Урок английского языка по теме "Добро пожаловать в Лондон". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 5

Презентация к уроку

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Учебник “In Touch 1” Carol Skinner, Steve Thompson, Unit 25.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока.


  • подготовиться к путешествию по Лондону;
  • познакомиться с новым лексическим материалом по теме “Предлоги направления”;
  • активизировать употребление изученного лексического и грамматического материала.


  • ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом по теме (предлоги направления);
  • применение ранее изученной лексики и грамматического материала (Настоящее продолженное время. Повелительное наклонение) в новых ситуациях общения;
  • практика в восприятие речи на слух с опорой на текст;
  • тренировка навыков и умений чтения и говорения на основе прочитанного и услышанного.


  • развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности учащихся, позволяющих им участвовать в социально-бытовой сфере;
  • развитие интереса к предмету.


  • знание реалий страны изучаемого языка;
  • умение вести беседу, слушать и быть услышанным.


1) Компьютер

2) Мультимедиапроектор

3) Магнитофон

4) Карточки с предложениями в настоящем продолженном времени

Lesson Objectives:

  • structures: imperatives for giving directions, e.g. turn (right);
  • prepositions: along, into, out of, round;
  • functions: listening to and giving directions;
  • vocabulary: directions, expressions.

I. Greetings

Good morning, children!

Take your seats, please!

Glad to see you at the lesson.

Will you tell me now what day it is today?

Which day of a week is Wednesday?

How many days are there in a week?

What are they? Name the days of a week.

What date is it today?

Is it autumn now?

How many months are there in winter?

Name them, will you?

Is winter your favourite season?

What`s your favourite season? Why?

What`s the weather like today?

How many lessons do you have today?

What are they?

What is your favourite subject? Why?

II. Warming – up

And now we`re going to prepare for a tour around London. Welcome to London, boys and girls.

What do you know about London?

What kind of a city is it?

Is it the capital of Great Britain?

And who are the Londoners?

Do you know any famous places of London?

Yes, you are right. And Big Ben is one of the most famous symbols of London.

Every year millions of tourists visit London to enjoy its places of interest.

What do you know about ...?

What can you say ...?

III. Checking – up

1. Now let`s check up your homework.

Will you open your WBs p.58, Ex.1

Read the words we use to talk about our tours.

2. SB Ex.1, p.70

Read the text, translate it, please and then I`ll ask you some questions on it.

Will you read the questions and answer it, please.

What kind of a tour is it?

There`s a tour with a guide on a red and white bus. Fours on buses are very popular with tourists and visitors to London. Look here. This is a double - decker bus with an open top.

Who are Anna and Robin?

Do they live in London?

Where are they staying in London?

What do they want to do?

Where do all the tourists go?

What can the children take to the starting point of the tour?

What has Kim got to start the tour?

Who gives her the directions?

IV. Presentation.

1. And now let`s write down some new words and expressions.

Do you know where your right or left arm is. Raise your left arm.

Open your dictionaries, please.

Look here, the first one is

  • Direction – направление, указание
  • turn right – повернуть направо
  • turn left – повернуть налево
  • on the right – справа (to the right – направо)
  • on the left – слева (to the left – налево)
  • go into – входить в
  • go out of – выходить из
  • go along – идти (ехать) вдоль/по
  • go round – завернуть, ехать вокруг, вращаться

Now, will you read the expressions after me, all together.

Will you translate the words from Russian into English.

Read them once more.

Look here, name the directions.

That`s right. Thank you.

V. Physical Activities

Let`s have a rest and do some exercises.

Look up, look down!

Look right, look left!

Hold up your hands!

Close you fists, open your fists!

Breath in, breathe out!

In, out! Thank you.

VI. Comprehension.

1. SB Ex.2, p.70

Listen to Mark`s directions to Kim and follow them in your SBs.

Will you read and translate the text.

One by one ... begin, please.

2. Before you follow Mark`s directions on the map, let`s repeat the Present Continuous Tense.

Do you remember what tense you use to talk about something happening at the moment?

How do you form this tense?

Complete some sentences, using the Present Continuous Tense.

1) I (to play) in the park today.

2) The boy (to cross) on the zebra.

3) The children (to ride) a bike near the cars.

4) He (to wear) a helmet.

5) The woman (to turn) left into High Street.

6) They (to go) along the road.

3. Look at the map. SB Ex.3b, p.70

First of all, read the names of the streets.

Follow Mark`s directions and say what you are doing at the moment

Here are the directions.

1) Go out of Kim`s House.

2) Turn right.

3) Turn left.

4) Go along Hill Street.

5) Turn right into Bell Street.

6) Walk along Bell Street.

7) Go under the bridge.

8) Turn left into Sand Street.

9) Go along Sand Street.

10) Turn right into Barton Street.

Where is the bus stop?

The bus stop is on my/your left.

Well Done! Thank you!

Is everything clear?

4. SB Ex.4, p.70

Tell tour classmates the way from Mark`s house to the bus stop.

1) Go out of Mark`s house.

2) Turn right.

3) Turn left into West Street.

4) Go along West Street.

5) Turn right into Bell Street.

6) Turn left into Sand Street.

7) Go along Sand Street.

8) Turn right into Barton Street.

The Bus stop is on your left.

It`ll be your home exercise.

Use Ex.2, p.70 as an example.

5. Let`s play a game “Jumbled words”

What words can you find on the topic “Directions”?

VII. Summing-up

That brings us to the end. Let`s sum up our lesson.

What did you do at the lesson?

The conclusion of the lesson:

  • we talked about London,
  • learnt new words and expressions,
  • remembered the Present Continuous Tense,
  • followed the direction on the map.

HT SB Ex.4 p.70 Follow the directions on the map and write down the way from Mark`s house to the bus stop.

WB Ex.2,3, p.58; New words (learn, write)

Your marks for the lesson are the following...

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Get your, things together.

Give me you day books I`ll give you marks.

Good bye!