Урок-путешествие по английскому языку для учащихся 5-х классов общеобразовательных школ

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Предлагаемый урок проводится среди школьников 5 классов общеобразовательных школ, изучающих английский язык. К средней школе у ребят наблюдается некоторое снижение интереса к иностранным языкам, так как элемент новизны исчез, появилось осознание того, что изучение иностранного языка – это не только интересное, но и трудное дело. С другой стороны, у школьников появляется осознанное стремление к изучению английского языка, так как в наше время знание иностранных языков занимает одно из важных мест в оценке человека как профессионала.

Урок-путешествие – интересная форма работы, которая нравится детям, увлекает ребят с разным уровнем подготовки. Эта форма урока способствует развитию и поддержанию интереса учащихся к иностранному языку, повышению уровня их практических навыков говорения, расширению кругозора.
Такие уроки привлекают учащихся, улучшают взаимопонимание между учителем и учениками, позволяет еще раз укрепить полученные знания.


1. Good morning, Boys and girls. My name is Ekaterina Romanovna. Today we have an unusual lesson we are going to visit a Queen. Her name is Elizabeth II, she is the queen of  England. Our aim is to find the recipe of English tea.

You know the British have drunk tea for 350 years! The first tea came from China and later
from India. In the North of England, ‘What’s for tea?’ means ‘What’s for dinner?’
This is because people drank tea with their meal.
So we are going to the U.K. (The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.) We’ll review words, make up dialogues, read and speak. Of course you’ll meet different people and unusual creatures.

2. The first person we meet is Mr.J. I’ll  tell you a poem about him. Please repeat after me the sounds.

Жил на свете язычок, в доме без окошек, на английском  языке говорил немного, делал по утрам зарядку …

3. Look here, the U.K. is situated on the islands and we should cross the English Chanel to get to the island. I’ve prepare fairy ships for each of you. The ship moves when you put the sound inside the ship. So I’ll pronounce the sound and you put it in the ship.

[ b ], [ k ], [ s ], [ ai ], [ d ], [ r ], [ l ], [ f ]

Perfect, let’s pronounce the sounds.

4. We’ve cross the Chanel. The first person we meet is an old hunter. He is shooting words with sounds [i:] and [e]. Please help him. Please take the basket for sound [I:] and the basket for sound [e].
Bread, clean, read, healthy, head, tea, eat, speak, please, breakfast, teacher, meat, jeans, ice-cream.
Let’s read the words from the baskets. You are a crue of a ship, you have a captain. He will read the word and the crue will repeat the word. Don’t repeat the word if the captain pronounce it incorrect. You should rise the hand and correct mistake and save the captain. Then the pupil who save the ship become the captain.

5. The hunter likes your answers he invites you for breakfast. Please take words we need.

Oh, it’s too little for breakfast. Listen the poem and write words we can take for a meal.


Robin, Robin, what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He eats a lot of fish, he eat a lot of meat
He eats a lot of ice-cream and sweet
He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs.
And all the cookies Mother had
He drank a lot of juice he ate a cake
Then said: “I have a stomach-ache”

6. We are in the house. There are 2 children here Jim and Jill. Listen their dialogue and put it in order.

– Good morning, Jim!
– Here you are. Help yourself!
– Good morning Jill!
– No,  thank you. I would like some tea and cheese sandwich.
– Thank you, Jill!
– You are Welcome.
– Would you like some porridge?

7. What would you like to eat?
Make up your own dialogue.

8. Jim and Jill show us the way to London. Oh what a surprise. It’s Humpty Dumpty a fairytale creature. He is from the book “Alice in Wonderland” Let’s repeat the poem.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

9. We are in London now. Do you know where does the queen live? We’ll ask the policeman. Oh, he has a letter for us. It’s from Jim.  Finish the letter please.

School, nine, breakfast, like, read, friend, together, ice-cream
I’m Jim. I am … . I go to … . I can … and write. I … to swim and skip.
For … I like sandwiches, cakes and …  . l have got many … . We play … on Sundays.

10. The policeman wants to ask you some questions. Answer please.

– What is his name?
– How old is he?
– Where does he go?
– When does he play with his friends?

11. The policeman shows us the way. It is Buckingham Palace . Queen Elizabeth is glad to see you. She gives you the instruction.

12. Make up your own healthy menu.

13. Thank you for the lesson. Your answers were brilliant.
