Тема урока: "Животные на планете"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Лексическая тема: разнообразие животного мира на планете.

Грамматическая тема: личные и объектные местоимения, общие и специальные вопросы в настоящем простом времени.

Повторение: употребление модальных глаголов, множественное число существительных.

Задачи урока.


а) совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;

б) совершенствование фонетических навыков;

с) лексико-грамматических навыков;

д) употребление местоимений.

Развивающая цель: развитие памяти, логического мышления, формирование познавательного интереса к предмету, уважения друг к другу.

Воспитательнвя цель: любовь к Родине, планете, животным, к стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование и материалы.

1. Плакаты с различными животными.

2. Мини-словарь с картинками по теме.

3. Игрушки животных.

4. Аудиосопровождение урока.

5. Разноуровневые учебные карточки с заданиями для более слабых учащихся.

6. SMART-доска для презентации о животных.

7. Школьная доска, учебник, рабочая тетрадь.

8. Компьютер.

Структура урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие друг другу.

Подготовка к уроку.

- Good morning, my friends. Take a seat, please.

- Good morning, our guests. I am glad to see you at our lesson.

- How are you?

- I hope, that you are ready to take an active part at our lesson. So, prepare for our lesson. Students Books, Power Books, diaries, pens, pencils put on your desks and be ready.

Let’s start.

2. Фронтальная беседа.

Учитель: Today is the 9-th of December.

- What day of the week is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- The weather is cold, windy, dull, cloudy.

- Where are your pets in such weather?

- Our pets are at home.

- Who has got any pets at home, raise your hands?

- What pet have you got, Liza?

- Do you take care of your pets?

- Are you friends?

Учитель: I think, that you like animals, especially your pets and I hope that you take care of them. (2 min.)

3. Вступительное словоучителя.

My friends, today we are going to discuss about different animals, know some facts about bisons, improve skills in listening, in dialogue, in phonetics, activate lexics on our topic: Animals. I wish you good luck.

4. Фонетическая зарядка.

At first let us train our tongue to pronounce the sounds correctly. Take a sheet of paper on your desks and repeat after me (cм. текст). Some of these words are used at our lesson,

Try to pronounce them correctly.

5. Рассказы детей о любимых животных на основе домашнего задания.

- Liza, what animal do you like best of all? (Рассказ и загадка о слоне, показать рисунок слона)

- Andrew, what do you like best of all? (Рассказ о коале с рисунком).

- Masha, what animal do you like best of all? (Panda).

Учитель: You are well done. You like animals and know about them very much. There are some TV channels which are devoted to animals.

- What are they?

- Who knows?


They are:

1. Animal Planet.

2. The stories about animals by И.Затевахин

3. The funny animals by American TV broadcaster and so on.

6. Презентация.

I want to show you some slides to sum up facts of animals.

Some cities arrange Safari Parks for animals. There are fences, not cages there. Animals live free there. People can see animals only in the car and take pictures of them. But there are a lot of disappearing animals in the world. They live in the national parks: Serengeti in Tanzania, Sequoia in California, Snowdonia in Wales, etc. (24 min).

People take care of them. You know that people can train different wild animals & pets and they give performances for children in the Old Circus or Nikulin’s Circus, Vernadskiy’s Circus

Askold and Edgar Zapashny train tigers & lions.The famous clown Kuklachyov gives performances with trained cats. It is difficult to train cats. If you want to watch sea animals you can go to Dolphinarium.


8. Now, you know some facts about bisons from textbook Power Book, page 62., ex.1, and answer the questions after reading to know detailed understanding of the reading. (30 min)

9. You are well done. You can read and understand reading.

Now imagine, that you are invited to TV Tower Ostankino to do Quiz about animals and take part in the show about animals. Try to make up questions between correspondent & pupil:

Даниил & Ира, Лиза & Андрей, показать картинки гепарда, т.к. диалог составлен о гепарде.

10. Итоги.

11. You can see a slogan about nature. -How would read this slogan a professor, a rep-singer?

12. Д/з: упр.10, стр.61. Р.В.

Приложение 1