Разработка к уроку "Мой дом – моя крепость" с использованием фрагментов из фильма "Патриот" Мэла Гибсона

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Пояснительная записка

Настоящая программа разработана для обеспечения предпрофильной подготовки

9-классников к обучению по гуманитарному профилю.

Курс носит пропедевтический характер и предполагает повысить вероятность осознанного выбора, стоящего перед выпускником основной школы.

Основные цели курса

- формирование интереса и положительной мотивации к гуманитарному профилю

- воспитание культуры общения и потребности в практическом использовании английского языка в различных сферах деятельности

- содействие формированию открытой для общения личности, способной к межкультурному взаимодействию, владеющей одним из важнейших инструментов достижения социального и личного успеха в жизни – навыками общения на иностранном языке

- формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка

- развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся, и ценностных ориентаций

Основные задачи курса

  1. Развитие и формирование коммуникативных способностей, готовности к успешному. позитивному общению на английском языке.
  2. Формирование практических навыков эффективного речевого общения на английском языке в типичных ситуациях повседневной жизни.
  3. Дать ученику возможность реализовать свой интерес к гуманитарному профилю.
  4. создать условия для подготовки к экзаменам по выбору, т.е. по предметам будущего профилирования.

Программа “Английский – это легко” рассчитана на 1 год (34 часа).

Из них: 20 часов овладение базовым объёмом лексико-грамматических знаний по программе; 12 часов – практические занятия по развитию навыков чтения и аудирования; 1 час – промежуточный зачет в форме собеседования; 2 часа – итоговый зачёт в форме защиты реферата.

В основе программы – учебный комплект Выборовой Г.Е. “Easy English”.

Главными принципами курса являются ситуативно-коммуникативный и тематический.

Работа с учащимися направлена на формирование навыков устно-речевой деятельности, предупреждение типичных ошибок.

Календарное планирование (Приложение 1)

Тематическое планирование (Приложение 2)

Список литературы

  1. Арбекова Т.И. “Я хочу и буду знать английский”. Москва, “Инка телер”, 1993.
  2. Войтенок В.В. “Разговорный английский”. Москва, “Айрис-Пресс”, 2000.
  3. Выборова Г.Е. “Easy English”, базовый курс. Москва, “Аст-Пресс книга”, 2002.
  4. Трофимов В.Н. “English”. Москва, Издательство Рученькина, 1997.
  5. Голицинский Ю. “Разговорный английский”. С.- Петербург, “Каро”, 1999.
  6. Хведченя Л.В. “Английский для поступающих в ВУЗы”. Минск, “Высшая школа”, 2005.

Разработка урока “My home is my castle” на материале фильма “The Patriot”

Цель урока:

- формирование кросс-культурной грамотности;

- расширение знаний по страноведению Англии и США.


- развитие навыков аудирования;

- ознакомление с новой страноведческой информацией;

- активизация навыков монологической речи, чтения.

Оснащение урока:

- видеомагнитофон, кассета с фильмом “The Patriot”;

- комплекты карточек с лексикой;

- распечатки диалогов;

- карта Америки.

Ход урока

1. Teacher: Today we’ll speak about family and home. We’ll watch some episodes from the film “The Patriot” about the War of Independence of America in 1775 – 1783. At the end of the lesson be ready to explain the meaning of the proverb “My home is my castle”.

2. Речевая разминка

T: Agree or disagree with me

а) Old and young people always see the world in the same way.

b). Life isn’t worth living without friends.

c). Friends always support you in different situations.

d). We should take care of our relatives and friends.

e). Your family is more important to you than your friends.

f). You can ask your parents for advice.

g). You never quarrel with your friends.

T: Well done. Thank you.

3. Подготовка к просмотру 1 эпизода. (С самого начала до получения письма.) На доске записаны слова.

a) T: First of all let’s learn some new words, revise key words.

  • a poll-shiner – (зд.) a postman
  • to join
  • the Continentals – the American Army
  • an assembly – a meeting
  • Peter Carpen – a boy (in the letter)

b) Просмотр первого отрывка. До просмотра предлагаю написать в тетрадях вопросы. Во время просмотра вносить краткую информацию напротив каждого вопроса.

T: While watching, please, mark information in front of each question.

Ex.5 W’s and H

На доске – вопросы, ответы закрыты.

  • Who? (Tomas, Father, brothers, sisters, a postman).
  • What? (a letter, the Continental Army, North Star).
  • Where? (South California, Charleston, field, barn).
  • When? (1778)
  • Why? (because the mother died, to take part in the assembly).
  • How? (joyfully, quickly, impatiently, friendly).

После работы в тетрадях проводится второй просмотр. После этого учащиеся зачитывают свои варианты.

4. Контроль понимания просмотренного эпизода с помощью вопросов.

T: Now, answer my questions, please.

  1. Who is the main character?
  2. Is he married?
  3. Where does the family live?
  4. How many children have you watched in this episode?
  5. Did the elder brothers go hunting (or fishing)?
  6. What was the sister (Mag) doing? (She was teaching her brother the alphabet).
  7. What was t will always be looking down at us and protect us.”
  8. Whom did she say it about?
  9. Was there any special information for boys in the letter? (About the war. The list of soldiers).
  10. What did the elder brother read in the letter? (His friend has joined the continental Army).
  11. How old was that boy?
  12. Gabriel was going to join the Army, wasn’t he?
  13. Did the father want him to be a soldier?

T: Thank you. Let’s sum it up. Whom have you watched in this part?

P1: We’ve watched a family. They are very friendly. They live peacefully.

T: But war is very close to them. Who will protect the family? Where do they go?

P2: They go to Charleston to vote for or against war.

T: That’s right. Good for you.

5. T: Let’s watch the 2-nd part. (Собрание в Чарльстоне.)

While watching put down all possible information.

На доске:

- Names (Colonel Harry Bevel, Captain Martin, Peter Howard)

- Figures (1 or 2 colonies, 8 from 13 colonies, 1 tyrant, 3000 miles)

- Places (Philadelphia, South Carolina, Massachusetts and Virginia).

The children watch the episode and write the information (in the brackets).Информация в скобках либо закрыта, либо записывается по ходу выполнения задания учениками или учителем.

T: Read, please, what you have written.

6. It’s time to have a rest.


Cлова для лото: responsible, ambitious, honest, greedy, independent, careless, tolerant, rude, sociable, courageous, wise, cunning, cruel, creative, industrious.

7. The 2-nd review of the second episode.

T: Let’s watch the 2-nd part again. Mark T (true) or F (false).

а) Выдаю карточки:

Task “True or False”

- Colonel tried to convince the members of the meeting.

- They expected the Declaration of Independence from Massachusetts and Virginia.

- The Colonel asked South Carolina to be the 9-th to support the Continental Army.

- B. Martin believes that American Colonies should govern themselves independently.

- B. Martin is going to go to war.

  1. дети читают
  2. смотрят отрывок
  3. делают пометки
  4. проверяем

T: Fine! You’ve done it perfectly.

b) Work over the text.

T: Children, you have skript on the tables. I will read some words and word-combinations. Try to find sentences with them. Read and translate.


- убежать - избранный

- в поддержку - управлять самостоятельно

- ожидать - могут и должны

- граждане - вполне отрицательно

- угрожать

T:  Can you tell me why B. Martin says, ”My answer is definitely “no” ”. What does it mean?

P-s: - He didn’t want to fight.

- He loved his children and was afraid to loose them or to be killed at the war.

T: And what are the meanings of the other people. Let’s have a look at this question through the dialogue.

Children work in pairs. I give them out the dialogues. They put sentences in right order and read them.

T: Are their meanings different?

(The children express their meanings).

8. Description of the character.

T: Children! We have seen B. Martin as a kind father in the 1-st part and as a firm man in the second one. Will you characterize him using these adjectives. Put them in two columns.



- brave, tolerant, careful, kind, loving, courageous, wise, clever, industrious, creative, honest, ambitious, responsible, independent, sociable


- rude, greedy, cruel, cunning, weak

T: ( I suggest the pupils to make a conclusion).

- Children, tell me please, what kind of people can protect their home, family, motherland? (The pupils give their answers).

9. T: - Let’s make a brief summary. (The teacher asks some questions).

E.g: - Benjamin Martin is a positive character, isn’t he?

- What features of him do you appreciate?

- Can you explain the proverb “My home is my castle” concerning B. Martin?

10. Conclusion




Colonel: You all know why I am here. I am not an orator. I will not try to convince you. I am a soldier. And we are at war. From Philadelphia we expect the Declaration of Independence. 8 from 13 colonies have collected money in the support of the Continental Army. I ask South Carolina to be the 9-th.

Peter Howard: Massachusetts and Virginia may be at war. But South Carolina is not.

Colonel: That is not a war for the independence of 1 or 2 colonies. But for the independence of one nation.

People: -What nation is that?

Peter Howard: An American nation.

People: There is no such nation.

Peter Howard: We are the citizens of an American nation and our rights are being threatened by a tyrant 3 000 miles away.

Colonel: You all know why I am here. I am not an orator. I will not try to convince you. I am a soldier. And we are at war. From Philadelphia we expect the Declaration of Independence. 8 from 13 colonies have collected money in the support of the Continental Army. I ask South Carolina to be the 9-th.

Peter Howard: Massachusetts and Virginia may be at war. But South Carolina is not.

Colonel: That is not a war for the independence of 1 or 2 colonies. But for the independence of one nation.

People: What nation is that?

Peter Howard: An American nation.

- There is no such nation.

Peter Howard: We are the citizens of an American nation and our rights are being threatened by a tyrant 3 000 miles away.

Colonel: You all know why I am here. I am not an orator. I will not try to convince you. I am a soldier. And we are at war. From Philadelphia we expect the Declaration of Independence. 8 from 13 colonies have collected money in the support of the Continental Army. I ask South Carolina to be the 9-th.

Peter Howard: Massachusetts and Virginia may be at war. But South Carolina is not.

Colonel: That is not a war for the independence of 1 or 2 colonies. But for the independence of one nation.

People: What nation is that?

Peter Howard: An American nation.

- There is no such nation.

Peter Howard: We are the citizens of an American nation and our rights are being threatened by a tyrant 3 000 miles away.