Обобщающий урок английского языка по теме "Англия". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений, контроль по теме “Англия”, повторение и активизация знаний по пройденной теме “Погода”.

Цели по содержанию:

Образовательная – способствование применению изученного языкового материала в новом учебном контексте, создание условий для проверки уровня усвоения материала по теме, совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, письма.

Развивающая – формирование умений работать с ключевыми словами, классифицировать и систематизировать, следовать инструкциям, развивать долговременную память, внимание.

Воспитательная – формирование культуры работы в группе, уважительного взаимодействия, мотивирование интереса к особенностям страны изучаемого языка.

Дидактическая цель: создать условия для обобщения изученного материала, выявления уровня овладения системой знаний и умений по теме средствами технологии развивающего обучения.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.

Форма урока: урок-игра.

Средства и оборудование:

  • учебник,
  • 5 комплектов карточек с опорными словами,
  • стикеры по количеству учащихся в группе,
  • контурная карта Великобритании на ватмане,
  • 5 контурных карт Великобритании на листах А4,
  • карта Великобритании,
  • 5 листов А4 для работы с опорными словами,
  • жетоны (красные, зеленые, синие),
  • таблица настроения
  • мультимедийная презентация,
  • компьютер,
  • проектор,
  • призы.

Место урока в учебном процессе: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний по теме “England”, 6 класс, УМК Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык: учебник для VI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. – М.: Просвещение, 2007.

Домашнее задание с предыдущего занятия: Урок 8: упр.28, подготовить сжатый рассказ о районах Англии с использованием опорных слов; узнать и описать прогноз погоды в Лондоне, Брайтоне, Дувре, Плимуте, Бате, Бристоле, Кембридже, Бирмингеме, Ньюкасле, Йорке на дату урока (каждый ученик вытянул название одного города), пользуясь упр.26 на стр.17 и упр.5 на стр.89.


I. Greeting, Warming up

T – > Ps: – Good morning, friends.

– How are you?

Today at our lesson will make an imaginary trip to England, in fact to some main cities of it. We need to know some information to travel there and to feel comfortable: the weather, location, main facts and sights of the regions and cities we’re going to visit.

1) T – > Ps: – What is the weather like today?

(Ps: It’s fantastic/nice/cool and windy/bright and frosty/windy and snowy/calm and fine…)

– Do you like such weather?

(Ps: Yes, I certainly do. It’s really good for skiing and skating/ No, I don’t. I hate the wind and the cold. I hope it won’t last.)

– Do you think the weather in England is the same in winter? Why?

(Ps: I think that the weather in England is different as this country is located on the island which is washed by seas and an ocean. Besides, there are mountains on Great Britain which protect some parts of England from the wind. They say the weather is changeable and wet, it often rains there. There is hardly ever snow in winter and when it falls it melts at once.)

2) Т – > Ps: Your homework was to look up the weather forecast in some English cities in the Internet.

Now, will you all write down the name of the city you prepared to speak about on the sticker-card and draw the main symbols of the weather expected? Turn to page 17 where symbols are given for help. (All pupils are given stickers to write the task on.)

T – > Ps: Ps, it’s time to come up to the blackboard and stick your cards onto the contour map of GB. Please find the correct position of the city. (If some pupils stick the cards in the wrong place, other pupils help them to find the correct location of the city on the map.)

T – > Ps: Is the position of all the cities correct? Let’s compare it with the real map of GB. (The teacher hangs the map of Great Britain on the blackboard.)

T – > P1, P2: Could you boys check the pupils’ job?

(The teacher asks two pupils to check if the stickers have been put in the right place or not.)

3) T – > P1: P1, What is the weather like in Brighton? (P2 – Plymouth, P3 - Cambridge, P4 - Birmingham, P5 - Newcastle?)

(Example: P2: In Plymouth the day will be/is wet with showers. Strong wind is expected. It’s going to be cold with the temperature 5* C.)

(5 Pupils speak about the weather forecast in Brighton, Plymouth, Cambridge, Birmingham, Newcastle, pointing at their cards with written symbols of weather forecast placed on the map.)

T – > Ps: Well done. Now we know what to put on in this time of the year when we travel to England.

4) T – > Ps: – Why do you think I have chosen these very cities of England?

T: Yes, that’s right. They represent 5 different Regions of England: the Southeast, the Southwest, the Midlands, East Anglia and the North of England.

II. The game itself.

T – > Ps: Well, it’s time to start our trip about England and its regions. Everybody knows that travelling in a good company is more interesting than doing it all alone.

1) T – > Ps: Find your companions. Remember the city you prepared the weather forecast of. So your companions should be from the same region (Homework about the weather). We’ll get 4/5 separate companies (depends on the number of pupils): SE, SW, Midl., EA+NE and take sits together where the table with the name of the region is.

The Southeast: London+ Brighton+ Dover – 1st team;

The Southwest: Plymouth+ Bristol+ Bath – 2nd team;

The Midlands: Manchester+ Liverpool+ Birmingham – 3d team;

East Anglia: Cambridge+ Norwich – 4th team;

The North of England: York+ Newcastle – 5th team).

(The teacher puts tables with written names of the regions on them, on the desks where companies/teams will take sits).

T – > Ps: I advise the companies to choose a leader of the group.

2) T – > leaders: Please, the leaders, come up to me to get the instructions about the preparations for the trip. (each leader gets an envelope with paper and cards)

Don’t open the envelope without my command.

***Each envelope contains:

– A contour map of GB,

– Key words for the description of the 5 regions,

– A sheet of paper to write down words associated with “England”

T – > Ps: Let me remind you that each company will get a token for the fulfilled task.

The red token you get if the answer is very good,

the green token – if the answer is good but with some drawbacks,

the blue token means that your answer had some mistakes

The more red tokens the company gets the better chances to get a prize it has. The red token will be given to the team at the end of the game if all partners take an active part in the game and be the Speakers.

3) T – > groups: The first task for the groups:

T: On an empty sheet of paper write down the words you can associate with or relate to “England”. Then each team will explain their choice. Don’t forget to choose a Speaker. You have only 2 minutes to write down the words.

T – > Ps: Time is up. Speaker 1(2, 3, 4, 5), how many words have you written? (The teacher checks the list of words written by the team and then gives a token to the team).

Could you comment on 4 words only? – 2 minutes for the speech.

(A speaker from each team explains the choice of words and gives necessary information connected with the word. His companions help if he makes pauses. The teacher gives a token to each speaker).

4) T – > Ps: The second task:

T: Have a look at the pictures. Guess what they mean, what regions of England they are connected with and how. (Children look at the photos from the computer presentation. Pictures have numbers. In 1 minute teams should comment on the pictures, the teacher gives a token for the answer).

Приложение 1

(мультимедийная презентация)

Picture 1. Oliver Cromwell (EA)

Picture 2. William Shakespeare (Midl)

Picture 3. Stonehenge (SW)

Picture 4. Heathrow Airport (SE)

Picture 5. Hadrian’s Wall (NE)

T: If other groups can add something important they get a token for help.

5) T – > Ps: The third task:

Groups, take a sheet of paper with the contour map of GB. Draw the borders of all the regions of England and fill in the main cities of each region. Connect the cities of the regions with one line as if you make a tour route of your future trip. Now the Speakers of the groups tell us what route you have chosen. What are the starting and the last points of your trip? (The teacher gives a token for the answer).

6) T – > Ps: The fourth task:

Take a set of mixed cards (26 items) with written words or word combinations on them. Unite them according to the regions they are connected with/or belong to. Be ready to speak about the regions using these words as the key ones.

1. The Southeast: 2. highly populated, 3. a lot of industry, 4. the capital, 5. main passenger ports and airports, 6. The garden of England, 7. Resorts

8. The Southwest: 9. farming, 10. Pirates, 11. “Land’s End”

12. The Midlands: 13.The heart of England, 14. The largest industrial part, 15. The birthplace of great writer, 16. University

17. East Anglia: 18. Farming, 19. The Fens, 20. Lord Protector of England, 21. Isolated

22. The North of England: 23. The wildest and loneliest parts, 24. The Lake District, 25. The Roman ruler, 26. Rich in coal

III. Summing up

T – > Ps: Our lesson has come to an end. It was our last lesson on the topic "Regions of England". I see that you know much about this part of the UK. And now I’m sure that your real trip to England will be interesting and well organized.

Let’s finish our lesson with the following:

I want everybody to say what region or regions of England you would like to visit first of all and why when you go to the UK one day? (Pupils answer one after another.)

P: When I go to England I will definitely visit …because… .

Thank you for your work. You were very active today. And now let's see which team is the winner. Please, count your red, green, blue tokens. How many of them do you have?

My congratulations to the winners! They get prizes. You all deserve excellent marks!

Your marks are…,

Come up to the chart and put a tick into the box which best describes your feelings at the lesson.

(Wonderful, perfect, very good, quite good, just fine, satisfactory, so-so, indifferent, bad, awful)

IV. Home Assignment

T: Your homework is: Lesson 9 ex 2-4., Activity book L-9 ex 2, 3.
