Открытый урок на тему "Готовимся к празднику". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий

Цель урока:


  1. Провести повторение тем «Дом». «Помощь по дому».
  2. Закрепить материал по теме «Покупки». «Подготовка к празднику».
  3. Вырабатывать навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи


  1. Активизировать устную речь ученика среднего уровня путем разнообразных форм и методов работы.
  2. Тренировать навыки быстрой реакции при выполнении тренировочных заданий по фонетике, устной речи.
  3. Развивать языковую догадку и логическое мышление
  4. Развивать кратковременную и долговременную память.
  5. Формировать грамматические навыки употребления “Present Simple”


  1. Расширять знания детей об особенностях сервиса в магазинах (упаковках, расфасовках продуктов)
  2. Прививать интерес к английскому языку и стране изучаемого языка.
  3. Воспитывать патриотическое отношение к национальному празднику.
  4. Развивать работоспособность ученика среднего уровня.

Наглядные пособия, оснащение урока: 

  1. Фотографии (картинки) с видами разных магазинов (или показ на интерактивной доске).
  2. Карточки с типами различных упаковок (емкостей) продуктов (возможен показ на интерактивной доске)
  3. Плакат «День защитника Отечества»
  4. Необходимые атрибуты для драматизации диалогов (муляжи продуктов, сумки для продуктов, модель весов).

Ход урока

Dear children! Today we'll try to remember how families get ready for the holiday: "Fatherland Defender's Day!" Be active and take part in the work of the lesson.

The procedure of the lesson. (Ход урока)


What is the date today? What holiday do we celebrate on the 23d of February?
(... the Fatherland Defender's Day)

Let's remember the poem, devoted to this date

  • Fatherland Defender's Day
  • Nation's holiday as people say
  • Day of Army, patriots
  • Soldier's Day in the greatest words!


Look at the plan of getting ready for the holiday:

  1. Cleaning the house
  2. Doing the shopping
  3. Choosing presents

Let's work at the first item – "cleaning the house".

What's the English for: стирать, готовить еду, убирать всё в доме, подметать, поливать цветы, пылесосить, делать салаты? Я люблю поливать цветы. Мы убираем пыль в комнатах, папа пылесосит ковер.

Who wants to tell about cleaning the house before the holiday?

Примерный текст

Before the Fatherland Defender's Day Mum cooks a holiday dinner. I help her to make salads. Then we (children) tidy up the rooms and clean the flat. Dad vacuums the carpet, our brother waters the flowers. Then we go shopping. We send a telegram to our Grandfather and Great-grandfather. Happy Holiday, dear Grandfather and Great-grandfather.


The second activities “is to go shopping”. Pronounce the name of shops, translate the name of the shops.

  • a butcher’s – мясной отдел (магазин)
  • a baker's – булочная
  • a greengrocer's – овощи-фрукты
  • a dairy – молочный отдел (магазин)
  • a grocer's – гастрономия
  • a sweet shop – кондитерские изделия
  • a fishmonger's – рыбный отдел (магазин)
  • a supermarket – супермаркет
  • a gift shop – магазин сувениров


Guess at what shop we buy such products:

  1. We buy biscuits, cakes, sweets, honey at ...
  2. We buy milk, sour cream at ...
  3. She buys meat, sausages at...
  4. We buy fish at...
  5. He buys fruit and vegetables at...
  6. I buy brown bread and white bread at...
  7. My family buys flour, sugar, rice at … или

What do you buy at the bakers (...), at the butcher's? at the grocer's? at the greengrocer's? at the dairy? at the sweet shop?


Во время работы с классом одному ученику задание: нужно вставить пропущенные буквы:

at da ..у   at gr..cer's
at sw ..t s.. p   at ba . ers
  at bu .. ers  


To ask pupils where they buy different products.

1 ученик. When I want to buy meat I go to the butcher's. I like to buy bread at baker's. I like to buy sweets, honey, jam, biscuits at a sweet shop. I buy apples, bananas at greengrocer's.

2 ученик. I would like to buy fruit and vegetables at the green grocer's shop. I would like to buy fish of fishmonger’s.


At shops food is sold in different containers
Please, repeat the following word combinations:

(показывая картинки)

a jar of coffee, a jar of jam (honey), a loaf of bread, a tin of fruit (meat), a can of Coke (Pepsi, Lemonade), a carton of cream (juice), a bottle of milk, a packet of tea (nuts), a box of sweets, a bag of sugar (salt).

Time for relaxation (Музыкальная минутка для отдыха)

To sing the the song “Helping at home” (Исполнение песни)

I went to the kitchen   I went to the Granny's
And helped mummy cook   And helped her wash up
Helped mummy cook   Helped her wash up
Helped mummy cook   Helped her wash up
I went to the kitchen   I went to my Granny's
And helped mummy cook   And helped her wash up
When she made us a dinner.   After we had had dinner


Match the containers for food and products (One product is extra)

1. a jar of   A. bread
2. a loaf of   B. juice
3. a tin of   С fruit
4. a can of   D. meat
5. a carton of   E. sweets
6. a box of   F. milk
7. a packet of   G. honey
8. a bottle   H. nuts
9. a bag of   I. chocolate
10. .a bar of   J. sugar
      K. lemonade

Ответы: 1G, 2A, 3C, 4K, 5B, 6E, 7H, 8F, 9J, 10I.


To suggest pupils to speak out about doing shopping

Предложить учащимся составить небольшие монологические высказывания, типа:

  • I want to buy
  • a can of Cola
  • a tin of meat
  • a loaf of bread and a box of sweets
  • I’d like to buy
  • a tin of fruit
  • a carton of juice …

If pupils can't fulfill, the task, they translate sentences from Russian into English (Если ученикам трудно составлять предложения, то предложить им перевести предложения с русского на английский язык.

  • Я хочу купить
  • баночку колы,
  • банку консервов
  • булку хлеба и коробку конфет…


Now we are shoppers and go to different shops to buy products.

At greengrocer's

1 – Hello!
2 – Hello!
1 – Can I help you?
2 – Yes, of course I’d like some vegetables.
1 – How much do you want?
2 – I want a kilo of potatoes, half a kilo of onions and 1 kilo of tomatoes.
1 – Here you are.
2 – How much are they?
1 – 130 rubles.
2 – Here is the money. Thanks.

At grocer’s

1 – Can I have a kilo of flour, a dozen of eggs, 1 kilo of sugar?
2 – Yes, of course. But we've got sugar of the second category.
1 – OK. How much are they?
2 – 120 rubles.
1 – Here you are. Take 150 rubles.
2 – Here is 30 rubles change, please.
1 – Good bye!
2 – Good bye!

At a dairy

1 – I'd like a bottle of milk and a carton of yoghurt.
2 – Here you are. What else?
1 – A carton of cream. How much should I pay?
2 – 80-rubles
1 – Thanks. Give me a plastic bag, please.

At the butcher's

1 – Hello!
2 – Hello!
1 – I want to buy a kilo of meat.
2 – OK
1 – Would you wrap it?
2 – Of course, with pleasure.
1 – How much does it cost?
2 – 250 rubles.
1 – Thanks.
2 – You are welcome.


Now, we are at the gift's shop. What would you like to buy there? "At the gift shop"

Подстановочная таблица

I want to buy a post card for my dad
My family would like   a book grandpa
      a DVD film great-grandfather
      a camera brother
      an album uncle
      a souvenir  


To ask every pupil a sentence. Then one pupil makes up a small text: (for example)

I would like to buy a postcard for my great-grandfather because he enjoys getting them.

I want to buy a book for dad he likes to read.

My family would like to buy a DVD film for brother because he watches films very often.

I want to buy albums for dad and uncle because they collect photos.


Explanation of the home task-Crossword "Food"(Find 10 words vertically, horizontally).


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