Страноведческая игра на английском языке: "Своя игра" на тему "Москва – Лондон: две столицы - два мира"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цель: развитие культуроведческой компетенции обучающихся посредством актуализации и активизации страноведческого материала по истории Лондона и Москвы, воспитание чувства уважения к истории и культуре другой страны, патриотизма и толерантности.

Данная разработка носит метапредметный характер, способствует повышению интереса к изучению английского языка и истории (как всемирной, так и истории России и москвоведения), развитию аналитических способностей и умения сопоставлять.

Игра может носить как индивидуальный, так и командный характер. Возраст обучающихся неограничен.

Разработка была апробирована на обучающихся 5–6-х классов в качестве внеклассного мероприятия и обобщающего урока по страноведению.

Jeopardy “Moscow – London: two capitals – two worlds” (Приложение)


1. Moscow History

10 points

When was Moscow founded? (in 1147)

20 points

With whom did the Russian people fight in1611-1612? (Polish invaders)

30 points

What happened to Moscow in 1812? (The Great Fire)

40 points

When did the famous Moscow battle happen? (winter 1941-1942)

50 points

This status Moscow got again on March, 12th in 1918? (the capital of the country)

2. Moscow Sights

10 points

Moscow main theatre (the Bolshoi Theatre)

20 points

Moscow most famous gallery (the Tretyakov Gallery)

30 points

The place dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (Park Pobedy on Poklonnaya Hill)

40 points

What cathedral was created in the 16th century? (St. Basil’s Cathedral)

50 points

An interesting place where different festivals and celebrations of traditional Russian holidays take place and you can visit the Museum of Russian Toys, the Museum of Russian Costume and the Museum of bread (The Kremlin in Izmailovo)

3. Famous people of Moscow

10 points

Moscow most famous museum of fine arts was named after this outstanding poet and writer (A.S. Pushkin)

20 points

The collector and founder of Moscow well-known picture gallery (Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov)

30 points

Outstanding singer born in Moscow, Prima Donna of Russian music (A.B. Pugacheva)

40 points

The world-famous figure-skater, she became the Olympic champion three times (Irina Konstantinovna Rodnina)

50 points

The artist. Creator of this piece of art (A.K. Savrasov)

4. Moscow Events

10 points

This means of transport was opened in Moscow in 1935 (Underground)

20 points

This fortress was built in the 12th century (the Kremlin)

30 points

What important international sport event took place in 1980 in Moscow? (the Olympic Games)

40 points

This important event took place in Red Square on the 24th of June, 1945 (Victory parade)

50 points

What was opened in 1775? (Moscow State University)


1. London History

10 points

The first name of London (Londinium)

20 points

Who came to London to rule the country in 1066? (William the Conqueror)

30 points

What is the name of the fortress the Normans built in London? (the Tower of London)

40 points

How old is London? (more 2000 years)

50 points

London used to be the centre of Protestant Church during the reign of … (Henry VIII)

2. London Sights

10 points

The official residence of the British Queen in London (Buckingham Palace)

20 points

The most famous shopping street in London (Oxford Street)

30 points

The museum situated at 221b Baker Street (Sherlock Holmes Museum)

40 points

The place where the British kings and queens are crowned (Westminster Abbey)

50 points

The spectacular attraction one can admire the bird view of London from (the London Eye)

3. Famous people of London

10 points

Who ordered to build the White Tower? (William the Conqueror)

20 points

The architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral (Sir Christopher Wren)

30 points

The lady who founded the world-famous museum of wax figures (Madam Tussaud)

40 points

Who lives at 10 Downing Street, London? (Prime Minister)

50 points

His nickname was “Big Ben” (Sir Benjamin Hall)

4. London Events

10 points

What important event happened on the 2d of September, 1666? (the Great Fire)

20 points

1863 – the year when this means of transport was opened by the Metropolitan company (Underground)

30 points

This sport event took place in London in 2012 (the summer Olympic Games)

40 points

This red … box was designed in the 1920s by Sir Scott (telephone box)

50 points

This theatre was one the earliest built in London the 16th century (the Globe theatre)