Политика и демократия

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок предоставляет дополнительный материал к разделу “Политика и демократия” учебника Кузовлева В.П. “English 10-11”.

Проблема: Have you made your mind about politics?

  • Коммуникативные умения: развитие общих познавательных способностей; развитие мыслительных операций (анализ, синтез, обобщение); развитие внимания, воображения, речевых навыков, аудитивных способностей восприятия.
  • Языковые знания: применение на практике речевых компетентностей; обучение и активизация навыков аудитивного восприятия диалогического текста разговорного современного языка; обработка и активизация в речи новых и ранее изученных языковых моделей и образцов; повторение ранее изученного грамматического материала.
  • Лингвострановедческие знания: развитие познавательного интереса к реалиям политической жизни в Росси и США; развитие уверенности в своих силах, развитие чувства ответственности и патриотизма.

Данная разработка урока поможет учителям старших классов сделать изучение темы “Политика” более интересной, и, как следствие, качество усвоения данного лексико-страноведческого материала повысится.

Урок основан на принципах коммуникативно-деятельностного подхода и принципах развивающего проблемного обучения.

К уроку прилагается медиапрезентация, которая на определенных этапах урока заменяет учебник.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие. Целеполагание.

Good morning. I'm very glad to see you all. How are you?

Today we continue to speak about politics. During our lesson welll speak about the elections in our country we'll speak about democracy in common and we'll understand the attitude of adults and teenagers to politics. So let's begin...

II. Основной этап.

Речевая зарядка.

As I have already said we continue to speak about democracy/ it's very interesting theme to speak about and to think about.

Now I propose you to think a little and to tell how you understand it?

What do you think democracy means? (Слайд презентации)

Ответы учеников с опорой на слайд.

– And what about our country:

l. Do we have democratic rights in Russia?

2. What is the main democratic right?

(Ответ 2-x учеников с опорой на слайд презентации)

2. Введение в ситуацию.

You're right. We can tell about democracy when people con elect the head of the state directly and when we elect our representatives to rule the country. You're right that all people and authorities must follow the constitution.

Do you know what political event will take place in our country and in our town in ОесетЬег? (Слайд с изображением бланка для голосования)

(Ответ 2-х учеников)

You're right, we must elect the representatives and the mayor of our town.

– Will your relatives and parents take part in the elections? (Ответ одного ученика)

– Have you ever thought about candidates your parents elect? (Ответ 2-x учеников)

– What kind of people can succeed in politics? (Слайд)

I would like to present you some characteristics of candidates. Your task is to read? To understand and then to tell us who you would vote for if you had the right to take part in the elections?

– What traits of character should they have?

Well I think your parents and relatives will pay a lot of attention to all these points. (Слайд)

3. Предтекстовый этап.

You should understand that there are many democratic states in the world. And today I propose you to visit the United States America before the elections of the representatives to the Congress.

I want you to listen to the conversation among Susan, Chris and Bob. They are simple Americans. They discuss the Republican and the Democratic Candidates and they try to decide whom to vote for. (Слайд)

Новые речевые единицы.

I want you to read some new unknown world expressions. Look at the screen, (слайд с новыми выражениями)

Your task is to listen to the conversation, to understand as much information as you can and especially to pay attention to the authentic modern American speaking pronunciation. You'll listen to the conversation twice.

4. Прослушивание диалога.

Bob: Have you been following the presidential campaign this year?

Chris: More or less. I watched the debate last night.

Susan: Me too. I liked the Republican candidate.

Bob: Really? He's too conservative for me. I know he has gone up in the polls lately, but I think he lost the debate last night.

Chris: I don't think so. As usual, he showed that hels well informed and that he's a terrific speaker.

Susan: besides, he has a lot of experience in Washington, D.C., where he's very well respected. He's a former senator.

Bob: Well? I think that the Democrats have a better platform.

Chris: I haven't made up my mind yet. I still don't know who to vote for.

5. Послетекстовый этап.

You have listened to the conversation between Susan, Bob, Chris. And now I propose to play a little. Imagine that one of you, for example, has listened to their conversation and think that it is very interesting. You would like to retell the main idea to your friends, but your friends want to know more information about it and ask you some questions.

So (имя ученика) will retell us the main idea of the conversation and you'll ask him/her your questions to get as much information as you can. Pay attention to the grammar structures.

(Учащиеся задают 7–9 вопросов по содержания прослушанного диалога)

Very well. Thank you? I like your work very much/

6. Чтение диалога.

And now I want you to imagine yourselves at the place of Susan? Chris and Bob. So read the conversation and pay attention to the right authentic speaking pronunciation (диалог читают по ролям 1 раз).

Thanks a lot, I like your reading and playing.

7. Отработка навыков говорения. Составление программы кандидата.

Well, and now don't you think that the main characters have a problem? They haven't made their mind yet.

What should each candidate have if he really wants to be elected by the population?

(Слайд с политической программой кандидата)

This platform has to include different spheres of our life. Let's help candidates with their platforms and help our characters to make up their minds.

Работа в группах. Даются установки на работу в группах по 4-5 учеников.

Один из каждой группы после обсуждения представляет предвыборную программу своего кандидата.

Thank you, I think we helped Bob, Chris, Susan to make up their minds.

8. Лексическое упражнение.

It's time to tell good bye to Bob, Chris, Susan and to continue speaking about Americas.

How do you think if American students are interested in politics?

Let's visit an American school (слайд). This is a conversation among 3 teenagers after the lesson. So your task is to understand the information and to complete it with correct words.

(Работа с диалогом по слайду)

So we see that American students are not very interested in politics. And what about you? Your point of view is really very important for me.

9. Монологическая и диалогическая речь по теме.

I propose you to play again. Imagine that you all are citizens of different towns. You have come to the conference to Moscow to discuss the problems of politics.

(Выбрать ведущего конференции, поставить на столы таблички с названиями различных городов России, работать в парах опираясь на слайд, с учетом роли ведущего, который направляет высказывания и дает краткие комментарии).

III. Заключительный этап.

Now I see how different you are. Thank you for your work, I like it very much. As the conclusion I can say that (вывод на слайде).

IV. Выставление оценок с краткими комментариями, определение домашнего задания.