Урок по теме "The musical tour of the Far East" медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • Развивать иноязычную коммуникативную, информационную и музыкальную компетенции учащихся.
  • Раскрывать межпредметные связи английского языка и музыки, воспитывать чувство гордости за богатое музыкальное наследие родного края.

Образовательные задачи урока:

  • Совершенствовать коммуникативные умения в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности.
Чтение с основным пониманием прочитанного
Говорение монологическая речь
Аудирование      с извлечением основной информации,
с извлечением необходимой информации
Письмо заполнение таблицы
  • Активизировать употребление в речи лексики и синтаксических конструкций по теме.

Воспитательные задачи урока

  • Стимулировать интерес детей к изучению музыкальных произведений дальневосточных композиторов и музыкантов.
  • Формировать у учащихся понимание необходимости знаний о музыкальном наследии родного края.

Развивающие задачи урока

  • Развивать ИКТ-грамотность учащихся.
  • Развивать эмоционально-образную сферу и творческие способности учащихся.
  • Развивать умение публичного выступления.

Форма организации учебной деятельности: групповая, коллективная, индивидуальная.

Средства обучения: электронная разработка урока.

Оснащение урока: Компьютерная презентация, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (распечатки текстов).

Ход урока

1. Introduction

Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you!
Students: Good morning, teacher.
Teacher: Take your seats, please. How are you today?
Students: We are fine, thanks.

Teacher: We’ll start our lesson with listening to a musical extract, after that I want you to tell me what we are going to speak about today.

Students are listening to music. (Music of the presentation-slide 1 (without the title of the lesson))

Teacher: Have you ever heard this music?

Students: This is the song “Khabarovsk lights” by Yuri Vladimirov.
Teacher: So, what do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Students: music, Far East music.
Teacher: What makes you think so?

Students: Yuri Vladimirov is the Far East musician.

Teacher: Good of you, students. Welcome to our musical saloon! (slide 1- the title appears at the click)

We hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and on TV, in the concert halls, at the seaside and even in the forest. Music makes our life better. We like to listen to music and we enjoy it. It can inspire and entertain at the same time.

People have different attitudes towards music. Those who just listen to music are listeners and those who create music are composers.

Today I invite you to the musical trip around the Far East. We’ll meet famous and interesting Far East people and of course will listen to music.

  • What famous Far East people do you know?
  • What famous Far East musicians do you know?
  • Do you know any songs about the Far East?
  • What musical names and subjects do you know?

Students:musician, composer, concert-hall, Concert Hall, The Dalni Vostok State Concert Ensemble, violin, philharmonic …

Teacher: Before our trip I offer you to look through my presentation, remember some words and do some tasks (slides 2,3,4,5)

2. Warming up activities

2.1. Continue the sentence

My favourite music is… I like it because …

  • Pop music
  • Folk
  • Rock
  • Classical
  • Jazz
  • Dance
  • Country
  • Martial
  • Organ

2.2. Continue the sentence

Music can be…/ can…


  • Romantic
  • Melancholy
  • Sentimental
  • Amazing
  • Touching
  • Unforgettable


  • Tuneless
  • Dreadful
  • Annoying
  • Boring
  • Rubbish
  • Inspire – вдохновлять
  • Entertain – развлекать
  • Destroy – разрушать
  • Enrich – обогащать

2.3. Form the appropriate adjectives for each noun











Answers: shocking, boring, sentimental, romantic, beautiful, talented, classical, interesting, musical

2.4. Give examples of the famous people and things. Use adjective.

… singer
… song
… rock musician
… show
… instrument
… composer
… music
… conductor

3. Reading for general comprehension

Teacher: Today we speak about music. And musicians play the main role in the world of sounds and tunes. The huge love to the far and beautiful land is in music of the Far East musicians.

Now I offer you to meet some the most famous Far East musicians. (slide 6) They are Viktor Tits, Kola Beldy, Matvei Zshuravlev.

You will work with texts into 3 groups; each group will read about one musician.

Students choose texts

4. Group work

Teacher: Please read the information about your chosen musician and than tell us the most important facts of their lives. You have 5 minutes.

Students are reading the texts.(Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3)

Teacher: Time is over.

5. Monological speech

Students are talking about main biographical facts of Viktor Tits, Kola Beldy, Matvei Zshuravlev. (slides 8,9,10)


Students of other groups fill in the table about musicians. (Appendix 4)

Teacher: Thank you very much. I think our meeting with outstanding Far East musicians was useful.

7. Reading for general comprehension

Teacher: Now look at the screen and try to guess what it is. (slides 11,12,13,14)

Students: Concert Hall of the krai philharmonic society.

Teacher: You are right! I invite you to the Concert Hall of the krai philharmonic society.

Let’s read some interesting information about it. Please take the text. Who wants to read? (Appendix 5)

One of the students is reading the text, other students are following it.

Teacher: Thank you very much! Your reading was good.

    • What new facts have you learnt about the Concert Hall?
    • Is it necessary to have the Concert Hall of the krai philharmonic society in Khabarovsk (any city)?

Students: we can meet interesting people there

we can listen to classical music there

8. Reflection

Teacher: Now let’s do the test and the quiz. We’ll see how attentive you’ve been today. Do the test individually, and then check it with the screen.

  • TEST (slides 15-18)

1. Viktor Tits is a…

  1. composer
  2. painter
  3. conductor

2. The song “Khabarovsk lights” became a visiting card of …

  1. Moscow
  2. Khabarovsk
  3. London

3. … was born in1929 in the small village Mukha of Nanaisky district

  1. Kola Beldy  
  2. Nikolai Mentser
  3. Ivan Turgenev

4. The first time in the Far East the organ music was played on the instrument specially made for the…

  1. concert Hall
  2. museum
  3. library

5. The building of the Concert Hall of the krai philharmonic society was built in …

  1. 1880s
  2. 1990
  3. 1770

6. How many floors were in the building of the Concert Hall of the krai philharmonic society first?

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three

7. Viktor Tits died in …

  1. 2006
  2. 2007
  3. 2002

8. What musician has the style of his art as “Songs of the deerman”?

  1. Beldy
  2. Mentser
  3. Zshuravlev

9. In the Far East music reflected such aspects as …

  1. huge love to the far and beautiful land
  2. riches
  3. kind people

10. He worked as a sailor and a bookbinder.

  1. Zshuravlev
  2. Mentser
  3. Beldy

11. Who is the author of famous “Song about Khabarovsk”?

  1. Kazachkov
  2. Zshuravlev
  3. Mentser

12. Where was the first musical experience of V. Tits?

  1. in his family
  2. at school
  3. at conservatory

Answers: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12a

Teacher: And to sum all information of our lesson I offer you to do the crossword.

  • Crossword (slide 19)


Horizontally:  Vertically:
1. Musician 1. conductor
2. conservatory 2. philharmonic
3. organ 3. orchestra
4. Khabarovsk 4. violin
5. Tits  
6. Beldy  

9. Making conclusions

Teacher: So, in the end of our lesson I’d like you to finish some statements.

  • World of music …
  • Far East music …
  • It is necessary/ not necessary to …

Teacher: You all worked great today and your marks for your work are the following …

Your home task is to prepare a summary of the text “Musical world of the Far East”.

Thank you for the lesson, good bye!

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Приложение 4

Приложение 5