"Развитие и контроль умений и навыков письменной речи на английском языке". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • Образовательная: обучение написанию письма личного характера.
  • Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, произвольного внимания и памяти.
  • Воспитательная: воспитание толерантного отношения к другой культуре, познавательного интереса обучающихся.

Задачи урока:

  • Развитие умений и навыков чтения с извлечением информации.
  • Обеспечение активизации в речи и письме учащихся изученного ранее лексического (школа, спорт) и грамматического материала (группа простых времён, модальные глаголы, и т.д.)
  • Развитие умений  обучающихся анализировать и сопоставлять, выполнять задания на соотношение.
  • Обучать определению последовательности основных событий в тексте и составление связного текста из разрозненных частей.
  • Развитие умений логически и последовательно строить высказывание (письмо) с опорой на вопросы.
  • Развитие социокультурной компетенции.

План урока:

  1. Организация класса. Приветствие. Сообщение целей и задач урока.
  2. Речевая зарядка.
  3. Обучение написанию письма личного характера.
  4. Объяснение домашнего задания. Oрганизованное окончание урока.


  • Ноутбук.
  • Проектор.
  • Экран.


1. Организация класса. Приветствие. Сообщение целей и задач урока

– Good morning! Sit down, please. I hope you are all feeling well today.All right the class let’s get down to work.  At our lesson we’re learning how to write a personal letter.

2. Речевая зарядка

People wrote letters in the past, they are still writing letters and, I hope, they will write them in future. Science and technology are constantly developing so we have modern means of
communication such as mobile phones and the Internet. Now a lot of people prefer using mobile phones for making calls or sending messages as well as the Internet for writing and sending emails.

– Now I want you to answer some questions:

  1. – Why do people write letters?
  2. – How often do you write letters?
  3. – Who do you usually write letters to?
  4. –  What do you usually write about?
  5. – Think of as many types of writing as possible.

 3. Обучение написанию письма личного характера

– There are two main types of writing:   (ответ на вопрос №5)

formal (students are answering and the information is being written on the board by the teacher)

  • a letter applying for a job
  • a newspaper article


  • some magazine articles
  • some adverts
  • a letter to a friend

Each piece of writing you do is different, but there are a few general pieces of advice you should remember every time you write something.

First of all, you have to know who your reader is. This tells you how formal your writing should be. In general use formal language with strangers and people who are in authority (managers, teachers). Use informal language with people you know personally (family members, friends and pen friends).

Secondly, you have to know why you are writing. Your purpose affects what you write.

Thirdly, you have to know what type of text you are writing. An article should look like an article; a letter should like a letter.

Informal letters are letters that you write to a friend or to a member of your family. You should use informal language and be friendly. Even though the letter is informal, you still need to use paragraphs and include whatever information the question asks you to.

– Let’s look at the board to study the chart.

3. Проводится работа с привлечением ИКТ (Презентация), учащиеся знакомятся с делением письма на абзацы, идёт объяснение нового материала. Необходимо продублировать материал презентации на бумажном носителе  с целью выполнения задания, когда  обучающиеся будут заполнять таблицу самостоятельно..

 We should find out how many paragraphs are there in an informal letter. And what is the purpose of each paragraph. You also can learn useful phrases.

A composition planner

Part purpose notes useful expressions
first line greet your pen friend Dear…,  
first main paragraph thank pen friend for letter; mention something in their letter   Hi! How are you? / How is it going? / Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter / postcard, etc. / It was great to hear… / I’m glad…
second main paragraph give your main news; how you feel about it   I’m really busy at the moment because…/Actually I feel(a bit) nervous/worried, etc.
third main paragraph continue your news   By the way,… / Oh yes, I forgot to tell you…
fourth main paragraph give a reason for ending the letter   (Well,) I’d better go now as… / I have to go now as…
closing expressions (1) final remarks   Write soon! / Take care, and hope to hear from you soon. / See you soon!
closing expressions (2) express love   Love, / Lots of love, / All the best,
final line say who you are (first name only)    

– Now, please, answer the next questions:

– How many paragraphs are there in the letter?
– How many main paragraphs are there?

It is a letter.
The paragraphs of the letter are in the wrong order. Please, find the introductory part of the letter.
Look at the different parts of the letter and put them in the right order. You can write your answers to the right of the numbers and then you can check yourselves.

 Учащиеся выполняют задание и затем проверяют правильность выполнения по ключам, написанным на доске (ключи скрыты).


1. Look at the different parts of the letter.
Put them in the right order.

1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … 5 … 6 … 7 …

Anyway, I’d better go now. Mum wants me to help with the
     housework before I do my homework. Take care, Donna, and,
     stay in touch!

Lots of love,                                 A  Penny                      C   Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter.  It was                           B  It’s strange having to wear a school
     great to hear from you! I’m really                          uniform. It’s the first time I’ve ever
     glad your dog’s much better now.                         Worn one. We have to wear a blue skirt
     and a white blouse. If it’s cold we also
     have a blue sweater. I guess I’ll get used
     to it. At least I don’t have to decide
     what to wear in the morning!

G   Well, today was my first day at my
     new school. It’s called Parkingham
     Comprehensive School  and there
     are over a thousand students here.
     It’s very big! Actually, it seem a nice
     place. The kids in my class are very
     friendly. I’ve made one friend so far – a girl
     called Alison, who I sit next to in French.
     She’s really cool and she helped me find my
     way around.

– Do the rest of the exercise. Match each part of the letter with its purpose and then you can check yourselves.

2. Match each part of the letter with its purpose.

part purpose

1 …             a) to continue with your news
2 …             b) to mention their last letter and something in it
3 …             c) to give a reason for ending the letter
4 …             d) to greet a person you’re writing to
5 …             e) to express love
6 …             f)  to give your main news

– What is your score? Each right answer is one point. If your score is 13 you’ll get an excellent mark. If your score is 12 -11 you’ll get a good mark. If your score is 10-8 you’ll get a satisfactory mark.

Once you have decided how formal your writing should be, you need to decide what language you can use. Look at the board, here are a few things you should remember about informal language (слайды с 11-13)).

– Now, please, read the letter and answer the questions.

Dear Jill,

Hi! How’s it going? Thanks for your last letter. I’m really glad you did well in your guitar exam.
Who knows? One day you might be in a pop group!

I’m fine but I’ve got a very busy week ahead. Next Saturday we’ve got our school Sports Day and I’m in the 100m and 200m races. I REALLY want to win – you know I won both of them last year – so I’m training really hard all week. I’m actually a bit worried about it, as there’s a new girl at school this year, Belinda Johnson, and she’s really a good runner. I think it’s going to be a tough race.

I’ve got some other very important news, too. My mum and dad say you can definitely come and stay this summer if it’s okay with your parents. I really hope they say yes!

Well, I’d better go now. I’ve got to do some more training – I don’t want to lose on Saturday!!! I’ll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!

Take care, and write back soon!

Lots of love,


– What sporting event is Jackie taking part in?
– Which race is she in?
– How does she feel about it?
– Why does she feel about it?
– Does she only talk about the event in her letter?
– What reason does she give for ending the letter?
– How many main paragraphs are there?
– Underline all the short forms (e.g. haven’t, doesn’t) in the letter.
– Underline one example of an incomplete sentence.
– What two expressions did the writer use before singing her name?

Read the writing task, answer the questions and fill in the chart with your notes (a composition planner)

You’re getting ready to take part in an important sporting event. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend about the event. Say how you are preparing for it and how you feel about it. Mention any other news you have as well.

– What’s the sporting event?
– When is it?
– What exactly are you doing in the event?
– How are preparing for it?
– How do you feel about it?
– Why?
– What other news do you have?

Выполняется задание, учащиеся отвечают на вопросы и заполняют таблицу (см. стр.5, a composition planner). Спросить 1-2 учащихся для контроля.

4. Объяснение домашнего задания. Организованное окончание урока

– Open your diary and take down your homework. You are now ready to write the first draft of your letter. Write between100-120 words and be ready to check yourself.

When you have finished the first draft of your letter, and before you give it to your teacher, check that you haven’t made any serious mistakes by ticking the checklist below (см. приложение – презентация, слайд №10 рекомендуется продублировать на бумажном носителе).

– And now I want you to answer my questions.

1. Have you learnt something new from the lesson?
2. Was the lesson useful, interesting or cognitive?

– Thank you for the lesson. You are good learners. I wish you good luck in learning English. Our lesson is over. See you later.

Для разработки конспекта урока и создания  презентации использовались учебные пособия британского издательства Macmillan:

1. УМК Laser B1, автор Малкольм Манн (Laser B1, Malcolm Mann)
2. УМК Laser B1+, автор Стив Тайлор-Ноулез (Steve Taylore-Knowles)

Приложение 1 (слайды 11-13)

Informal language

1. We use contractions (I’ve, it’s, etc)

I’ve just seen the film you mentioned. It’s great!

2. We start and end letters in a formal way.

Dear + first name

Lots of love,
Take care,
(+ your first name)

3. We don’t always write in complete sentences.

Sorry to hear about your dog.

4. We use informal vocabulary.

Cool instead of impressive

5.We use direct questions.

Did you pass your Spanish exam?

6. We use the active voice more.

They’re pulling down the old theatre across the road.

7. We use informal connecting words and phrases.

Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about was the party last night.

8. We use exclamation marks.

I can’t wait to see you!

Приложение 2 (слайд 10)

Check yourself by ticking the checklist below.

  1. I have started with Dear….,
  2. I have written four main paragraphs.
  3. I have used some short forms (haven’t, can’t, don’t)
  4. I have used informal vocabulary and punctuation.
  5. I have mentioned my pen friend’s letter in the first main paragraph.
  6. I have described my preparations and feelings in the second paragraph.
  7. I have mentioned some other news in the third paragraph.
  8. I have said why I have finished the letter.
  9. I have used some closing expressions. I have not written my surname at the bottom of the letter.