"Книги – наши друзья". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 7

Презентация к уроку

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  • образовательная: формирование навыков использования изученной лексики и грамматики в речи на уровне представления информации о книгах: тренировка произносительных и интонационных умений, тренировка грамматических навыков – пассивного залога, прошедшего времени; тренировка навыков монологической речи;
  • развивающая: развитие познавательных интересов, мышления, внимания и воображения, развитие речевых способностей (умения восприятия речи на слух, способности к догадке), развитие мотивации – стимулирование интереса учащихся в изучении английского языка;
  • воспитательная: наличие краеведческого аспекта в структуре урока способствует общекультурному развитию учащихся, пробуждает познавательный интерес к родному городу и к другим городам и странам, является средством нравственного и патриотического воспитания.

Занятие для учащихся 7-х классов рассчитано на 45 минут.


  • актуализация изученного материала по теме «Книги»;
  • реализация умений использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий на уроке[8], формирование культурологического потенциала.

Оснащение кабинета: интерактивная доска, компьютер, портреты писателей, конверты с заданиями, магнитофон, раздаточный материал.

Тип урока: обобщающий урок.

Ход урока


  1. What kinds of books do you know? (poems , plays, novels, short stories, detective stories , humorous stories, adventure stories, folk tales, fairy tales, fables, historical novels, myths, science fiction, biographies, autobiographies, thrillers, romances, encyclopedias, dictionaries and text-books).
  2. Time has changed. Has literature changed in any way? What new genres have appeared? (detective stories written by women, parodies on well-known books (Harry Potter – Tanya Grotter), fantasy (for the latest 50 years), inter-active books (computer version) when you can change the plot of the book ).
  3. How do you read? (willingly/ unwillingly, look through, find only the most interesting episodes, from cover to cover).
  4. What do you think is important in the book? (its cover, its plot, its pictures, its language, its ideas, the sense of humour).
  5. What kind of plot is your favourite? (original, traditional, exciting, intriguing, thrilling)
  6. What genre do you prefer to read?
  7. Prove that books are our friends if you think so.

Teacher: Children, today we shall talk about books. Most pupils like to read and say books are their true friends. I agree with them. I like to read very much. And what do you think about books, girls and boys?

Примерные ответы учащихся:

  • Books help us to learn a lot of interesting things about the world around us.
  • Books teach us to understand other people better.
  • Books make our life interesting – when we read a book we never feel lonely.
  • Books are our friends, they need much care when you are reading them-use book-marks, children, to hold the place.
  • Remember, children, books are meant to read, not to cut or colour them.

Teacher: So, while reading a book you all must follow special rules. Can you tell us them?

Примерные ответы учащихся :

These golden rules are:

  • Never eat while you read a book.
  • Wash your hands before you begin to read.
  • Do not write anything on the pages with a pen or a pencil.
  • Do not make drawings in the book.
  • Do not make dog’s ears in the book.
  • Do not tear up the pages.
  • Return the books in time.
  • Never wet your thumb or finger to turn a page.
  • Do not turn down a page to mark the chapter where you left off reading. Use book-marks to remember the necessary page.
  • Don’t turn your book upon its clear face.
  • Do not lose your books or leave them in shops or buses. That means that you lose your friends (см. слайд № 3).

Teacher: What sayings and proverbs about books do you know?

Here there are several envelopes with the parts of 13 English proverbs and sayings dealing with books and reading. Take them and try to find the right English equivalents. If necessary, use the envelopes of your classmates sitting at the other desks. You can consult each other if necessary. You have 7 minutes to fulfill the task.

Choose a book but books live on.
A room without books, both books and life itself.
All books are divisible into two classes, what exercise is to the body.
A good book is but a block of paper.
A book is like as you choose a friend.
There is no worse robber the books of the hour, and the tools of all time.
The wise man reads it is worth buying.
A book, tight shut, is a source of wisdom.
A house without books is like a room without windows.
Books without than a bad book.
If a book is worth reading a garden carried in the pocket.
Reading is to the mind is a body without a soul.
Teachers die the knowledge of life are useless.

Your time is up. Read your proverbs and sayings, please (см. ответы – слайды №4 и №5 с выполненным заданием).


Teacher: Oh, now, we understand that you are good and true friends of books. Tell us, please, what English and American writers do you know?

The next competition will help to get the answer to this question.

The next task is «Who is who?»

Teacher: You see the portraits of different people. One of you will read the descriptions of these people, and you are to match the pictures and descriptions.

№1. He is considered to be one of the world’s greatest writers. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. He was 21 when he came to London, where he became an actor and he wrote a lot of plays there. He died in 1616 (William Shakespeare).

№2. This well-known Scottish poet was born in 1759 in a poor family. He was fond of reading and his favourite writer was William Shakespeare. At the age of 15 he began to write poems. He wrote about the kindness and honesty of common people and everyday things. He wrote the words to the song «Auld Lang Syne» which British people sing when they celebrate the 1-st of January, New Year’s Day. He died in poverty in 1796 (Robert Burns).

№3. He is a famous English writer. He was born in 1812 in a poor family. The book «Oliver Twist» was written by him. The novel was a great success. He suddenly died in 1870 (Charles Dickens).

№4. This famous writer was born in 1835 in a small American town. He never finished elementary school. When Samuel was 20 he found a job on a boat and learnt the work of a pilot. He knew the river very well. Then he worked on gold-mines for a year. He wrote humorous stories under the pen name. His best novels are «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» (1867) and «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn» (1884). He died in poverty in 1910 (Mark Twain).

№5. He was born in 1859 in Scotland. He was a doctor, then he began to write detective stories. The famous character Sherlock Holmes was created by him. Sherlock Holmes lived in London, in Baker Street. The writer died in 1930 (Arthur Conan-Doyle).

№6. He was born in 1862 in a family of a doctor. He worked in a bank when a thousand dollars was stolen and, being suspected, he was put in prison for three years where he wrote his first story. In 1901 he was released from prison and continued writing short stories. During a short period he wrote 273 short stories and one novel «Cabbages and Kings». He died in poverty in 1910 (O. Henry).

№7. He was born in 1874. He was the British Prime Minister during the Second World War (1940-1945) and after the Second World War (1951-1955). For his historical studies he was given the Noble Prize for Literature in 1953 (Winston Churchill).

№8. This famous American writer was born in 1876. He had to leave school at the age of 14 to make money because his family was very poor. As a sailor he sailed as far as Japan. Later this experience helped him to write his wonderful sea stories. In the winter of 1897 this writer went to Alaska to find gold. His first book «The Son of the Wolf» appeared in 1900. During his short life he wrote 50 books. He died (committed suicide) in 1916 (Jack London).

№9. She was born in 1890. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. She was taught at home. Her first novel appeared in 1920. Hercules Poirot and Miss Marple are her well-known characters (Agatha Christie).

№10. This American writer was born in 1899 and he wrote three books for children. The book «Stuart Little» was written by him in 1945. One of the main characters of the book is Stuart Little, a mouse. The story is full of adventures and funny episodes. The author died in 1985 (Elwyn Brooks White).

Now let’s check up the task.

Сначала уч-ся видят фотографию и называют писателя, а затем сравнивают свой ответ с появляющимся позже на слайде правильным.

(см. ответы – на слайдах 8-16-портреты известных людей с датами жизни (William Shakespeare Robert Burns, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Arthur Conan-Doyle, O. Henry, Winston Churchill Jack London, Agatha Christie, Elwyn Brooks White).

Teacher: The next task is much easier – you are to guess the characters of the books. Find as many as you can in the picture. Write them down. The best result is 21 characters.

Keys: Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Tom Canty and Prince Edward, Hamlet, Othello, Iago, Hercules Poirot and Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, White Fang, Brown Wolf, the cat Snowball, Stuart Little, Romeo and Juliet, Winston Churchill, the Ransom Of Red Chief, John Barleycorn, Oliver Twist.

To sum up, answer my questions, please.

Выполнение тестового задания.

  1. Where was Arthur Conan-Doyle born? (in a small town in the USA, in Scotland, in Australia).
  2. How many plays did W. Shakespeare write? (47, 37, 77).
  3. When did O.Henry publish his first story? (in 1862, 1878, 1899).
  4. What did Mark Twain do to earn the money when he was 20? (he was a pilot on the river, a writer, a taxi-driver).
  5. Who left school at the age of 14 and about the age of 19 attended school again? (Mark Twain, Elwyn Brooks White, Jack London).
  6. Where did Agatha Christie get her education? (at Oxford, at Cambridge, at home).
  7. How many short stories did Mark Twain write? (273, 112, 56).
  8. Who wrote the words to the song «Auld Lang Syne»? (Robert Burns, Agatha Christie, W. Shakespeare).
  9. Who was the British Prime Minister and was given the Noble Prize for Literature in 1953 for his historical studies? (Elwyn Brooks White, Winston Churchill, Arthur Conan-Doyle).
  10. Who brought fame to South West Scotland? (R. Burns, W. Shakespeare, T. Hardy)
  11. Whose birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon? (it is the birthplace of Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, W. Shakespeare).
  12. What author made a mouse the main character of his book? (Mark Twain, Elwyn Brooks White, O. Henry).
  13. What is the title of this book? |(«The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» ,«Stuart Little», «Cabbages and Kings»).
  14. What writer worked in a bank, was suspected to steal a thousand dollars there and later was put in prison?(Jack London , Agatha Christie, O. Henry,).

См. слайд 17 – учащиеся сравнивают свои ответы с появляющимся позже выполненным заданием.

Teacher: As you, probably, know, children, in many countries there are monuments to books (просмотр слайдов 20-35).

Among them we can see

  • the monument to the burnt books in 1933 in Berlin;
  • to the pupils of Beslan School №1 shot by terrorists in North Ossetia (аt least 334 hostages were killed, including 186 children) in early September 2004;
  • an unusual monument to the book installed in June 2005 in Omsk;
  • the monument to the first 7 volumes of Karamzin research work on history in Ostafyevo, Moscow Region;
  • the monument to the Russian-Armenian friendship in Barnaul, Russia.

Some monuments are сreated in a form of a pile of books (or even two piles as in Oxford). And really amazing! There are monuments to books in such remote places as Kogalym, Yurga, Russia and Coshocton, OH , the USA. In China in one of the parks there is a monument to a clever monkey sitting on a pile of books created by a sculptor with a great sense of humour.

The monument to the first Russian printer Ivan Fyodorov in Moscow, Russia also must be mentioned.

Teacher: Very often when we need the information we use the Internet. Do you think the books are still important in our lives and why, if you think so.

Примерные ответы учащихся:

  • Books are important because they develop the minds of people who read them. Even if you don't agree with what an author has done in a book, you can at least have formed your own ideas on the problem. This leads to critical thinking skills. With knowledge comes wisdom. When the government tries to control the minds of people it forbids reading some authors declaring their works harmful and dangerous or sometimes even burns books.
  • Books give people the inspiration in life. A good book will provide hope when you are down, and comfort when you are sad. Also, reading books will let you gain extra knowledge.
  • While reading a book you can get practical advice -you can provide security for yourself and feel comfortable because of that.
  • It is the way to escape the reality. When the world gets to be too crazy and you need to escape you can pick up a book and forget about the world around you.
  • If you choose reading a book or searching the information in the Internet …I think reading a book slows down the pace, brings peace and ease to your mind and you absorb the read material in a deeper manner. I think something happens to the brains when reading material is taken in through the eyes, when you think and analyze it. Anyway...that’s my opinion regarding books. And, personally, I enjoy the feeling of a book in my hands while relaxing in a comfortable place with a glass of juice or a cup of coffee…
  • Books contain much more than simply a story. They are documentations of the time they reflect. You can even learn about a period in history just looking at what books were popular and published during that time. For instance, the classic «The Grapes of Wrath» by John Steinbeck is set in the Great Depression and was published in 1939.
  • The important thing I'll say is that books are essential to life because they do not only carry the knowledge, but because they're also forms of entertainment – the books spawn movies. You can read a book about anything. The possibilities are limitless and that is one of the most amazing things about books.

I would like to finish our lesson with the quotation

«To sit alone in the lamp light with a book spread out before you – such is pleasure beyond compare». Yashido Keiko.

Использованная литература и интернет-ресурсы:

  1. Интернет-ресурс Mail.ru – Quotations and Proverbs on Books (www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-841.html)
  2. Интернет-ресурсы Google, Yandex и Mail.ru– картинки из серии писатели, герои их книг.
  3. Конышева А.В. «Организация классных часов на английском языке» Изд-во «Каро» Санкт-Петербург, «Четыре четверти» Минск 2008 г., стр. 38-42.
  4. Интернет-ресурс Mail.ru – «Необычные памятники (книги и первопечатники) часть 21».
  5. Сороковых Г.В., Давыдова О.В.Региональный компонент культуры как составляющая содержания обучения иностранному языку// Иностр. языки в школе.- 2007-№1.
  6. What is the importance of books? – Yahoo! Answers (answers.yahoo.com)
  7. Интернет-ресурс Mail.ru – «Памятники книгам и их читателям – Здоровье. Человек. Природа. Скульптурные композиции (90)». (polsergmich.blogspot.ru/2012/10/30.html).
  8. Огаркова С.Ю. «Animals» – открытый урок. Конкурс «Презентация к уроку» (Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок» 2011/2012 учебный год).
  9. Антипова О.А. «Книги в нашей жизни "Books in Our Life"» – открытый урок. Конкурс «Презентация к уроку» (Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок», 2010/2011 учебный год).