Рождество в Великобритании и России

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Учебный аспект: закрепить употребление учебных единиц по теме “Рождество”, формировать навык употребления времени Present Progressive в устной и письменной речи.
  • Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать уважение к обычаям и традициям страны изучаемого языка, учить сравнивать их с культурными особенностями родной страны.
  • Развивающий аспект: развивать внимание, воображение, догадку.
  • Познавательный: познакомить с национальным праздником “Рождество”, его традициями и особенностями.

Оснащение урока:

Music “Santa Claus is coming to town”

Презентация, слайд 1

T: Good afternoon, my dear children. You may take your seats.

What date is it today?

P: Today is the 26th of December.

T: What holiday did the British people celebrate yesterday?

P: They celebrated Christmas.

T: That’s right. Today we are going to speak about Christmas in Britain and in Russia.

Презентация, слайд 2

T: (Раздает задания - приложение 2) Before we start reading the text, let’s pronounce some words (учебник упражнение 67 страница 72)

Christmas, decorate, consist, decoration, capital, carol

City, center, central, December

The 25th of December, the 24th of December, the 7th of January

London, Londoner, colour, money

T: Exercise 68 page 72. Read the text with your partner and fill in the gaps. Now let’s read it aloud.

Приложение 2, упражнение 1 (использовать, если старая редакция учебника)

T: Look at the pictures and find the sentences in the texts to describe them.

Презентация, слайды 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

T: Well done. Are you ready to answer my questions?

  1. When do people celebrate Christmas in Britain? And in Russia?
  2. Are there many Christmas traditions in Britain?
  3. What do the Londoners get every year from the people of Norway?
  4. Where does the main Christmas tree stand?
  5. When do people decorate Christmas trees in Britain? When do you decorate your Christmas tree?
  6. What does the traditional Christmas meal consist of?

T: Now you know a lot about Christmas in Britain. Let’s speak about Christmas traditions in Russia.

What Russian Christmas traditions do you know? Use the given words and phrases. (To tell fortunes, to sing kolyadki, to light fireworks, to sledge)

Презентация, слайд 8, 9

T: Do British children like Christmas? Why? Who brings presents to children in Britain? Who brings presents in Russia?

Презентация, слайд 10, 11, 12,13

T: Let’s see. Is there any difference between them?

Where does Ded Moroz live?

Where does Santa Claus live?

Where does Ded Moroz put his presents? And Santa Claus?

Who helps them?

Do you believe in Ded Moroz?

What present would you like to get?

Ded Moroz and Santa Claus are working hard now.

Приложение 2, упражнение 2

Let’ remember Present Progressive. Look at the table.

Презентация, слайд 14

Look at the pictures and write what Ded Moroz and Santa Claus are doing now.

Презентация, слайд 14, 15, 16, 17


T: Now, please mime the actions and your classmates will guess them. (дети получают карточки с фразами). Use Present Progressive.

Примерные фразы: to skate, to decorate Christmas tree, to collect money for charity, to meet guests, to give presents, to cook Christmas pudding, to sing Christmas carol, to tell fortunes, to ski, to dance, to have Christmas dinner, to lay the table, to write a Christmas card, to take a photo.

P: You are decorating Christmas tree …

T: Let’ write a Christmas letter to Santa Claus. Complete the gaps.

Приложение 2, упражнение 3

T: You have worked hard. Now it’s time to have fun. Listen to the song and find the examples of Present Progressive.

Song “Santa Claus is coming to town”

Приложение 2, упражнение 4

Приложение 3

T: Well done. Let’s sing the song

T:  Thank you for your work.

Did you like the lesson?

Your homework: Exercise 11, 12, 13 page 80.

Использованные ресурсы.

1. Картинки. Приложение.

2. Письмо Санта-Клаусу.

3. Песня.