Тема урока "Social Networks" ("Социальные сети")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: комплексное развитие навыков, необходимых для сдачи экзамена ЕГЭ.

Задачи урока.

Образовательные:  познакомить с преимуществами и недостатками социальных сетей, развивать лексические навыки, совершенствовать монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся.

Познавательные: развитие коммуникативной компетенции в рамках обсуждаемой темы.

Развивающие: развитие навыков логического и творческого мышления, развитие навыков чтения и сопоставления.

Воспитательные: воспитание умения внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение, поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательным.

Teacher: Hello boys and girls! Are you an online network socialite? Do you Twitter about your Facebook status? Have your friends noticed that you'll only talk to them 140 characters at a time? Then you've got your finger on the pulse of online social networking - a big part of Web 2.0.

Today we are talking about social networks and I guess some of you are very experienced social networks users. Just a few years ago, the idea of an online social network was revolutionary. While the Web has always provided a way for people to make connections with one another, social networking sites made it easier than ever to find old friends and make new ones. Today, it's rare to find someone who hasn't heard of V Kontakte, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or one of a hundred other social networks.

What are the most popular social networks in Russia? (Students’ answers)

Let’s have a look at the map of the most popular social networking sites around the world. What can you see? What is the most popular social network in America? What about Asia?

(Students give their answers)

Teacher: Now, let’s see which social networks you use … and who is not registered in any social network.

(If there are such students in the class ask them why they do not use social networks)

The teacher draws a table on the board and the students (or one student) fill it in.

VKontakte Odnoklassniki Facebook Other
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  

Each student tells the class what social network or social networks he uses and why.

Teacher: And now let’s talk about the things you can do with the help of a social networking site. (If the students can’t express their ideas the teacher should give them a hint)

Students: (suggested answers)

Social network can help you:

Find celebrities you admire and communicate with them!

Find old and new friends

Find a job or help someone get it

Promote your creative work (songs, dances, pictures etc.)

Organize events and invite people (friends)

Play games, download music, watch videos etc.

Communicate with people

(The students can make a diagram on the board.)

Teacher: So the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. But have ever thought of any? Let’s try to find some.

(If students can’t think of any, tell them of some and elicit their answers.)

Perhaps the biggest online social networking drawback is that it makes identity theft easier. In order to create a profile on a social networking site, you have to share some information about yourself. Many sites allow you to decide how much information to share. Some give you options to hide information like your e-mail address or birthday -- information that could give unscrupulous people the chance to send you spam or steal your identity.

The problem is that if you don't share any information, none of your friends will be able to find you on the site. On the other hand, if you share too much you may discover that someone else is masquerading under your identity. They might even be destroying your credit rating or attempting to access your e-mail or financial information.

Another danger is that some people use social networking sites to trick people into downloading malicious software (malware). A common tactic is to use social engineering. For example, you might receive a link from a friend saying that it leads you to a funny video that you appear in. Following the link brings up a message saying you need to install a video player before you can view the clip. But the video player is actually a virus or Trojan horse program that can harm your computer. Once your computer is infected, the scammer will use your friends list to try and spread the malware even further.

Social networking can be both exciting and addictive at the same time. If you join every social network and add hundreds of people as friends, you'll receive updates constantly!!! It'll become difficult to see any one individual's updates. You'll have a lot of noise to filter out if you want to find something specific. And you may find yourself checking for updates several times throughout the day when you really should be doing something else.

So, let’s sum up the disadvantages. (The students can make a diagram)

Students: (suggested answers)

Dangers of social networks:

You waste your time.

You can get a virus and harm your computer or computers of all your friends.

Someone can steal your financial information or get access to your email.

People can do you harm by stealing your personal information or sending spam.

Teacher: So with a few healthy habits, you can avoid or minimize the drawbacks. Just remember to be careful and responsible before you sign up!

And now let’s read some incredible stories from users of social networking sites. Read the texts and match them with the headings.

A. Everybody say cheese!! It was a beautiful moment for one Missouri family posing for their Christmas card photo. But what they didn't expect is that the photo would end up somewhere else than their living room. Yes, a giant version of the image was spotted by a college friend of them on a food store in Prague, the Czech Republic. The photo was being used as an advertisement without any authorization. Grazie store in Prague's owner, Mario Bertuccio said he took it from the internet and he had no idea it belonged to a real family. Well Mario, say that to the judge…

B. What is the groom supposed to do after the vows of love and obey? Kiss the bride? Hmmm, not in a geek's wedding. Before kissing the bride, Dana Hanna, a Software Developer took his cellphone and updated his relationship status on Facebook and Twitter. He also handed one over to his new wife to do the same. We appreciate you keep us informed Dana, but I hope you don't do the same at every stage of your honeymoon… We get the picture anyway @;)

C. A young Ecuadorian decided to open a group on Facebook under the name of ‘If I get 1.000.000, I, Jose Romero, will tattoo the 151 Pokemon on my back’. But he wouldn't imagine that the challenge would attract thousands of worldwide followers that were willing to support him. Such was the euphoria of the people inspired by the boy's promise that after 24 hours, 50,000 people had already joined the group. The young man might have felt intimidated by the number of followers that kept growing by the second that decided to hide his profile so that nobody could find him.
The disappointed users of the group wanted to beat him for his prank and his absence of word, so decided to open a call to find his whereabouts. The space has so far 600000 followers!

D. What is so unusual about this couple is not that they met online but that they have exactly the same name! A guy from Texas named Kelly Hildebrandt met this cute gal from Florida also named Kelly Hildebrandt and they are about to get married. The love-birds met when Kelly, the girl, looked up her own name on Facebook. “I was like, ‘I wonder if there's any other Kelly Hildebrandts on Facebook, so, I searched my own name and he's the only one that came up. And actually, in the picture, he didn't have his shirt on, and I'm like, ‘oh, he's cute!'”. Kelly, the man was also intrigued. “She started off, ‘Hey, I see we have the same name, and I thought it was kinda cool, so I wanted to say hi, I guess' ” he said… Well, 8 months after Kelly proposed to Kelly, and here they go…straight to the happy ending!

E. Rodney Bradford, a 19-year-old man would have never thought that a message typed on Facebook would become –literally- his passport to freedom. He updated his status on Saturday, Oct. 17, at 11:49 a.m. from his father's apartment in Harlem.

The day after, the young man was arrested as a suspect in a robbery. His defense lawyer, Robert Reuland, used the Facebook entry, which was made at the time of the robbery, as his alibi. Rodney was set free as soon as the Facebook alibi was confirmed.

1. Updating Facebook at the altar.

2. Facebook alibi

3. A Facebook poll

4. A stolen Facebook photo

5. Love at Facebook sight

Students complete the task and check it together with the teacher.

(Answers: A-4, B-1, C-3, D-5, E-2.)

Teacher: And now match the words from the text with their definitions.

geek   a. to believe that someone has done something, usually something bad
update   b. a silly trick that you play on someone to surprise them
intimidated   c. someone who is interested only in computers
prank   d. to add the most recent information to something
propose   e. feeling frightened and not confident
suspect   f. to ask someone to get married to you

The teacher checks the answers. (1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-b, 5-f, 6-a)

Teacher: Today we have talked about the advantages and disadvantages of social networks. Now you know what to do not to get into trouble. So I want you to have a good time in the Net but don’t spend much too time there. Remember: nothing can be better than real communication! Thank you for the lesson. Bye!