План-конспект урока по теме "Путешествие в Простоквашино". 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Материал представляет собой план-конспект урока со всей необходимой информацией, а также комментариями для учителя для проведения урока. Урок является завершающим в теме Travelling and Transport и позволяет в игровой форме повторить весь лексический и грамматический материал данной темы.

Представленный материал предоставляет шанс учителю варьировать урок в зависимости от уровня подготовки учащихся и их мотивированности. Так, например, учитель может выбрать из предложенных заданий те, которые будут посильны его группе учащихся.

Отметим также видео сопровождение данного урока, которое представляет собой видео фрагмент с сайта British Council for Kids. Выбранная песня представляет собой способ мотивации даже самых слабых учащихся, так как слова песни достаточно просты для понимания, а мотив запоминающийся. Кроме того в песне тренируются предлоги движения. Исполнение песни хором на уроке приветствуется.

Задачи урока:

  • практика аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи;
  • отработка и закрепление лексики речевого этикета, практика чтения;
  • повторение и закрепление Present Perfect

Оборудование: видеоматериал (с сайта British Council for Kids), магнитофон, оборудованный «магазин», телеграмма


I. Организационный момент

Сообщение целей, задач и плана работы на уроке.

Teacher: Good morning children! I’m glad to see you!

Teacher:  Sit down, everybody. How are you?
Today, we are having unusual lesson. What’s the date today? What season is it? What is the weather like in spring? Do you like spring?

II. Аудирование и чтение телеграммы

Teacher: I got a very interesting telegram from my friends! Let’s read it! Who wants to read the telegram?

Teacher: Do you want to go to the mysterious village? We’re going to our friends! We’re the guests! Shall we buy presents for our friends?

IV. Практика диалогической речи «At the shop»

Teacher: Let’s buy some presents for our friends. Let’s imagine that we are in a shop! Have a look at the model dialogue! Let’s read it!
We need three shop assistants!
All others have a shopping list! One by one come and get the things you need!

Pupil 1: Good morning! Can I help you?
Pupil 2: Good morning! Please give me… (читает задание на карточке)
Pupil 1: Here you are. Anything else?
Pupil 2: No, thank you
Pupil 1: You are welcome.

Card №1

Buy a carton of juice and a bar of chocolate, a pear, a jar of honey.

Card №2

Buy an apple, a cake, sweets.

Card №3

Buy bisquits, some bread, a box of tea.

V. Исполнение песни

Let’s listen to a song about different ways of travelling and different places! Listen to the song and tell me what ways of travelling are mentioned!

Песня и видео с сайта British council for Kids. Песня ЧЕРЕЗ РЕКИ И ГОРЫ


Get on a boat, get on a plane,
Get in your car or get on a train
Travel to a place where you’ve never been
And see the things you’ve never seen
I’ve been to Italy twice so far
I flew there and then hired a car
I drove around and saw the sights
And ate pasta every night
I’ve never been to the USA
But my friend went there for a holiday
He went to Orley and New York too –
That’s something I would love to do!

Now let’s listen and sing!
What are we going to travel by? (by train)

VI. Чтение текста про поезда

Teacher: Now while we’re travelling by train I want you to read an interesting article about trains.
Working in groups choose the best word ( a, b or c) for each space.

Trains – the Best Way to Travel

For many people, going (1) _____ train is the most exciting way to travel. You don’t wait for hours (2)_____  the airport. You just go (3) _____ station a few minutes before the train arrives, buy (4)________, get on the train and the journey begins. You (5) _________ about everything and enjoy the (6) _______.

1 on at by
2 for in at
3 at to in
4 luggage a ticket a map
5 forgot forget forgotten
6 travel trip voyage

Now let’s read the text!
Do you like travelling by train?

Teacher: While you did the task we have arrived in the village!

VII. Физминутка

We are tired after our trip, let’s relax!
Hands up, hands down!
Hands on hips!
Turn around!
Hands up, hands down!
Hand son hips!
Sit down!

VIII. Тренировка в употреблении in front of, behind, to the left of, to the right of

Teacher: I can see a house.

Describe the house! Use the words on the blackboard!

In front of
To the left

IX. Актуализация грамматического материала (Present Perfect с неправильными глаголами)

Teacher: Knock, knock. Nobody answers. But wait почтальон Печкин has left a task for you! What does it say?
The friends are sleeping in the house! They have done a lot today! Say what they have done and you will meet them!

Read / an interesting book
Grow / some beautiful flowers
Buy / some food
Send / 5 letters
Sing / a nice song
Make / the beds
Do / the washing up

X. Разгадывание загадок на слух

Teacher: Perfect! Now we can come in! But who lives in the house? Let’s read the puzzles! Each group will guess!

Card №1

Guess: Who am I?
I am a cat. I am kind and fat. I like milk. I have a cow Murka. I have friends: a dog, a boy. The boy come to us to spend his holidays.

Card №2

Guess: Who am I? I am a dog. I am brown. I can run, jump. I like to hunt with a camera.

Card №3

Guess: Who am I?
I am a bird. I am black. I can fly, jump. I help my friends.

Group1 – №1 карточка (Matroskin)
Group2 – №2 карточка (Sharik)
Group3 – №3 карточка (Galchonok)

Teacher: Can you tell me the name of the village?

Class: Prostokvashino

XI. Встреча с героями сказки

Teacher: What can we see?

Have you ever watched this cartoon? Great!
Your task will be to describe the episode from the cartoon! The pictures and the questions will help you!

Whom can we see in the picture?
What has happened?
What are they doing now?
What will happen in a minute?

XII. Заключение

Teacher: Our traveling is over. It’s time to go home!  Did you like the lesson?

Teacher: I think we have nice lesson. Your work was very hard. I’ll give you only good and excellent marks.