Наш сосед - Китай

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Изучая на уроках английского языка свою малую Родину, невозможно обойти стороной знакомство с граничащими с Приморьем зарубежными странами, в частности с Китаем. С каждым годом увеличиваются возможности побывать в этой стране, посетить ее крупные города, посмотреть достопримечательности, узнать быт и традиции наших соседей. Знакомясь с Китаем на уроках английского языка, мы используем разные формы уроков, где учащиеся создают мини-проекты, фоторепортажи, презентации и т.д. Учащиеся находятся в поиске нужной информации, подбирают необходимую лексику, учатся правильно оформлять работу, приобретают опыт публичного выступления. На таких уроках ученики расширяют свой кругозор, у учащихся воспитывается чувство толерантности к иностранцам.

В своей работе мы используем материалы учебного пособия “The world we live in” автор Л.В.Нечипоренко; сайты из Интернета, фотоотчеты о поездках в Китай.

Представляю вашему вниманию урок по теме “Наш сосед - Китай”.

Ход урока

Тема урока: Наш сосед - Китай.

Цели урока:

познавательная цель: расширить кругозор учащихся на основе знакомства со странами-соседями Приморья;

развивающая цель: способствовать формированию умения находить нужную информацию;

воспитательная цель: способствовать воспитанию чувства толерантности к людям другой страны;

учебная цель: учить учащихся участвовать в обсуждении по теме на основе полученных знаний.

Оборудование: проекционная аппаратура, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, карта.

1. Организационный момент, рапорт дежурного.

Teacher: Good morning, children! Glad to see you. I hope you are fine today.

Pupils: We are glad to see you too. We are fine, thank you. And how are you?

Teacher: O.K. Thanks. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? What date is it today?

Pupil: I’m on duty today.Today is the ... of ... .

Teacher:What day of the week is it today?

Pupil: Today is ... .

Teacher: Who is absent?

Pupil: All are present.

Teacher: That’s fine, thank you. Sit down, please.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: Our native land, Primorye, borders on some foreign countries. Can you name our neighbouring countries? You are right. They are China, Korea, Japan. I think we must know our neighbours, their history and culture, their traditions and their modern life. Do you agree with me? P1, P2, P3...

Teacher: I know that most of you visited China with your parents. What do you know about our neighbours? What have you seen? What places of interest have you visited?

3. Постановка темы, целей урока.

Teacher: The theme of our lesson is “China Is Our Neighbour”. At our lesson you’ll speak about China, you’ll listen to a very interesting information about this country, you’ll learn to describe New Year in China.

4. Основная часть урока.

a) Знакомство с соседом Приморья – Китаем.

Teacher: At home you had to prepare mini-projects about China. Now let’s begin. Group 1, you are welcome.

P1: I’d like to tell you about some facts about China. China is one of the largest countries in the world. It is the third largest country after Russia and Canada. From the North to the South the territory of the country is about 5200 km long and from the East to West 5500 km long. The total area of China is more than 9 mln. square km. not including Macan and Taiwan. It occupies the Eastern part of the Euroasian continent – the largest part of dry land on the Earth. It borders on Russia, Korea, Mongolia, Afganistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Burma, Vietnam, Laos. China includes more than 3400 offshore islands.

P2: I’d like to add. Hong Kong formely a British territory was reverted to Cina in 1997 but it maintains a separate economy and has considerable political autonomy. Macan is located near Hong Kong. It is the Chinese territory administrated by Portugal.

T: Thank you very much. Your questions, please. Now let’s listen to another group.

P3: We’d like to describe mountains and rivers of China. It’s interesting to know that mountains occupy 45 per cent of the territory of this cjuntry. Tibetan Plateau is the world’s highest plateau region. On the border between China and Nepal we can see Dzhamolungma – the highest point in the world, it is 8848 m. high. Bordering ranges include the Himalayas in the south, the Pamirs and Karakorum Ranges in the west, the Kunlun mountains in the north. Forests are preserved only in the mountain areas. We can meet here evergreen oak, bamboo, pine, camellia, aralea.

P4: I’d like to add some information about Chinese rivers. There are many rivers in the territory of China, they stretch for more than 220000 kilometers. The main and the best known rivers are the Yantsy, the third largest river in the world after the Nil and the Amazonka, the Huanhey, the Hutsian, the Jalutsiango and others.

P5: I’ve read that the greater part of the rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean. There are many canals in the country, the Great canal is the longest and the most famous, it is 1794 km. long. The construction of it began many years ago and was the main transport route connecting the South and the North of the country. Some parts of the canal are used nowadays, of course, there are many lakes, the largest of them are the Poyanhu, the Duntinhu, the Tayhu, the Cinhay.

T: Thanks a lot. Any questions? And what do you know about flora and fauna of China?

P6: As far as I know, flora and fauna of China represent a great combination of plants and animals. There are 35000 species of plants and animals there: about 4000 kinds of herbs, 3000 kinds of fruits, 80 kinds of vegetables and so on. Gold monkey, ired sqirrel, grey leopard are the rarest animals. Bamboo bear, panda, two-humped camel, river dolphin, Chinese crocodile can be found here. Bird life is diverse and includes pheasant, peacock, parrot, crane. The coast line of China is rich in fish, including salmon, sea organisms, trepangs and others.

T: Thank you very much. It’s a very interesting information. What about the climate of this country?

P7: To my mind, the climate of China is known for its rains, frequent northern winds. China is famous for typhoons, torrential showers and cyclones. The temperatures are higher in summer and lower in winter, 50-60 per cent of the precipitations fall in the period from March to June in the south-east of China. The weather is hot from June to August.

T: Can you tell us some words about the population of China?

P8: Everybody knows that the population of China is larger than in any other country in the world. China is a multinational state, more than 56 nationalities live there, the majority of them are Chinese.

T: Thank you very much for your answers. It’s rather difficult to tell about everything at one lesson, so we’ll continue this work next lesson.

Закрепление темы.

b) Answer the questions.

1. What is one of the largest countries in the world?

2. What part of the country do mountains occupy?

3. What can you tell about rivers, lakes?

4. What is China rich in?

5. What kind of climate is China famous for?

6. What interesting information about China do you know?

c) Do you agree or not?

1. China has long and interesting traditions.

2. New Year in China is the time for business.

3. The government does not pay much attention to education.

4. Environmental protection is paid much attention to in China.

5. Peking is a city of contrasts.

6. China is a highly educated country.

d) Read the text for more information.

New Year in China

New Year in China is the time when Chinese everywhere come together. It’s time for great feasts, acrobatics, special parties and dragon dances. People decorate their homes with special New Year’s pictures of a fat baby and a carp signifying wealth and abundance. People hide in their doors red notes with couplets that express hope for the year to come. The dragon procession is still popular on New Year’s eve because the dragon signifies good fortune. Another interesting thing is a vigorous dance to drum beats and music representing courage and energy. Red papers enveloped with beautiful gold writing decoration and money inside are given to children, participants in the dragon dance. The festival lasts 2 weeks which marks the return of light and spring. So many countries so many traditions.

5. Завершение урока, комментирование оценок.

Thanks a lot for your work. Your marks are ...

6. Домашнее задание.

Group 1: Describe your visit to China. Group 2: Compare Primorye and China. Group 3: Prove that China is worth seeing and studying.
