Different Landscapes-Different countries. 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10


социокультурный аспект – развитие умения ориентироваться в реалиях стран изучаемого языка, умение представлять свою культуру и гордиться ею, уважать культуру англоязычных стран;

развивающий аспект – развитие способности оценивать чужое мнение, формулировать выводы, способности к логическому изложению, научить учащихся монологическим и диалогическим высказываниям по географии России, США, Великобритании и национальным чертам народов этих стран;

воспитательный аспект – воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению собеседника, его взглядам, формирования способности к критическому мышлению, воспитывать чувство патриотизма, коллективизма, толерантности;

учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков.

Оборудование: географическая карта мира, изучаемых стран, национальные флаги, куклы в национальных костюмах, рисунки ребят.

Ход урока

I. Оргмомент.

Teacher: Good morning, сhildren!

Pupils: Good morning.

Today at our lesson we are going to speak and read about varieties of the world where we live. We have groups for presentation the countries. They bought their projects, maps, poems, music to demonstrate for you. So, we want to know the value, beauty and peculiarities of different nations. The aspect we shall begin with a geographical position and we are going to learn about our Motherland. Are you a patriot of it? Are you proud of Russia? (Yes, of course)

II. Развитие монологической речи.

Pupils: Russia, Russia
My land so lovely and so free
The fairest land a man can see!
When down the Volga I go sailing
And seagulls sail the sky above,
I hear the song of joy unfailing
To those green banks, the land I love
Russia, Russia!

(Музыка М. Мусоргского. “Рассвет на Москва-реке”)

Listen and enjoy yourself. The first appearance of day light in the morning .Everything is coming out to meet the Sun light. Everybody is thankful to the Sun. Flowers, birds, animals and people are feeling themselves with a great power to the Sun. Everybody thinks about their small and great Motherland. We are Russians, we remember our culture, history and our roots.

Teacher: Thank you for this unusual romantic review of our country. Let us listen to our pupils about the USA.

(Запись джаза)

Pupils: America, America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

I was born on July 4, 1776 and the Declaration of Independent is my birth certificate. I am the famous people and sights, nicknames, freedom, 50 states, the way of life.

Teacher: Well, this story is good too. What about Great Britain?

(Запись the Beatles, которая нравится 10-классникам)


The Romans call Britain<<Albion>> (<<White>>) in Latin because of the white chalk cliffs of the Southern Coast-the 1st thing they saw.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England`s mountains green,
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England`s pleasant pastures seen?
I will not cease from Mental Fight
Not shall my Sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England`s green and pleasant land.

We have known a lot information about the British people, their country, the Royal family, the climate and the weather…Do you agree with us? (Yes, we do)

Teacher: OK .Are you good at Geography? Good, your task is: look at the pictures on pages 3, 7. The photos are taken in different English-speaking countries. Please, say which of the landscapes you can see on those photos? Why do you think so? Explain, please. Try to guess what countries such landscapes are typical of? (Ex. 2)1, p.4-5)

Pupils: Photo1 (text 1) is about Australia because it is the largest island and the smallest continent at the same time. Besides you can find the Great deserts only in Australia.

Photo 2 (text 2) is about the UK .We know that Great Britain consists of two large islands and several smallest ones. So, you can find steady rainfall throughout most of the year only in England.

Photo 3 (text 3) is about the USA because there are heavy forests and extensive deserts, high mountains and deep canyons there. Besides you find the four time zones only in the USA.

Teacher: Well, you have done it. Next task is more difficult. Open your ABs on pages 3-5. Now we are writing the geographical names that are pronounced with articles. Add articles where it is necessary. Pay attention, usually the geographical names are written without articles on the maps. Are you ready? (Учащиеся выполняют в АВs).

Let`s correct the task. You are smart. Well, we want to see how people of different countries love their Motherland and how they express their love. The students have prepared their pictures of the best places of the countries, national dolls. Ready?

Pupils: Yes. Hello, I`m Russian Matryeshka. I live in the Russian Federation, the largest country in the world and a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. My costume is folk. I`m a symbol of Russia. Come to Moscow and see me and our capital. It is great! Our sights are amazing! Have you ever heard about the Kremlin, Red Square, Peterhof, the Hermitage, St. Isaac Cathedral, the Summer garden, Mikhailovsky Palace. Have you seen the balalaika, wooden dolls, beautiful crafts, festivals? We are proud of our talented people and great culture, history. As for the Russian character we have got an ability to overcome hardship, patience, submission. The foreigners are struck by the beauty of Russian`s soul and kindness of hearts.

Teacher: Wonderful. Russian `s soul is huge. You have answered well. Once I have been in England. For centuries the British have been known as snobbish, unsociable and not friendly. But it isn`t true.

They are polite and well-mannered people .But they are very conservative, practical and realistic. Englishmen love family things-old things. You know that the British people are considered to be the world`s greatest tea-drinkers. The English are reputed to have a good sense of humor. And what else?

Pupils: They are fond of sport, a nation of stay –at-home people, have a lot of pets.

Teacher: OK. We have got Matryeshka. What does the American`s doll symbolize? Can you answer?

Pupils: This national doll symbolizes the first settle of the nation of risk-takers, a sense of optimism while overcoming hardships. Americans love changes. They have the spirit of adventure, to move away, to change jobs, homes. They prefer sociability and think big and they are the best.

III (Развитие навыков диалогической речи).Teacher: Thanks to everybody. You have done the tasks well. We know a lot of information about our countries. We are different but we live on the Earth together. Try to live friendly! I think the next task will be very interesting for you. Have you got a sense of humor?

Pupils: Yes, we do.

Teacher: You will act in a dialogue to show humor of people in our countries. Let`s play.

Pupils: A well-known Russian writer was talking to an American girl in Moscow. She asked him in Russian why he had never visited the USA. He answered that he know only a few sentences in English.

- What are these sentences?

"How do you do?", "I love you" , "Forgive me", "Ham and eggs, please".

- Well, with this vocabulary you could tour the USA from Main to California.

Teacher: Good. Can you name the national traits of American character from this dialogue, please?

Pupil: I think Russians are hardworking ,but most of them don`t know English well.

Teacher: Are you ready to act a dialogue about English sense of humor?

Pupils: Can we act it?

Two Englishmen were going to New York by the ship. For two days they had sat side by side without saying a word to each other. One of them picked up a dropping book.

- Thank you very much. Going to America?

- Yes. So am I.

Teacher: Well , can you name the national traits of English character?

Pupil: I`m sure that Englishmen are polite.

Teacher: Listen to the last one. Ready?

Pupils: Two Americans came to Scotland for the first time.

He: I think the scenery is wonderful!

She: I don`t know. Take away the mountains and the lakes and it`s just like anywhere else?

Teacher: So, Name the national traits of American character, please.

Pupil: I`m sure Americans are practical.

Teacher: Now I can see that you know much about the countries you have learn and represented. Your marks are… (Выставление оценок)

The home task will be: Ex. 2, p.9-10, Ex.3, p.10, R. Ex. 1 (Unit 1) (объяснение домашнего задания)

Have you got any questions? Our lesson is over. See you at the next lesson. Good bye.

Pupils: Good bye.