"Праздники, традиции, обычаи Великобритании". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 8

Презентация к уроку

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  1. расширить кругозор учащихся, способствовать развитию их познавательной активности в области получения страноведческого материала;
  2. научить пользоваться определенными речевыми моделями, доведенными до автоматизма для свободного общения с собеседником;
  3. побудить у учащихся стремление изучать иностранный язык как реальное средство общения;
  4. содействовать средствами иностранного языка совершенствование общего, языкового и культурологического образования школьников;
  5. создание предпосылок и моделирование условий, в которых учащийся смог бы проявить себя как человек, имеющий свою точку зрения и умеющий ее отстаивать.

Задачи (развивающие):

  1. приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям страны изучаемого языка;
  2. развитие и воспитание понимания у учащихся важности изучения иностранного языка в современном мире и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения;
  3. развитие национального самосознания, стремление к взаимопониманию между людьми разных стран, обществ, толерантного отношения к проявлению иной культуры;
  4. развивать умение начинать, поддерживать и заканчивать разговор, поздравлять, выражать пожелания и реагировать на них;
  5. развивать коммуникативные умения в аудировании, диалогической и монологической речи.

Задачи (обучающие):

  1. активизировать употребление учащимися тематической лексики и ознакомление учащихся с новой лексикой; отработать лексику в речи;
  2. активизировать употребление учащимися в речи Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive;
  3. систематизировать Complex Subject, Expressing opinion / giving reasons, expressing preference / wish.

Ход урока

I. Оргмомент.

II. Every year a lot of people visit Britain.

Would you like to go to Britain?

What are your reasons for traveling to Britain?

Why do we travel to the UK?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

  1. I’d like to learn traditions and customs of British people.
  2. I’d like the idea of traveling.
  3. In general I prefer visiting foreign countries.
  4. As for me I can improve my knowledge of foreign language.
  5. I like the idea of traveling abroad.
  6. It is wonderful to discover new places.
  7. Travelling teaches people to understand and to be understanding.
  8. Travelling teaches people the history of a foreign country.
  9. I think tourism is the basis of the biggest business in the world.
  10. I would like to travel by London Underground.
  11. What is more it is interesting to meet new people and speak to them in English.
  12. International tourism improves international relations.
  13. I can be mistaken but I ‘d like to check my knowledge of English language.
  14. I’m sure people go to Britain to see the places of interest of Great Britain.
  15. I’d like to take part in British festivals.

III. Аудирование текста. “TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS”.

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. Foreigners coming to England are stuck at once by a lot of customs and peculiarities in English life. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, Trooping the Colour, the State Opening of Parliament. Sometimes you will see a group of cavalrymen riding on black horses through the streets of London. They wear uniforms, shining helmets, long black boots and long white gloves. These men are Life Guards. Their special duty is to guard the king or the queen of Great Britain and very important guests of the country.

To this day an English family prefers a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with a central heating. Most English love gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted green in imitation of grass and a box of flowers. They love flowers very much.

The English people like animals very much, too. Pet dogs, cats, horses, ducks, chickens, canaries and other friends of men have much better life in England than anywhere else. In Britain they have special dog shops selling food, clothes, and other things for dogs. In recent years the English began to show love for more exotic animals such as crocodiles, elephants, tigers, cobras, camels.

Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England.

IV. Visiting the UK we’d like to learn traditions and customs, holidays and celebrations of British people. What British holidays do you know?

New Year’s Day   December, 25
St. Valentine’s Day is marked May, Second Sunday
Mother’s Day   January, 1
Halloween   February, 14
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated April, 1
Christmas Day   March, 17
Bonfire Night   July, 10
Mid Summer’s Day is observed November, 5
April Fool’s Day   the last night of October
Easter   late September – early October
Queen’s actual Birthday is held April or May
Queen’s official Birthday   Early February
Swan Upping   April, 21
Boxing Day is taken place December, 24
Chinese New Year   the second Saturday in June

What are these holidays decorated with?

What are shop windows and yards displayed with?

New Year’s Day lanterns, scarecrow and witches
St. Valentine’s Day sheaves of corn (сноп). “Corn Dolly” (кукла из пшеничной муки)
Mother’s Day red roses, flowers
Halloween photos
St. Patrick’s Day socks
Christmas pots of gold, shamrocks, green grass
Guy Fawkes Day New Year tree, toys, lights
Harvest Festival cakes

What is given (made) at the holiday table?

What is the table laid with?

Boiled meat, a rabbit pie, baked bread is given at Christmas Day
Plum pudding is made at New Year’s Day
A chocolate cake is baked at Halloween
Dyed eggs, hot cross buns is cooked at Mother’s Day
Pancakes is prepared at St. Valentine’s Day
A plum pudding, fried turkey is eaten at Easter
A cake is toasted

V. There are many old traditions in Britain which are still observed. Watch a film about how New Year’s Day was celebrated more than one hundred years ago.

Answer the questions:

  1. Who first brought the New Year to Britain?
  2. Where was the New Year tree brought from?
  3. How are songs that people sing during this day called?

VI. There is a special day in England which is called BONFIRE NIGHT or GUY FAWKES DAY. Let’s read the text and learn what happened on the 5th of November, 1605. Put the verbs in Past Simple Passive.

  1. When Elizabeth I died the country (to rule) by James I.
  2. The king (to know) to be tactless and cruel and life for people (to make) difficult.
  3. Guy FAWKES and some of his friends decided to do away (разделаться) with the King.
  4. To fulfill their plan 36 barrels of gunpowder (to carry) and (to roll) into the cellar, just under the House of Lords.
  5. In the FAR EAST fireworks (to use) at religious ceremonies.
  6. Fireworks (to invent) in China over 2000 years ago.
  7. An anonymous letter warning to stay away from Parliament on the 5th of November (to send) by one of the group members.
  8. The letter (to unsign).
  9. The plot (to discover).
  10. Guy Fawkes and his men (to capture) by the king’s men.
  11. When Guy Fawkes (to arrest) he was wearing a mask.
  12. He (to hang) and (to draw) (волочить) through the streets of London behind a horse cart.
  13. Then he (to stretch) on the rack (растягивать на дыбе) and (to chop) into “quarters”.
  14. Guy Fawkes (to execute) on the 31st of January, 1606.
  15. Other members of the group also (to hunt) выследить, (to torture) and (to execute) in the same manner.
  16. After the plot (to uncover), Roman Catholics (to prosecute) (преследовать в судебном порядке) with increased force.
  17. Some historians say the warning letter (to frame) (сфабриковать) by the King’s men.
  18. Nowadays the cellars where Guy Fawkes (to capture) are sill searched before each state Opening of Parliament. This is a spectacular ceremony and everything (to do) just as it (to do) 4 centuries ago.

VII. Now let’s listen to the story how English people celebrate “Bonfire Night”.

On this date boys and girls get an old suit or maybe an old pair of dad’s pants and old jacket and stuff them with straw or newspapers. Then they make a villainous-looking (злодейскую) head sometimes with a brightly coloured mask in it. If they can get a hat, they put it on too. The dummy (чучело) is called a “Guy”.

Then the children march with their “Guy” through the streets asking people for money: “A penny for the Guy, mister?” If they collect enough money, they go and buy fireworks – rockets, and sparklers. As soon as it gets dark, everyone, children and adults, make a huge bonfire and burn the dummy. As the dummy burns up, fireworks are set off and everyone sings a rhyme:

Remember, remember
The fifth of November,
Gun powder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gun powder treason
Should ever be forgotten.

VIII. The English as a nation have been described as crazy throughout their history.

Julius Caesar had to think twice about invading when he saw how the local inhabitants went around in winter naked apart from some face-paint. Napoleon described the English as a nation of shopkeepers, meaning that they were a bit crazy. And today the rest of Europe looks on the UK as a slightly insane (ненормальный) little island with many idiosyncrasies that greater European harmonisation has failed to chance.

IX. Заключительная часть.

Tell your opinion about British people as a nation, about their customs, traditions and holidays. Use Complex Subject.

The British people are thought
to be
to have

    X. Подведение итогов и домашнее задание.