greenhouse effect?

P2: Cutting trees and burning things lead to produce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .

P3: It is the cause for global warming.

T: Another problem is Water pollution (Слайд 12) What can you say about it?

P1: The water today are dangerous, because they are polluted.

P2: Ther is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump.

P3: Seas are used for dumping both industrial and nuclear waste.

T: Why is it very dangerous for water? What will happen?

P4: It is dangerous to dump industrial waste into the sea because this poison kill fish and sea-animals.

P5: If people drink this water, eat this fish they can die.

T: Another problem is Air pollution (Слайд 13). What is the cause of Air Pollution?

P1: Most of the Pollution in a big cities comes from cars and buses.

P2: Most of the Pollution in a big cities comes from plants and factories.

P3: Nuclear power station can go wrong and cause Nuclear Pollution.

T: Make some examples of Nuclear Pollution.

P4: The tragedy in Chernobyl. ( Слайд 14).

T: You are right . Nuclear Pollution can not be seen, but its effect can be terrible.

T: What can you say about the Destruction of Ozone Layer (Слайд 15).

P1: The Ozone Layer in the atmosphere protect us from the ultraviolet radiation.

P2: But there are holes in the Ozone Layer and ultraviolet radiation can get to the earth.

T: Why are there holes in the Ozone Layer?

P3: Many scientist think that these holes are the result of Air Pollution

T: Is it danger?

P4: Yes, it is very danger because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer.

T: What was happen with the Statue of Liberty in New York? (Слайд 16).

P5: Acid rain damage the Statue badly.

P6: Acid rains are the result of Air Pollution

T: What can you say about Litter (Слайд 17).

P1: Our cities and countries are in terrible mess. They are pilled with rubbish.

P2: Sometimes you can see a lot of litter in the street.

P3: You can see a lot of plastic bottles, papers, rubbish in the forest, in the park.

T: Our planet looks like a dump. It is the way to a global disaster.

P4: Our planet'is beautiful place and we must not to spoil it

T: We discuss the ecological problems/ Let’s make some conclussions. Look at the table and fill it (3-4 words) (Cлайд 18, 19). (Приложение 3)

Video “Environmental problems”

T: Now let’s watch some video and then discuss it. (Cлайд 20).

T: What can you say about this video?

P1: It was very interesting.

P2: There are a lot of information what may happen with our planet.

P3: This film makes us think about the future of our planet.

T: Are there information how to solve these problems?

P4: Yes there are.

T: Before we begin to discuss how to solve these problems and help our planet let’s do some exercises. Take your cards, read the task, do it. (выполнение задания Matcing на карточках)

(Cлайд 21). (Приложение 4).

Speaking on a problem: “How Do We Care for the Earth?”

T: How can you comment on the phrase: “Man is the destroyer, man is the creator.”

P1: On the one hand man has created cars, planes, television, computer

P2: On the other hand science and technical progress damage the environment.

T: I would like to say:” People start pollution, people can stop it" . Do you agree with me?

P3: Yes, Save our planet. (Cлайд 22).

T: Let’s discuss how can we solve the problem of litter. Remember the story about Vicky witch we read some days ago (Cлайд 23).

P1: We must Pick up Litter

P2: Always put litter (garbage) in a garbage bin.

P3: Don't throw garbage into the water.

P4: Don't stay bottles and cans in the park and in the forest.

P5: Throw away trash.

T: Fancy that you are picnicers. What we must do or must not do in the forest? (Cлайд 24, 25).

P1: We must pick up litter after picnic.

P2: We must not throw litter into the lake.

P3: We must not hurt animals.

P4: We must not stay bottles and cans in the forest and in the park.

P5: We must plant trees.

P6: We must feed birds in winter.

P7: We must not leave fire.

T: Let’s make exercise. Look atyour cards and the desk and write 3-4 sentences – rules for people in the forest.

T: Let’s continue to discuss how we can treat the earth. Do you like juice, lemonade? (Cлайд 26)

P1; Yes, we like it very much.

T: But in what bottles do you buy drinks?

P2: We buy drinks in plastic bottles.

T: These bottles can't be recycled and won't ever degrade. What must we do in this case to help the earth?

P3: Buy milk or juice in cartons.

P4: Buy lemonade and other drinks in aluminum cans or glass bottles.

T: Do you like to read books and newspapers or magazines? (Cлайд 27)

P: Yes we like to read.

T: It takes an entire forest-over 500.000 trees — to supply Americans with their Sunday newspapers every week. What must we do to help the forest?

P1: Make newspaper from "old" paper.

P2: We must reuse old books.

T: And it reduces air pollution by 95%.

T: Look at the picture and say what people must do to protect our environment clean . (Cлайд 28, 29 )

P1: We must put our litter into the bins.

P2: We must not cut down and break trees and pick up flowers.

P3: We must not pick up flowers.

P4: People must not throw their litter into the rivers.

P5: Factories must stop polluting the air.

P6:Women must not buy fur coats.

P7: We must feed birds in winter.

P8: Children can build houses for birds.

T: Do you agree with me that : “Earth is our home and it depends on everyone of us.” (Cлайд 30 )

P: Yes

T It is not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to prepare the way for the better, the safer and the cleaner future. (Cлайд 31)

P1: All we need is to open our eyes and to act immediately.

P2: Save our planet.

3. Итоговая часть урока

T: Let’s discuss your hometask (Cлайд 32). Make a poster “Help the Earth!”

Work in pairs or in small groups of three;

Give ideas about how children can help the environment.

Choose of the items: at home, at school, in the street, in the countryside.

You can collect or draw some picturesю

T: Dear friends! Our lesson is over. It is time to discuss our lesson.Thank you for this lesson. You werе very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed youг work at the lesson today. Youг marks for the lesson аге: ... Write down your homework:

Использованы материалы учебников

  1. Кауфман К. И., Кауфман М. Ю. Happy English.ru учебник для 7 класса. Издательство Титул 2006 г.
  2. Клементьева Т. Б. Книга для чтения к учебному пособию Счастливый английский-2. Издательство Титул 2001 г.
  3. Кузовлев В. П. Английский язык, учебник для 7 класса. Издательство Просвещение, 2001 г.
  4. Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. Английский язык: учебник для 6 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий. М.: Просвещение, 2012.

Фотографии с сайтов

  1. http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/silver-froid/view/48121/
  2. http://lu2029.narod.ru/doc/water.htm
  3. http://www.newsprom.ru/print.shtml?lot_id=122296490432335
  4. http://rus.newsru.ua/arch/world/26oct2007/earth_murder.html
  5. http://chelny-city.ru/1150881609-sovremennye-napravlenija-jelektronnojj-jekologii.html


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kmNA22AILs – видео Michael Jackson - Planet Earth
  2. Видеофильм - http://pedsovet.su/load/114-1-0-2348#subscribe