Урок-игра "Английские и американские виды спорта"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок-игра. Завершающий урок по теме «Спорт»

Задачи урока:

  • Практическая: повторить, обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по данной теме
  • Развивающая: развивать способность к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов, развивать навыки понимания иностранного текста на слух и при чтении
  • Воспитательная: способствовать формированию интереса к видам спорта стран изучаемого языка; умение работать в команде

Оснащение урока: компьютер, экран, проектор, листочки для ответов

Языковой материал: К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман “Happy English. ru” 7 класс

Структура урока:

  • 1 блок: целевой – орг. момент, мотивация, постановка задачи
  • 2 блок: процессуальный – игра «Пентагон»
  • 3 блок: аналитический – рефлексия и оценка урока.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.

1. Организационный момент: Good morning, dear friends! Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. I hope everything is fine with you today. It is time to start our lesson.

2. Целеполагание: We are going to speak about different kinds of sports in Great Britain and the USA, but we have an unusual lesson. We are going to play the game “The Pentagon” to repeat our knowledge about them.

II. Основная часть урока.

1) Повторение видов спорта.

As you know there are many kinds of sports in the world. Let’s repeat some of them. Look at the crossword, please, and find 12 words there.

f e n c i n g a m b
o c f j u d o r h a
o h u o c x l w l s
t e n n i s f p r k
b s w z v b n m u e
a s w i m m i n g t
l u s l a l o m b b
l r t y i p a s y a
d b o x i n g f g l
b a c e b a l l j l

Key: fencing, judo, tennis, swimming, slalom, boxing, baseball, football, chess, golf, rugby, basketball

It is not a secret that many of the games now played all over the world originated in Britain. Britain is the birthplace of many popular sports. The USA is famous for its popular sports too. Name me please British sports. And American? They are very popular in these countries. Do you know anything about these games? Let’s play the game “The Pentagon” to check your knowledge. .

2. Игра «Пентагон» (См. Презентацию)

Условия игры: класс делится на небольшие по количеству человек команды. Каждой команде выдаются листочки для написания ответов. Вслух ответы не произносятся. Слово «Пентагон» означает «пять». На каждое задание предусмотрены пять подсказок, от сложной к простой. После открытия первой подсказки ребята совещаются, пишут свой вариант ответа на листочке, если они уверены в своем ответе, и несут жюри. При условии, что ответ верный, команда получает пять баллов. Если ответ не верный, вычитается пять баллов. Если хотя бы одна команда ответа не знает или сомневается, она просит открыть вторую подсказку. Правильный ответ оценивается в 4 балла. Соответственно, если не угадали, вычитается четыре балла и т.д. до пятой подсказки, которая оценивается в 1 балл за правильный ответ и минус 1 балл за неправильный ответ. Команда, уже отдавшая свой ответ жюри, на остальные подсказки ответы не пишет и ждет следующее задание. После того, как все команды отдали свои ответы, можно посмотреть правильный. Подсчет результатов желательно сразу вести на доске.


Название 1 игры – football

1 подсказка: It is the most popular sport in Great Britain.

2 подсказка: The highlight of the season is the FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London.

3 подсказка: The game is played between two teams of eleven players who kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal.

4 подсказка: The most exiting games are often between teams from the same city: Manchester City and Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea from London.

5 подсказка: Players can’t touch the ball with their hands, but with feet and heads.

Название 2 игрыcricket

1 подсказка: The English national sport in summer. People played this game in England as early as 1550.

2 подсказка: Its rules are very complicated. It is played by two teams of 11 players. The player at a time tries to hit the ball with a bat.

3 подсказка: Most people think of this game as a slow sport, but the ball can be bowled at speed of 85 miles per hour.

4 подсказка: International matches last for 5 days.

5 подсказка: This play differs from “croquet”.

 Название 3 игры – golf

1 подсказка: It is Scotland’s chief contribution to British sport.

2 подсказка: It is sport of the aristocracy.

3 подсказка: Players try to knock the ball into a hole.

4 подсказка: There are special cars to get to the field.

5 подсказка: In Russian it is a long sock.

Название 4 игрыtennis

1 подсказка: This game was first played in Britain in the late 19th century.

2 подсказка: There are many competitions where the leading rackets of the world compete between each other.

3 подсказка: Wimbledon is the centre of this game.

4 подсказка: There are two kinds of this game. Another kind of this game is called “ping-pong”.

5 подсказка: Two players usually play against each other.

Название 5 игры – basketball

1 подсказка: This game was invented in the USA in 1891.

2 подсказка: Each team moves the ball across the court by dribbling it. The players can also pass the ball to each other.

3 подсказка: There are five players in each team on the field.

4 подсказка: This game is played with a large orange ball.

5 подсказка: Players try to shoot the ball into the basket.

Название 6 игры – baseball

1 подсказка: It is the popular American sport.

2 подсказка: It is a game between two teams. Each team consists of nine players. They have 9 “innings”.

3 подсказка: The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball.

4 подсказка: The object of the game is to score more “runs” than the other team.

5 подсказка: The pitcher throws the ball to the catcher. The batter tries to hit the ball and runs the bases.

Название 7 игры – rugby

1 подсказка: This plays is famous from the beginning of the 19th century when a teacher while playing football decided to pick up the ball and run with it.

2 подсказка: There are 15 players in each team.

3 подсказка: The goal is like the letter “H”.

4 подсказка: This game is played with an oval ball.

5 подсказка: It is a type of football.

Название 8 игры – ice hockey

1 подсказка: It is a winter game.

2 подсказка: It is popular in the USA but not popular in Britain.

3 подсказка: Players skate very good.

4 подсказка: This game is played by two teams of 5 players on the field which change very often and goalkeepers.

5 подсказка: It is played on an ice field.

III. Завершение урока.

  1. Подсчет очков. Выявление победителя. Good for you. Well done but out winner for today is the team …
  2. Рефлексия. Our game is over. Did you like it?
  3. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your hard work. Your marks for today’s lesson are… Good bye.