Урок английского языка по теме "Англоговорящие страны"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока обобщение изученного материала по теме “Англоговорящие страны” 

Задачи урока:

  • Развивать и совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме “Англоговорящие страны”
  • Расширять знания учащихся по страноведению Соединенного королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, США и Российской Федерации.
  • Активизировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи
  • Совершенствовать навыков аудирования.
  • Прививать любовь к культуре англо-говорящих стран через знакомство с ними.

Оборудование УМК Биболетовой М.З. “EnjoyEnglish -7 класс”, Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику, карта, тесты, компьютер,  проектор,карточки с названиями стран, эмблемы и флаги англо-говорящих стран.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Goodmorning, boysandgirls! How are you? I hope that you are fine.Today we shall find out what English- speaking people think about their countries. And today we’ll l travel to these countries.

2. Фонетическаязарядка

And now it`s time to practice today`s vocabulary. You can see two columns of words on the blackboard.Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?

national cities
historic country
traditional symbols
largest elements
multinational names
culture saint
official conflicts

2. Речеваяразминка.

I`d like you to complete some statements about Russia, Great Britain and America. You listen to the beginnings of the sentences and finish them.

1. The official name of Gr.Britain is.........

2. The American flag is known as..........

3. The Russian flag consists of...........

4. The longest river in the USA..........

5. There are four historic parts ..........

6. The Russian National Emblem is ..........

7. English is the official language .............

8. The Red Rose is the floral .......

3. Развитие лексических навыков по теме “Англо-говорящие страны”

- The first traveling is to the countries, oceans, continents and rivers. Find and read them. Group them into 4 columns. (Cлованакарточкахраспределитьв 4 группы)

Asia, the Black sea, Switzerland, the USA, the Amazon, the UK, China, Australia, the Baikal, New Zealand, the North sea, Belgium, South America, the Thames, Canada, Russia, Portugal

Countries Switzerland, China, Belgium, Russia, Portugal the USA, the UK, New Zealand, Canada,
Seas and oceans the Black sea, the North sea,
Continents Asia, Australia, South America
Rivers and lakes the Amazon, the Baikal, the Thames,

- Choose the countries where English the first language is.

4. Презентация проектов по теме “Англо-говорящие страны”

We have researched three countries this month. Let`s talk about their flags, emblems, symbols,dates and statistics. We shall listen to three groups-three projects. Get ready to ask the guestions to your classmates and share your ideas about Russia, Gr. Britain and America. Who will be the first to speak today?

- We’ll travel to Russiafirst. Find the emblem and the flag of this country and put it on the board. (учащийся находит , прикрепляет эмблему и флаг под названием данной страны на доску) HereistheemblemandtheflagofRussia. Here is a boy from Russia. Listen to him and try to ask questions about this country after his story.(Учащийся рассказывает о России, ребята задают вопросы) .

- ThenexttravelingistotheUSA. Find the emblem and the flag of this country and put it on the board. (Прикрепить эмблему на доску). ( Учащийся рассказывает о США, остальные задают вопросы о США)

- We continue our traveling. Let’s stop. The United Kingdom is here. Who can find the emblem and the flag of this country and put it on the board? (Прикрепить эмблему на доску, учащиеся задают вопросы о Великобритании)

5. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

- Listen to the dialogue and try to understand the information about one of the boy’s friends. What country is he from? What kind of boy is he? ( учащиеся проигрывают диалог, остальные дают ответы на вопросы).

- Hello!

- Hi!

-Where are you going to?

- I am going to my best friend. He is ill.

- What’s his name?

- He’s Jill.

- Is he from another country?

- Yes, right you are. He’s from The UK, London. Do you know that London is the capital of the United Kingdom?

- Telling the truth, I don’t know. But what kind of boy is he?

- He is loyal. And we share our secrets with each other. In general it is fun to be with him and we have a good laugh together.

- Is he your true friend?

- Yes, he is. He never betrays me and he always forgives me.

- Well, you are lucky. Good bye then.

- Bye!

6. Совершенствование лексических навыков. Закрепление изучeнной лексики.

Today at the lesson we have learnt a lot of interesting information about English speaking countries. I want you to do a test. I want to learn what you know about these countries.You may use your notes. Choose and circle the correct answer.


1. The capital of Scotland is ...

a) Liverpool

b) Glasgow

c) Edinburgh

2. What is the American flag called ?

a) Union John

b) Union Jack

c) Stars and stripes

3. The Russian Head of State is ...

a) Tsar

b) President

c) Prime Minister

4. The symbol of England is ...

a) a rose

b) a daffodil

c) a thistle

5. What is the biggest lake of the USA?

a) Great Salt Lake

b) Lake Ontario

c) Lake Superior

6. The highest Russian mountain is situated in ...

a) the Caucasus

b) the Urals

c) Tibet

7. The name of the Queen of the UK is ...

a) Elizabeth I

b) Victoria

c) Elizabeth II

8. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by ...

a) The North Sea

b) The English Channel

c) The Irish Sea

9. American people say ...

a) biscuits

b) cookies

c) sweets

10. What is the capital of the Russian Federation?

a) Sochi

b) Moscow

c) Kiev

7. Итоги урока: д\з- рабочая тетрадь: упр.2, стр.31.