Урок английского языка по теме "Denis Davydov. Is he a role model?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель занятия: привести учащихся к пониманию значимости и многогранности личности Дениса Давыдова.


- ознакомить с краткой биографией Д.Давыдова;

- учить рассказывать о Д.Давыдове на английском языке;

- расширять кругозор учащихся новыми знаниями о советском кино, музыке и русской литературе 19 века.


- презентация Power Point к уроку (Приложение 1);

- кластеры (Приложение 2);

- вокабулярии (Приложение 2);

- тесты (Приложение 2);

- текст с пропущенным словами (Приложение 2);

- таблички для групп (Приложение 3);

- компьютеры для каждой группы для проведения интерактивной игры (Приложение 4).

(Приложение 5)

(Приложение 6)

Ход урока

Оргмомент: приветствие.

(Слайд 1)


And what about you? Tell me please who is your role model? And yours? Unfortunately there are very few Russians among them.

Do you know any Russians who can be a role model?

Look at the names of your teams.

(Слайд 2)

What do you know about these people?

Can they be role models? Why?

SO: What do you think, what we will speak about? It’s right, we will speak about role models.

I’d like to propose a Russian soldier and poet as a role model. We will learn to tell about him and try to explain, why he can be a role model.

Речевая зарядка.

Let’s train to pronounce these words to describe him. Work with the vocabularies.

(Слайд 3)





a soldier

a hussar

a poet

a genre


a guerrilla=a partisan

a leader

a hero

a patriot

the Patriotic War of 1812

Make up so many expressions as you can!

a talented poet

a brave soldier

a soldier-poet

a noble hussar

a successful poet

a guerrilla leader

a hussar poetry

a genre of poetry

a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812

So, who is this person?

(Слайд 4)

You’re right, this is Denis Davydov.

(Слайд 5)

We’ll learn to tell about him and answer the question, if he can be a role model.

You know, 2012 is the year of the Russian History. Remember everything, what you have known and heard about him at the History lessons. Let’s do an interactive test “True or false?” on our laptops in groups.

(Слайд 6)

Listen to the rules:

  1. One of your group must read the statement
  2. The other must say, if it’s true or false.
  3. The third and the fourth must read the right answer

Интерактивный тест.

So, what have you learnt about Denis Davydov? Tell about it your History and Literature teacher too.


(Слайд 7)

And now let your eyes have a rest. Follow these portraits with them. Close your eyes and open.


(Слайд 8)

We are writing now. Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps and listen to the song written by Davydov’s verses

Let’s check your work.


(Слайд 9)

We have listened, read and written about Davydov enough. Let’s speak about him using this plan. What can you tell about him?

Who wants to tell the whole text?


(Слайд 10)

And now answer the question in the title of our lesson: Is Denis Davydov a role model? Why can he be a role model? Would you like to be like Davydov? Would you like to be a hero as he was? Would you like to be a brave soldier? Would you like to be popular and successful? And do you love our country? Are you patriots?

Подведение итогов.

o.k. You have worked very well today and I’m very pleasant with you.

Your marks are…

(Слайд 11)

Your home task is to find and watch the film “The Squadron of the Flying Hussars” for learning about Davydov and enjoying excellent play of Russian actors.

I’d like you to be patriots and have more Russian role models. I wish you to be heroes like Solnechnikov and Davydov, charitable like Khamatova and successful like Kaspersky.

(Слайд 12) Good luck. Bye!