Урок на тему "What do you know about space?" ("Что вы знаете о космосе?")

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • Практические: формирование практических умений и навыков чтения, письма и монологической речи, аудирования.
  • Образовательные: пополнить словарный запас учащихся; научить правильно произносить новые слова, правильно употреблять определенный артикль the.
  • Воспитательные: повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, сформировать доброжелательное отношение между учениками.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, проектор, ноутбук, колонки, презентация.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. (Cлайд 1, 2)

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! How are you?

Pupils: Good afternoon, Dina Tabrisovna! We are fine, thank you and you?

Teacher: I’m fine thank you. I’m glad to see you! Sit down please!

Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to repeat the new words and learn to use them in the speech, then we will use the article “the”, read some information and watch the film about space.

II. Фонетическая разминка.

Teacher: Let’s start with the new words. You see them on the slides. Read the words in transcription. (Слайд 3)

Teacher: Translate the words into Russian.

III. Речевая разминка.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard, read the definitions on the slides and tell what is described in the picture.

1. All space, including all the stars and planets is ... (THE UNIVERSE) (Слайд 4)

2. Large balls of burning gas in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky are ... (Stars) (Слайд 5)

3. the planet that we live on is ... (The Earth) (Слайд 6)

4. the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves is ... (The Sun) (Слайд 7)

5. an object in space like a bright ball with a long tail, that moves around the sun is ... (A Comet) (Слайд 8)

6. the round object that you can see shining in the sky at night is ... (The Moon) (Слайд 9)

7. the curved path travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such as the Earth, the sun is ... (Orbit) (Слайд 10)

8. a machine that has been sent into space is ... (A Satellite) (Слайд 11)

9. What are they doing? (They are spinning) (Слайд 12)

IV. Введение грамматического материала и его закрепление в письменных упражнениях.

Teacher: Now we’ll talk about the article “the”. Look at the blackboard. We use THE when there is only one of something (unique): the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the galaxy, the universe, and the solar system. Посмотрите на слайд. Мы употребляем артикль THE со словами, которые являются единственными во всем мире.

We say space (without the) when we mean “place far above the Earth where there is no air”. Мы употребляем слово space без артикля the, когда имеем в виду “место, которое находится над Землей, где нет воздуха”. (Слайд 13)

Now, let’s read the sentences of the rule on page 14 exercise 38.

Teacher: Ok. Well done. Now, let’s do exercise 39 on page 14 in writing. Then one of you will read sentences. Other pupils will express their opinion about using the definite article. Besides, you must explain using it with the help of the information from ex.38 p.14.

V. Физкультминутка.

VI. Активизация навыков аудирования.

Teacher: Good! Let’s continue our lesson. Would you like to know more about space? Now we will watch the video about space. Watch the video and say what you saw have seen. (Слайд 14-15)

Keys: The Planet Earth, The Moon’s orbit, the orbits of other planets, our solar system, The Milky Way Galaxy, etc.

VII. Обучение поисковому чтению.

Teacher: Then read the information in exercise 41 at page 14. But first of all try to do a test in exercise 40 at page 14. (Слайд 16)


In my opinion ...

To my mind ...

As I see it ...

Teacher: Express your opinion with the given phrases.

Teacher: Well done. Now you have few minutes to do ex.41 p.14

Check up your answers with the help of the text “Galaxies”. Find the necessary information. Say if the sentences are true or false. (Слайд 17)


It’s true because it is said in the text ...

It’s false because it is said in the text ...

VIII. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: What have you learnt to do today? What was the most interesting (difficult) activity for you? The marks you’ve got today are ...

Домашнее задание: Учебник: упр.42 стр.15, упр.9 стр.34, РТ упр.4,5 стр.9 (Слайд 18, 19)


  1. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 8 кл.общеобразоват.учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2011. – 160с.
  2. http://uniquedaily.com/2010/11/top-10-strange-things-about-the-universe/
  3. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=8&text=stars&img_url=i008.radikal.ru%2F0908%2F18%2F294ff0a152b5.jpg&rpt=simage
  4. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=22&text=earth&img_url=www.mikolka.info%2
  5. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=6&text=the%20sun&img_url=media-gold.ru%2Fsun.jpg&rpt=simage
  6. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=17&text=the%20comet&img_url=www.cosmos.ucoz.ru%2F_ph%2F5%2F964163419.jpg&rpt=simage
  7. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=206&text=The%20Moon&img_url=www.jpg.kz%
  8. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=239&text=%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%
  9. http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=110&text=sattelite%20in%20Spaces&img_url=www.vectorsite.net%2Ftampl_19_03.jpg&rpt=simage
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nIM6R3Jtd0