"Вторжение извне". Развитие навыков поискового чтения и грамматических структур для выражения будущего времени

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Этапы урока

Для достижения цели урока необходимо пройти все этапы, решив задачи каждого из них <Приложение 1 – План-конспект урока>.

Этап 1: Вхождение в тему урока и создание условий для осознанного восприятия материала

Задачи этапа: подготовить учащихся к работе на уроке, определить цели и задачи урока.

Содержание этапа:

Взаимные приветствия учителя и учащихся – Good morning, children!
– Good morning, teacher!
Фиксация отсутствующих на уроке – Who is absent today?
– Nobody is absent today.
Определение цели и задачей урока: просмотр видео-слайда и ответы на вопросы учителя (слайд № 1 – видео – ролик) – Now, let`s watch the video and after that you`ll have to answer my questions and define the main topic we are going to speak about at the lesson.
Слайд № 2 – формулировка темы урока – What are we going to speak about?
– We are going to speak about the asteroid impact.
– When will it happen?
– It`ll happen in 2060.
Слайд № 3 – формулировка задачей  урока – Well done, thanks. So we are going to speak about the asteroid impact and Future tenses.

Этап 2: Организация и самоорганизация учащихся  в ходе дальнейшего усвоения материала. Организация обратной связи. (Предтекстовый этап – before reading activities)

 Задачи этапа: ознакомить учащихся с основными понятиями, которые будут рассматриваться в ходе урока, лексическими единицами по теме «открытый космос, падение астероида и его последствия», устойчивыми словосочетаниями (предложными (dependent  prepositions)), герундиальными, инфинитивным 

 Содержание этапа:

Просмотр слайдов презентации с определениями понятий (matching – определение  названий, соответствующих данным определениям и изображениям, представленным на слайдах (слайды № 4-13)) – Now, let`s check how many words connected with space do you know in English? Present your works, please. Read the definitions. You have to think and say what the words are.
Pupil № 1 – The area outside the Earth`s atmosphere containing the stars and planets.
Pupil № 2 – Outer space
Pupil № 3 – A star and the planets that go round it, especially the Sun and the group of planets that includes the Earth.
Pupil № 4 – Solar system
Pupil № 5 – A large piece of rock from space, that passes into the Earth`s atmosphere and appears as a bright light in the sky
Pupil № 6 – A meteor
Pupil № 7 – A bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust
Pupil № 8 – A comet
Pupil № 9 – A mass of  rock that moves around in space
Pupil № 10 – An asteroid
Работа с определениями – сопоставление новых лексических единиц с определениями (перевод при необходимости);
Ознакомление учащихся с  употреблением предлогов, инфинитива и герундия в устойчивых словосочетаниях
– Before we start reading look through the definitions; pay your attention to the phrases with prepositions, infinitives and gerund.
Pupil № 1 – Collision – an accident in which something that is moving crashes into something
Pupil № 2 – To collide – to crash into each other
Pupil № 3 – To orbit – to move around a large object in space
Pupil № 4 – To involve – to include  
Pupil № 5 – To destroy –  to damage  something completely    
Pupil № 6 – To cause – to make something happen, usually something bad
Pupil № 7 – Damage – physical harm caused to something
Pupil № 8 – To prevent – to stop something from happening
Pupil № 9 – To be confident – to be sure that something will happen
Pupil № 10 – Invader – one who invades
Pupil № 11 Extinct – something that no longer exists
Pupil № 12 – It`s quite likely that
Pupil № 13 – To have plenty of time to
Pupil № 14 –   To prepare for
Pupil  №1 – To prevent … from happening
Pupil № 2 – To involve landing
Pupil № 3 – To be responsible for
Pupil № 4 – To be ready for

Этап 3: Практикум: чтение (поисковое чтение – reading for specific information)

 Задачи этапа: овладение умением находить в тексте те элементы информации, которые являются значимыми для выполнения той или иной учебной задачи, развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи учащихся, употребления грамматических структур, используемых для выражения будущего времени в английском языке 

Содержание этапа:

Сопоставление факторологической  информации, представленной в тексте, с примерами из упражнения (1/44) – Read the text quickly and match the information on the left with what it refers to on the right.
Pupil № 1 – The name of the asteroid is 2002 NT 7.
Pupil № 2 – The asteroid will probably just miss the Earth in February 2019.
Pupil № 3 – The asteroid was discovered in July 2002.
Pupil № 4 – The asteroid will come very close again in February 2060.  
Pupil № 5 – The asteroid goes round the Sun every 2.2 years.
Выбор предложений, соответствующих основному содержанию абзацев (2/45) – Read the text again and circle the correct word or phrase to show what the paragraph is about.
Pupil № 1 – Paragraph 1 – Scientists think/don`t think   it will happen.
Pupil № 21 – Paragraph 2 – We`ll never/probably be in danger.
Pupil № 3 – Paragraph 3 – We`ll/won`t be able to find a solution.
Pupil № 4 – Paragraph 4 – We`re going to be like the dinosaurs/prepared.
Установление соответствия приведенных предложений содержанию текста(3/45) – Decide if theses sentences about the text are correct or incorrect.
Pupil № 1 – Scientists are certain that 2002 NT 7 will not hit the Earth in 2019 – correct.
Pupil № 2 – The Earth will next be in danger 2.2 years after 2019 – incorrect. Pupil № 3 – Scientists will use nuclear weapons to destroy dangerous asteroids – incorrect.
Pupil № 4 – We will try to change the position of a dangerous asteroid – correct.
Pupil № 5 – We know for sure that a meteor killed all the dinosaurs – incorrect.
Выбор заголовков (headings – один лишний) (слайд № 14) – Choose the best heading for each of the paragraphs; you`ve got one extra heading which you don`t need to use.
Pupil № 1 – Paragraph 1 – (c) A near miss.
Pupil № 2 – Paragraph 2 – (a) Widespread destruction.
Pupil № 3 – Paragraph 3 – (e) Methods of prevention.
Pupil № 4 – Paragraph 4 – (d) Different from the past.
Поиск в тексте структур, используемых для выражения будущего времени в английском языке, определение их употребления (слайд № 15);<Приложение 2 – Таблица с временами> – What tenses do we use to talk about the future?
Pupil № 1 – We use Present Simple, Present Continuous, “to be going to” and “will” to talk about the future.
– Look through the table and say what do we use Present Simple/Present Continuous/”will”/”to be going to” for?
Pupil № 1 – We use Present Simple for timetables, after “if” in first and zero conditional sentences, after “when, while, as soon as, before, after, till/until” in time clauses.
Pupil № 2 – We use Present Continuous for arrangements made before the moment of speaking.
Pupil № 3 – We use “will” for facts about the future, predictions, decisions made before the moment of speaking, offers, suggestions, requests and in most first conditional sentences.
Pupil № 4 – We use “to be going to” for plans and intentions.     
– Find the examples of Present Simple/Present Continuous/”will”/”to be going to” in the text and explain their usages.
Pupil № 1 – Before you start panicking, we`ll have plenty of time to prepare for the collision (Present Simple – after “when, while, as soon as, before, after, till/until” in time clauses).
Pupil № 2 –It will just miss the Earth in 2019 (predictions).
Pupil № 3 – It`s going to be close (for facts about the future; informal)
– What tense is missing in the text?
Pupil № 1 – Present Continuous is missing.
Составление диалогов на основе прочитанного текста (detail reading –    максимально полное и точное понимание всей содержащейся в тексте информации и критическое ее осмысление) –  Form the groups, make up questions and write them down. You have 5 minutes to cope with it.
– Make up dialogues and find the most suitable answers in the text. Take your turn, please. Group № 1 asks the questions and group № 2 answers them.

Group № 1

– What is the asteroid called?
– When was the asteroid discovered?
– What have astronomers been working hard on?
– What are the scientists fairly confident in?

Group № 2 –

– The asteroid is called 2002 NT 7.
– It was discovered in July 2002.
– The astronomers have been working hard to calculate it`s exact path.
– They are fairly confident that the asteroid will just miss the Earth in 2019.
– Are scientists sure that the asteroid will ever collide with the Earth?
– When is the next possible collision date?
– How often does the asteroid go round the Sun?
– When will it hit the Earth?
– What will it destroy?
– What changes will it cause?

Group № 3 –

– Scientists are not sure that the asteroid will ever collide with the Earth.
– The next possible collision date is February 2060.
– It orbits the Sun every 2.2 years.
– It will destroy an area the size of Europe.
– It will cause global climate changers.
– Will people have time to prepare for the collision?
– How could collision be prevented from happening?
– How many simpler options are there?
– What will the first option involve?
– What will the second option involve?

Group № 4 –

– Yes, people will have time to prepare for the collision.
– The collision could be prevented from happening by destroying it with nuclear weapons.
– There are 2 simpler options.
– The first option will involve landing a small rocket on the asteroid.
– The second option will involve using a solar sail to change the asteroid`s course.
– What do we have to detect meteors in time?
– Will people have time to take appropriate actions?
– Will people be ready for the asteroid impact?

Group № 1 –

– We have the technology to detect meteors in time.
– Yes, people will have time to take appropriate actions.
– Yes, people will be ready for the asteroid impact.

Составление краткого монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного текста – Look through the text once more, think for a while and make a short summary of the text.
– Is anybody ready?
– Yes.
– You are welcome.
– The asteroid is called 2002 NT 7. It was discovered in 2002. It`s likely that it will collide with the Earth in 2060. If it hits the Earth, it will destroy an area the size of Europe and cause global climate changes. There are 2 options to prevent collision from happening. Nowadays people have the technology to detect asteroids in time and to take appropriate actions.

Этап 4: Проверка полученных  результатов. Коррекция. (Послетекстовый этап (after reading activities)

Задачи этапа: проверить  навыки употребления лексики и грамматических структур, изученных на уроке (Laser B 1  C-ROM)

Содержание этапа:

Лексика – соединение частей предложений (Unit 5 – Word patterns Technology, № 1) – Match the two halves of each sentence.
– Write down your answers. <Приложение 3 – Лексика задание 1>
Грамматика – поиск соответствий прослушанных высказываний способам употребления конструкций, используемых для выражения будущего времени в английском языке (Unit 5 – Future forms, № 1) – Listen and match what you hear with the different ways of talking about the future.
– Write down your answers. <Приложение 4 – Грамматика–  задание 1>
Выбор правильного варианта использования грамматических конструкций (составление предложений) (Unit 5 – Future forms, № 3) – Choose the best way to complete the sentences.
– Write down your answers. <Приложение 5 – Грамматика– задание 3>
Проверка полученных результатов (взаимопроверка), комментарии учителя (слайды № 16,17,18) – Change your forms with each other and check your answers.
– Hand in your works, please.
Разгадывание зашифрованного цифрового послания, присланного Европейским Космическим Агентством, при помощи кода. (слайд № 19) – The scientists from the ESA (European Space Agency) have sent you a message. Use the code to find out what the message is. <Приложение 6 – Код без ответа>
– We will survive.

Этап 5: Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание

Задачи этапа: рефлексия по достигнутым или недостигнутым результатам

 Содержание этапа:

Обобщение материала, пройденного на уроке – At the lesson you have leant 11 words and 7 phrases connected with space, read the text and found all the necessary information, made up the dialogues and a short summary of the text, revised the tenses that can be used to talk about future, made some drills and checked our works.   
Выставление оценок –Thanks’ everybody!  Your marks for participation in today`s project and presenting your works are:
– for working in groups are:
– for the summary of the text is:
Комментарии к домашнему заданию – Your homework is to read the text on page 30, to do exercises 1 and 2 on page 31; for further information consult the websites: http://capability1970.ucoz.ru/  and  http://www.macmillandictionary.com/