Интегрированный урок "английский язык + литература" по теме "My Heart's in the Highlands"

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Форма урока: “Дискуссия в литературной гостиной”

Класс: 9 “А” и члены литературного клуба из 10 “А” класса

Цели урока:

  • Прививать любовь к поэзии.
  • Развивать умения читать стихи Роберта Бёрнса в оригинале, переводить их с шотландского диалекта на русский, используя опорные таблицы сокращений из шотландского диалекта - “Burns’s vocabulary”, который имеется у каждого участника встречи.
  • Увлекать детей заниматься поисковой информацией и учить исследовать и анализировать творчество поэта.



  • практиковать учащихся в речевой деятельности на английском и русском языках, в аудировании стихов и песен Роберта Бёрнса;
  • расширить запас


  • развивать метапредметные связи;
  • формировать логическое мышление, умение включаться в диалог и высказывать свою точку зрения;
  • практиковать учащихся в составлении “Синквейнов” (Cinquain poems) на русском и английском языках, то есть развивать у любителей поэзии аналитические и творческие способности;
  • учиться читать стихи выразительно и проникновенно.


  • расширить кругозор, учиться слушать друг друга во время беседы.


  • компьютер, экран, проектор.
  • компьютерная презентация в “PowerPoint”; (Использованы фотографии некоторых картин из музеев и картинных галерей.)
  • диски с шотландской музыкой и песнями на слова Бёрнса.
  • “Шкала времени” Роберта Бёрнса (“Time Line”) у каждого ученика для лучшего восприятия его биографии и составления своего рассказа дома. (Приложение 1)

Ход урока

1) Начало урока

Teacher: Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you again. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. In fact, we’ll have a meeting of the members of our English Club and some members of our school Literary Club. Meet our guests! Some “journalists” from the ninth form have prepared some information for you. As far as the other members of the meeting are concerned,

I ask you to take part in the discussion, to be active, to ask questions, to give your own arguments and to do some tasks during the lesson. So, the theme of the meeting is “My heart’s in the Highlands.” Who can predict what we are going to speak about? (Слайд №1)

Pupil 1: In my opinion, we shall speak about the mountains of our native Karachaevo-Cherkess Republic, shan’t we?

Teacher: Not today, my dear. Of course, the mountains in Dombay and Arkhis are worth admiring.

2) Сообщение целей урока (Слайд № 2)

But today we’ll travel to Scotland and dedicate our talk to its national hero and the greatest poet Robert Burns and his Motherland, that he loved so much!


Ах, если бы великий Бёрнс по волшебству, вдруг, появился
В прекрасных горных уголках родной республики моей,
Сражённый красотой суровой, он видно б очень удивился,
Решив, что снова очутился, в горах Шотландии своей!

Journalist 1: As is well known, Scotland is considered to be the best small country in the world.

Where is it situated?

Pupil 2: It covers the most northern part of Great Britain. (Слайд №3)

Pupil 3: As for me, Scotland is not to my liking. It is cold, too rainy, cloudy and misty. (Слайд №4 )

Teacher: By the way, who knows, why the climate there is so cold and rainy?

Journalist 2: It’s cold in the North because it is not far from the Arctic Circle. The seas and oceans influence the climate as well.

3) Совершенствование страноведческих навыков

Teacher: All right. There is the first task for two groups of the pupils. “Do you know Scotland?”

1). Match the parts of the sentences:

1. Scotland is situated a). with beautiful lakes, green valleys and wild mountains.
2. Scotland is divided into three regions: b). in Glasgow, which has a ship building industry.
3. Most of the population in Scotland is concentrated c). for its help in the battle with the Norsemen
4. Scotland’s landscape is picturesque, d). in the northern part of Great Britain.
5. The Scots took the thistle as their national emblem e).the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.
6 .People consider the bagpipes f).Saint Andrew.
7. The Patron Saint of Scotland is g). to be a distinctly Scottish instrument.

(Key: 1d; 2e; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6g; 7f )

Teacher: Now, exchange your papers and check up the task. Good. Everybody has coped with it.

You should use your sentences as a plan to describe this fantastic country.

4) Развитие навыков говорения

Teacher: Let’s talk about this wonderful country. (Слайд № 5)

Pupil 4: I think, it’s one of few countries, preserving its traditions unchanged. It has its own government, its flag. The Royal Coat of Arms was used from the 12th century to 1603 until the union of Scotland and England. (A pupil recites a poem “ In misty sweet Scotland”).

Pupil 5: Besides, one can’t imagine Scotland without bagpipes – the Scottish national instruments.

There is a national dress of Scotland: the kilt. Look at the screen. It is (Слайд № 6) considered to be the best walking dress, yet invented by men.

Journalist 3: It is interesting to note, there is 5 meters of material in it.

Pupil 6: To my mind, it is silly. Why do men wear the kilt?

Journalist 4: In fact, it leaves the legs free for climbing; it stands the rain for hours before it gets wet; it warms and helps to sleep at night in the mountains. The kilt is the relic of the time when the clan system existed. Each clan had its own tartan.

Teacher: Very well. Thank you for the interesting facts. Who will continue?

Pupil 7: Scotland is to my liking, but I hate the emblem. Why have the Scots chosen an ugly emblem? (Слайд № 7)

Journalist 5: I’d like to explain .According to the legend, long ago the Norsemen landed in Scotland to to settle it. The enemies decided to attack the Scottish people in their sleep near the river. So,they took off their boots not to make a noise. But as soon as the Norsemen stepped on thistles, they shouted loudly. The Scots woke up and won the battle. As an acknowledgement for the timely and unexpected help from the thistle, the Scots took it as their nationalemblem.

5) Контроль лексических навыков учащихся (Слайд № 8)

Teacher: Look at the “Field of Wonders” and find 10 words about Scotland.

Key: (Слайд № 9)

Teacher: Have you done the task? That’s right. Thank you, well done!

6) Практика в устной речи

Journalist 6: I am delighted with the unique natural beauty of Scotland. A lot of places are wild, still untouched by men. (Слайд № 10)

LC member: Нельзя не восхищаться глубокими и леденящими горными озёрами, которые расположились среди таинственных сказочных замков. Одним из самых известных озёр является Лох-Несс, в глубинах которого, возможно, притаилось подводное чудовище Несси.

Teacher: Only Scotland with its unique beauty could give the world the inspiring national poet, who wrote 300 songs and 400 poems, appealing to people. Robert Burns loved his Motherland, called it “the birthplace of valour”, “the country of worth” in the most famous poem.

Listen to the poem “My heart’s in the Highlands” in English and in Russian .(Слайд № 11)

7) Великий поэт маленькой страны

Journalist7: Did you like the poem? Nothing can be finer! Robert Burns is not only the greatest poet.

He is more than that. He is the national hero and the greatest Scot! I am sorry to say, Burns lived, loved and died in poverty. But now he is very rich. I want you to know, that all over Scotland, the UK one can find monuments and memorials in his honor. (Слайд №12)

They are in all cities, all towns and in many villages.

In all parts of the world there are Burns’ Societies, where people gather to sing his songs and to recite his poems to pledge his name.

8) Исследование интересных фактов о детстве, юности и творчестве Роберта Бёрнса

Journalist 1: After I had read some of his poems, I began to get information about his childhood, about his family and all his life. I want to engage your hearts and minds as well.

Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January in 1759, in a small cottage at Alloway, in Ayrshire. His father William Burns was a tenant farmer who had built the (Cлайд № 13)

clay cottage in which Robert was born. His mother had a very pleasant voice and often sang songs and told folk- tales. His mother’s friend Betty told him many fantastic tales.

Teacher: We’ll have some role playing. Just imagine, that you are at the birthplace of the Burns’.

Characters: the neighbors; Robert’s mother (with a small baby); the Gipsy.

Scene: It is snowing. The high wind is blowing. A room in the Buns’ neighbor’s house. A man and a woman are sitting there. The woman is sewing. The man is making something with a hammer.

Woman: The night is so stormy. It is snowing. Oh!! Somebody is knocking at the door.

Man: I’ll open the door.

Burns’ mother (coming in): My dear neighbors! The storm has broken the roof of our house. May my son and I spend this night at your place?

Woman: Oh, dear! You are welcome! Sit down, please. Let me have a look at your baby. What a handsome boy!

Man: Hush! Somebody is knocking again. Who can it be? The snowstorm is so terrible!

Gipsy (entering the room): Good evening. How are you? I am cold and wet. May I come in?

Woman: Of course, my dear. Meet Sarah. She is a Gipsy. She can tell fortunes.

Gipsy: What a nice baby! Oh, this baby won’t be a fool. He will be famous! He will glorify his family and his country!

M. LC:

В деревне парень был рождён, There was a lad born in Kyle
Но день, когда родился он, But what na day o’what na style,
В календари не занесён. I doubt it’s hardly worth the ehile
Кому был нужен Робин? To be sae nice wi’ Robin.
Разжав младенческий кулак The Gossip keek it in his loof,
Гадалка говорила так: Qou’ scho wha lives will see the hroof,
-Мальчишка будет не дурак, This waly boy will be nae coof,
Пускай зовётся Робин! I think we’ll ca’ him Robin.

Journalist 2: The fortune-teller told that Robin would be famous but his life would be too hard. She was right. There were 7 children in the family and Robert was the eldest. His father was an intelligent man but not very successful one.

In 1765 at the age of 6 Robert went to school because his father wanted him to be an educated boy, but he didn’t study a lot, as the teacher left the place. (Слайд № 14)

Pupil 1: Oh, Robert didn’t study any more, did he?

Journalist 3: Yes, he did. When Robert was 7, his father employed a young teacher John Murdoch (a clever university student ), who taught him French and Latin. He taught him to speak English correctly and recite poems expressively. Robert was fond of reading Shakespeare, Sterne, Fergusson. Need I tell you, the family was very poor and Robert had to help his father. Later he wrote a poem about him: “My father was a farmer” (Приложение № 2)

(Члены литературного клуба декламируют стихотворение )

Teacher: Well done! Will you continue, please! (Слайд №15 )

Pupil 2: At the age of 13 Robert worked in the fields as the grown-up. He studied nature closely and following the plough, he whistled and sang songs about the fields, woods, flowers.

Pupil 3: Why and when did Robert Burns begin to write poems?

LC member : Замечательный вопрос! Позвольте мне дать ответ. Когда Роберту было 15 лет, он, убирая урожай на поле, вдруг, обратил внимание на девочку Нэнси, которая помогала вязать снопы. Его душа переполнилась нежностью и запела. И не было на свете никого прекраснее той загорелой красавицы, ничего краше, чем розовый закат, полевые цветы, даже душистые сорняки! Роберт влюбился в первый раз! (Слайд № 16)

Любовь сотворила чудо! Бедный крестьянин начал писать лирические песни и стихи.

Свою первую песню о любви “Handsome Nell” Роберт посвятил возлюбленной.

Я прежде девушку любил, Цветистый шёлк и взгляд пустой
И до сих пор люблю, Заденут сердце вскользь,
И никогда б я не забыл Но скромность вместе с чистотой
Нелл славную мою. Пробьют его насквозь.
Красавиц много видел я, Вот, чем мне нравится она,
Им не было числа, Вот ,что чарует в ней.
Но только милая моя Она одна и лишь одна
Скромна и так мила. Царит в душе моей. (Слайд № 17)

Pupil 4: В стихотворении “My Nanie, O” поэт сравнил юную девушку с чистой росой на маргаритке. Бёрнс писал: “Я довольствуюсь тем, что послали мне небеса, меня ничего не волнует кроме того, что я люблю.”

Pupil 5: What else did Burns write in his poems about?

Pupil 6: He wrote about friends, nature, poor people. (Слайд № 18)

LC member : Великий немецкий поэт Иоганн Гёте писал о Бёрнсе: “ Не потому ли он велик, что старые песни его предков жили в устах народа, что ему пели их, тогда ещё, когда он был в колыбели, что мальчиком он вырастал среди них и сроднился с высоким совершенством этих образцов? И ещё, не потому ли он велик, что его собственные песни тотчас же находили восприимчивые уши среди его народа, что они затем звучали ему навстречу из уст жнецов и вязальщиц снопов, что ими приветствовали его весёлые товарищи в кабачке?” Да, поэт уже был популярен, но жил в нужде. (Слайд № 19)

Teacher: That’s true. In 1784 (when he was 25) his father died and the family moved to Mossigiel, rented a farm. Robert worked hard. Every evening he went to dance and met there. Jean Armour

He fell in love and wanted to marry Jean but her father didn’t want to have a poor peasant poet for his son-in-low. So, Robert and Jean got engaged in secret from their parents. Soon Jean’s father destroyed their marriage contract and the lovers had to part. In 1786 Robert wanted to leave to Jamaica. Why did he stay in Scotland? (Слайд № 20)

Journalist 3:The matter is, Robert published his poems in the Scottish dialect. The first volume gained popularity. Soon he got some money for the second volume and the marriage with Jean became possible, at last. Burns bought a farm near Damfries. (Слайд №21)

Burns devoted to Jean a lot of poems. (Приложение №3)

9).Выразительное чтение и анализ стихов о любви (Слайд № 22)

Тeacher: So, Robert Burns became a remarkable lyric poet, didn’t he? What is your favorite poem?

Pupil 7: Oh, there are a lot of poems. But there is one, which everybody knows and likes. Of course, it is a famous poem “A Red, Red Rose” May I recite it? (Слайды: № 23, 24)

Teacher: Perfectly well. What did help him to write such sweet and exiting poems?

LC member: Вся короткая жизнь поэта прошла с любовью к женщинам. Его сердце всегда было переполнено романтическими грёзами и фантазиями. Кроме единственной и любимой жены Джин у Роберта ежё были возлюбленные, которые являлись для него вдохновением, божеством, ангелом. Любовные переживания рождали новые стихи. Джин всю жизнь любила мужа, прощала измены, родила 5 детей. (У Роберта ещё были дети от других женщин.) (Дети читают любимые стихи о любви). (Слайд № 25)

10).Демократическая и революционная лирика поэта

Journalist 4: In fact, Burns was a true son of the Scottish peasantry. His poems embody their thoughts and aspirations, love of freedom and hatred of all oppressors. In his famous poem “Is There for Honest Poverty” Burns says, that it is not wealth and titles, but the excellent qualities of man’s heart and mind that make him “king o’men for a’ that”. May I recite it? (Ученик читает стихотворение “Честная бедность”). (Приложение № 4)

Teacher: I like this poem as well. Many verses of the poet were inspired by the Great French Revolution, that he supported with all his heart. He wrote “The Tree of Liberty”. The poet regretted, that there was no such “Tree of Liberty” in Britain. (Слайд № 26)

But seek the forest round and round,
And soon ‘twill be agreed, man,
That sic a tree cannot be found
‘Twixt London and the Twee, man.

11) Наша любимая песня

Pupil 1: As is well known, Burns collected old folk songs and wrote his own ones. His famous “Auld Lang Syne” is sung at midnight not only in Scotland and the UK, but in many countries.

All people join arm together, sing song to see the New Year in. It is also sung at the friends’ meetings. Let’s sing it together. (Дети исполняют песню стоя). (Слайд № 27)

LC member: А мне нравится стихотворение “ К портрету Роберта Фергюссона”. В юности Роберт любил читать его стихи. Много лет спустя, на кладбище Бёрнс нашё заброшенную могилу поэта. Он скончался в 24 года. Роберт поставил мраморную плиту над могилой, сочинил эпитафию:

Ни урны, ни торжественного слова, (Слайд № 28)
Ни статуи в его ограде нет,
Лишь голый камень говорит сурово:
Шотландия! Под камнем твой поэт.

В его судьбе Бёрнс провидел свою собственную: равнодушие общества, жизнь и смерть в нищете. К сожалению, предчувствие Роберта не обмануло.

Pupil 2: Need I tell you, hard work destroyed the poet’s health. Robert Burns died at the age of 37, from rheumatic heart disease, haunted by the shadow of the debtor’s prison. The funeral took part in June, 1796, the day when his son Maxwell was born. First, he was buried in the corner of St. Michael’s Churchyard. In 1815 his body was moved to the mausoleum. (Слайд № 29)

Pupil 3: Do you know, that poet’s wife Jean Armour has lived for 37 years after Robert (Слайд № 30)

Burns. She lived to see how her husband’s name became celebrated throughout the world.

After the death of Robert Jean attracted national attention and a charitable fund was collected for her life and children’s education. After her death the body was laid near her husband. In 2004 the statue of Jean Atmour was erected in Dumfries. (Слайд № 31)

12) Всемирная любовь и признание (подведение итогов дискуссии)

LC member: Хочется отметить, что прошло уже 216 лет со дня смерти поэта, но годы не только не заглушили голоса его проникновенных и мелодичных стихов и песен, но и придали этому голосу новую силу и красоту. Произведения Роберта Бёрнса ещё в 18 веке стали достоянием всех народов, говорящих на английском языке. Хочу подчеркнуть, что дажевеликий Вильям Шекспир был впервые издан в США только через 7 лет после Роберта Бёрнса!

Pupil 4: Интересно, как и когда появился великий Роберт Бёрнс в России?

Pupil 5: У нас в стране Бёрнс обрёл вторую Родину. Переводить его начали 100 лет назад. В музее А.С.Пушкина до сих пор хранится томик стихов Роберта Бёрнса. Многие поэты занимались переводами, но только С.Я. Маршак перевёл множество стихов и песен. Ему удалось “сделать Бёрнса русским, оставив его шотландцем”. (Слайд № 32 )

Pupil 6: Удивительно, как он смог понять и перевести шотландский диалект?

Teacher: Well, who can answer? It is very interesting to learn.

Journalist 5: Дело в том, что, С.Я.Маршак более 8 лет изучал литературу, историю и культуру Британии 18 века, чтобы перевести стихи. За свои переводы он был награждён. Он писал: “У стихотворения должны быть мать и отец: автор и переводчик”. Маршак включал свои собственные эмоции, пропускал стихи через своё сердце. Поэтому, я считаю его соавтором Бёрнса.

Pupil 7: Besides, the Soviet Union was the first country in the world to honor Burns with a commemorative stamp, making the 160th anniversary of his death in 1956. Then the Royal Mail issued postage stamps, commemorating Burns 3 times: in 1966, in 1996 and in 2009. Moreover, the greatest Sсot was pictured on the Clydesdale Bank note from 1971 to 2009.(Слайд № 33)

Teacher: I am sure, the celebration of Robert’s birthday shows that all people still love him dearly.

The 25th of January is a national holiday. People wear national costumes, recite his poems, sing songs and have holiday Supper, consisting of traditional Scottish dishes. During supper a Scottish pipe always plays. (Слайд № 34)

13) Составление синквейнов о Роберте Бёрнсе и о его любимой Шотландии (Слайд № 35)

Teacher: You have learnt a lot of facts and I want you to write your own cinquains about the great poet. Will you look at the screen and remember the rules how to fulfill the task. Imagine, that you are poets too. (Ученики составляют синквейны. Это строфа из 5 строк)

For example:

1. poet 1. peasant poet
2. famous, favorite 2. unbelievable, revolutionary
3. loved, described, devoted 3. working, struggling, writing
4. wrote poems, songs, epigrams 4. loved freedom, hated oppressors
5. national hero 5. greatest Scot

14). Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия

Teacher: Our meeting is going to the end. As for me, I am fond of your work today. We had many volunteers to answer. You have recited the poems emotionally and I give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you for your work.

Now tell me. Have we reached the aim? Did you like the meeting? What are you going to talk at the next meeting about?

Pupil 1: The meeting has made a great impression on me .I’ve learnt a lot and have written 3 cinquains.

Pupil 2: Our “journalists” and the Members of our Literary Club did their best.

Pupil 3: I think, everybody worked hard. At the next meeting I’d like to listen to songs of Burns, which are popular in Russia.

15) Домашнее задание

Teacher: Everybody has got “Time Line” of Burns. Try to tell about the poet and learn one of his poems. I am sure, Robert Burns will always live in the hearts of the people of the world. Good-bye. See you! (Слайд № 36)