Тема урока "Phrasal verbs with "get". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

The lesson plan

The theme of lesson: Phrasal verbs with “get”.

The name of the teacher: Zukhra Sadenova, Pavlodar Secondary school-gymnasium # 9.

Level: Intermediate.

Objective: Students will be able to use the given vocabulary items in the sentences and to talk about situations of the extraordinary trip.

Vocabulary: To get on; to get along; to get away; to get back; to get off; to get over; to get out; to get together.

Anticipated problem: Students may confuse or drop the prepositional part of the given phrasal verb.

Solution of problem: Worksheet.

Teaching aids: Board, worksheets, “evaluation” poster.


Stages Objectives Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
Warm-up To involve students into the lesson and increase their willingness to speak What is the difference between these two sentences? (on the board)

I usually get up at eight in the morning.

He usually gets to work by bus.

Group discussion
What is “phrasal verb”? Verb + preposition or adverb used together and have a different meaning from the verb alone.
Presentation To present the new vocabulary to students in the context Look at the sentences. If you understand the meaning of a sentence underline it (Приложение 1) Eliciting vocabulary items from the sentences (individually).
  Work individually.

Work in pairs and explain to each other.

Explanation of the phrasal verbs’ meanings (pair work).
  Work in group of 4 and try to understand. Group discussion.
  Read, understand and learn the vocabulary (individually) – Приложение 2 Reading, understanding and learning the vocabulary (individually).
  Check your partner. Pair work.
Practice To provide students with practice in using the material Match the phrasal verb and its synonym (Приложение 3). Work individually.

Work in pairs and fill in the blankets (Приложение 4).

Matching the words and their definitions (individually)

Fill-in the blanket exercises (pair work)

Production To allow students to use the new language independently Do you like to play? Task-oriented game “Lost in Africa”
  Let’s play. Imagine that you lost in Africa. Read the text (Приложение 5) and range the items in order of their importance. Multiple-choice task (individually)
  Explain your choice using phrasal verbs. Group discussion
Reflection To monitor students’ comprehension and to let them value the lesson atmosphere What have you learnt at the lesson? Vocabulary review

The lesson evaluation