Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "День Благодарения"

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • Обобщение лексического материала и пополнение словарного запаса по теме “Праздники и обычаи ”.
  • Обучение навыкам аудирования и устной речи.


  • Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме “Holidays and customs”.
  • Развитие навыков работы в группах.
  • Расширение познавательного кругозора.
  • Развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и творческих способностей учащихся


  • Воспитание умения группового взаимодействия
  • Воспитание толерантного отношения к культурным традициям стран изучаемого языка.


  • Осенние букеты, картинки с изображением индейцев и пилигримов.
  • Изображение рога изобилия.
  • Стенгазета, посвящённая Дню Благодарения
  • Карточки и картинки с изображением фруктов и овощей.
  • Записи с песнями о Дне Благодарения.

Pupil 1:

Thanksgiving comes but once a year,
But when it comes it brings a cheer.
For in my storehouse on this day
Are piles of good things hid away.

Pupil 2:

Each day I’ve worked from early morn
Till now I’ve plenty and to spare
Without a worry or a care.
So light of heart the whole day long
I’ll sing a glad thanksgiving song.

звучит песня на английском языке “Thanksgiving to all”.


Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
It’s time to show what we’re thankful for,
Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more.
The toys that we have
The things we hold dear to our hearts,
They ‘re part of this wonderful world,
The wonderful world that we share.
Let’s show that we care.


Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

A teacher: Today we are going to learn some interesting facts about Thanksgiving traditions in the USA, we’ll play games, work in groups and just enjoy being together. Let’s start our party. We’ll begin it with the origin of this holiday.

(на сцене появляются два мальчика и две девочки, первая пара одета в костюмы первых поселенцев, вторая пара одета в костюмы индейцев).

A boy: This custom began with the Pilgrims in 1621. The Pilgrims were the religious people who didn’t worship the Church of England. They decided to leave the country in search of religious freedom. King James 1gave them a charter to settle in Virginia where a British colony had been founded in 1621 .On September 16, 1620a small ship called ‘’Mayflower’ ’carrying 102 passengers left an English port Plymouth . <рисунок 1>

A girl: On November 11, 1621the’’Mayflower’’reached North America. But storms took the ship off the course and it took Pilgrims a month to find a suitable place to settle. The colonists had a very hard winter of sickness and starvation. By the end of the winter half of them were dead. But with the help of native Indians the others could survive. They were Indians who taught them to hunt, to fish and to plant corn. <рисунок 2>

A boy: After successful harvest in 1621 Governer William Bradley decided to hold a feast and invited Indians chiefs. They brought wild turkey to be roasted and popcorn to share. The original Thanksgiving Day lasted three whole days.

A girl: The first US President George Washington suggested that there should be a special day. In 1864 at the end of the tragic Civil War, Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday in November as a day for all Americans to give thanks.


For the hey and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done and barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the due and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

звучит песня “For health and strength”.

For health and strength and daily food
We praise thy name, O Lord!

A boy: On Thanksgiving Day stores, schools and homes are decorated with various Thanksgiving symbols, including pictures of Pilgrims, Indians, turkeys, the horn of plenty and dry flowers are often used as table.

<рисунок 3>

<рисунок 4>

A teacher: Let us see a short but interesting play about a turkey. <рисунок 4>

Ученики показывают инсценировку о традиции “помилования” индейки президентом США.


A boy: Hello! My name is Neil. I’ve got a grandfather who lives on his farm. I like to visit his farm because there a lot of animals on his farm, but I’m particularly fond of this big fat old turkey named Slim .I can’t understand why. One day I decided to talk to my Grandpa about this strange thing Grandpa! <рисунок 5> Look at this turkey. It is so big, fat and nice. But why is it called Slim?

Grandpa: Take a seat, Neil! I am going to tell you a story. As you know long, long ago, at the time of Pilgrims the turkey was wild. They were different from domesticated turkey known today. Wild turkey is usually cunning and speedy. They can fly 80 kilometers per hour, they can run 40 kilometers per hour. It is very difficult to hunt them because they hide in the bushes.

A boy: O’K, but why is our big, fat turkey called Slim?

Grandpa Well, every year a turkey is brought to the White House for the President and his family can have the best turkey dinner in the country. One year right before Thanksgiving I got a telephone call. It was from the White House, the residence of the USA President.

(голоc за кадром): Hello! I would like to talk to Mr. Thompson, please.

<рисунок 6>

Grandpa: It’s me.

(голос за кадром): Glad to hear you Mr. Thompson! Will you be so kind and to send the best turkey you ‘ve got to Washington, to the White House, I hear your turkeys are the best in the country.

Grandpa: With great pleasure, Madam!

A boy: What madam was it?

Grandpa: it was the first Lady, the President’s wife, so I sent a turkey to Washington, although we didn’t have any really big turkey left .And on Thanksgiving while we were watching TV there came the news.

The president: Ladies and gentlemen! This turkey is not meaty enough for us, so we will not eat it I am going to give an amnesty to it. Let it be free!

Grandpa: from that year it became a kind of tradition and the President would set free one turkey in the name of Thanksgiving.

A boy: but why is our big fat old turkey named Slim?

Grandpa: So, you see, if the president of the USA says that your turkey is slim, even it is big and fat. Then you should probably call it ‘’Slim’’.

A teacher: Now, boys and girls, let’s play some games. Choose the color you like best of all. O’K, we have three groups now. Your task will be to design a picture of a turkey. But first of all you should draw it. Do it in such way: let your hand flat on a sheet of paper. Then with a pencil trace an outline of a hand going around individual fingers. After removing the hand, look at it. The thumb becomes a turkey head, four other fingers are its feathers. You should color it brightly, draw a beak, feet, eyes and give your turkey a name, then try to think over a short story about your turkey you have only 10 minutes.

ученики делятся на три группы, выбирая карточку жёлтого, зелёного или красного цвета. Им даётся задание нарисовать индейку. Для этого они должны карандашом обвести очертание ладони, большой палец представляет как бы голову индейки, а остальные пальцы – это её “перья”. Ученики должны красочно раскрасить её и придумать короткий рассказ о ней. На выполнение задания отводится 10 минут.

A teacher: Your next task will be to guess the words the letters of which are mixed.


Keys: custom, pilgrims, Mayflower, Plymouth, Indians, survive, harvest, feast, turkey.

A teacher: Well done! And what about fruit? Can you find them in the fruit salad?

Учащиеся должны найти названия фруктов во “фруктовом салате”. Таблица с названиями демонстрируется на экране.

o o o o o o K I W I
o o T C G o o o A o
o o A H R A o P T o
P I N E A P P L E o
E o G R P R o U R o
A o E R E I o M M o
C o R Y S C o o E o
H o I o o O o o L o
o o N o o T o o O o
o o E o L E M O N o

Keys: kiwi,pineapple,apple,peach,tangerine,cherry,grapes,plum,lemon,watermelon,melon

Teacher: Are ready to recite a poem about Thanksgiving?

Все учащиеся читают стихотворение, демонстрируя нарисованные ими картинки.

The ABC’s of Thanksgiving

A is for asparagus and artichoke heart and big juicy apples and apricot tart

B is for blueberries, beans and red beets and golden bananas my favorite treats.

C is for carrots and celery or crunching and corn of the cob for mighty munching.

D is for dates -eat them stuffed or just plain at a Thanksgiving or out in the rain.

E is for eggplant you bake in a sauce, and endive looks pretty in salads you toss.

F is for fig bars—I like them! I do! And also fruit cocktail, my favorite too.

G is for green peppers and grapefruit and grits and all kinds of grapes, but don’t swallow the pits!

H is for huckleberries, good in a pie, honeydew melons, just give them a try.

I is for Italian plums good for snacking, a wonderful fruit when you 're picnic-lunch packing

J is for jam-different kinds for your toast, peach jam and grape are the ones I like most.

K is for Kosher dill pickles- they are great, and kale and kohlrabi are also first- rate

L is for lima beans lettuce and limes, and cold lemonade, so refreshing sometimes

M is for mangoes, delicious to eat, and cool melon slices- they’re always a treat.

N is for nectarines, smiling at me; I think they come from a happiness tree!

O is for onions to give food more flavor, and olives and oranges to taste and to savor

P is for pineapples, peaches and pears, and potatoes to bake when you’re hungry as bears.

Q is for quince, used for jelly and jam, my spiced quince preserves, which I like with ham.

R is for raspberries, rhubarb and rice, and relish foe hot dogs and raisins are nice.

S is for spinach and squash that you bake, and red ripe strawberries for making shortcake.

T is for tomatoes- I’d eat them all day, fresh sliced, in a salad or most any way.

U is unhappy, he doesn’t have one, not one fruit or vegetable under the sun.

V is for vegetable soup- what a joy with alphabet letters for each girl and boy.

W is for watermelon- such a delight, I think I could eat it from morning till night.

X was forgotten when foods got a name, no fruit or vegetable can poor’ ’X’’ claim!

Y is for yogurt just chock- full of cherries, fresh golden peaches, or succulent berries.

Z is for zucchini, and it’s sure to please, served hot with butter, tomatoes and cheese.

A teacher: Americans love their country and are proud of it .They call their country “the melting pot”, because people from different countries and nationalities came to America and formed one new nation – Americans. The popular American song proves it. Let's sing it all together.

звучит песня “This land is my land”, ученики составляют карту США из отдельных отрывков.

A teacher: Choose two best shooters from each group. Let’s see who will be the best of the best.

Игра в дартс. Каждому игроку выдаётся по три стрелы, выигрывает тот, кто был точнее и набрал больше очков.

A teacher: I have received a mystery note. But I can’t read it myself. Help me please who will be the first?

На экране появляется письмо, в котором нет пропусков и знаков препинания. Задача учеников - расшифровать письмо и сделать это как можно быстрее.



When all the leaves are off the boughs
And nuts and apples gathered in.
And cornstalks waiting for the cows,
And pumpkins safe in barn and bin,
Then Mother says, “ My children, dear,
The fields are brown and autumn flies;
Thanksgiving is very near!
And we must make thanksgiving pies!”

Teacher: Now please, help yourselves with a pumpkin pie. You can learn it’s recipe if you want. It is given in the wall newspaper

Гости угощаются тыквенным пирогом, рецепт которого дан в стенгазете.


Ingredients: baked pie crust (use your favourite one),3 eggs, 2 cups pumpkin, 3/4cup milk, 1/4cup cream, 1sp.sugar, 1tsp.Ginge1/2tsp Nutmeg, 1/4Cloves, 1/2tsp.salt.

Bake the pumpkin into the oven until soft, then puree it in a food processor or a blender. Then mix well all remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Warm your pie crust .Pour the pumpkin and spice mixture onto the pie crust and bake it is so and wiggles like gelatin. Remove from the oven and let the pie cool completely. The filling will get together while the pie is cooling. Then place the pie in the middle of your table with lots of ice cream. Happy Thanksgiving!

Заключительное слово учителя

A teacher: We live in Russia, the country which is far from the USA, but we mustn’t forget that every day we should be grateful for our parents, grandparents, teachers and friends foe what they give us and share with us. Don’t forget to say THANK YOU! <рисунок6>

Используемая литература.

  1. Учебное издание . Кэррол Кэтлин. Новикова Марина Львовна . Holidays GO Round and Round. American Holidays: Traditions, Poems, Songs. Учебное пособие для широкого круга изучающих английский язык. Торгово-издательская группа “Триада”, Санкт-Петербург, 1996 год.
  2. О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. Английский язык . 6 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. “Просвещение”. 2009.
  3. Учебное издание. English For Fun. 7-11 классы. Автор-составитель .Брюсова Нина Григорьевна. ООО “Дрофа”, Москва, 2001
  4. Youth Planet. Nakhodka’s English Newspaper, Volume 2, issue No.2, November 2001
  5. http://yandex.ru/yandsearch?stype=first&clid=46511&text