Урок английского языка. Систематизация знаний по теме "Animal’s world". 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Учебные действия урока:

  • обучающиеся получат возможность обобщить свои знания лексики по теме и расширить словарный запас в ситуативных упражнениях
  • обучающиеся познакомятся с приёмами систематизации и организации языкового материала для эффективного использования на уровне коммуникацию

Оснащение урока:

  • рисунки учеников (животные, семьи животных, домашние питомцы)
  • фотографии детей с животными
  • видеофрагменты с животными

Ход урока

Ведущая: Dear children, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them. I am sure you will be glad to see different birds and animals in the zoo. Let’s go to the zoo. I think it will be interesting. But before we go, listen to the rhyme “To the Zoo”

To the Zoo
We are off to the zoo!
We are off to the zoo!
We haven’t a moment to spare.
We’re going to see the kangaroo
And feed the big brown bear.

Ведущая: Now we are in the zoo.

Ребята рассматривают рисунки, фотографии, игрушки. Ведущая предлагает им поделиться своими впечатлениями.

Pupil: I can see the zoo. What a fine zoo it is! I can see a lot of animals. I can see a fox, a wolf, a monkey, a bear, a lion, an elephant, a tiger and a kangaroo. There are a lot of children at the zoo. They are looking at the monkeys. The monkeys are walking and jumping. I can see a wolf. He is eating. The bears are playing. How nice they are! I like animals very much.

Ведущая: What animals can you see at the zoo?

Ребята по очереди отвечают: I can see a bear and a camel. I can see wolves and monkeys.

Затем по просьбе ведущей ребята читают стихи о животных.

A Rabbit.
I had a penny,
A bright new penny,
I took my penny
To the market square.
I wanted a rabbit,
A little brown rabbit,
And I looked for a rabbit
Most everywhere.

Our Cat Has a Flat.
Our pussy-cat
Has a good, small flat.
It has no door
But a brown floor.
The walls are white
And the flat is bright.

Can you?
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still like a good child,
As still as you wish?

A Funny Little Cat
-Where are you going, my little cat?
- I am going to the shop to buy a hat.
How funny is a pussy-cat
Who goes to the shop to buy a hat!

The Bird-House
Little bird, little bird,
Look at me!
I have a bird-house,
Oh, come and see!
Little boy, little boy,
Under the tree,
I like this house,
Give it to me.

Следующее стихотворение можно прочитать в форме диалога

“ Little Cat,
Little Cat,
As you sat on the mat
Did you dream
Pf a mouse,
Or a grey rat?”
“ Oh, no!
Not so!
For I always dream
Of a dish
Full of fish
And a bowl
Full of cream.”

Ведущая: My dear friend, you know that all domestic and wild animals and birds have babies. Listen to the verses about them.

Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear,
Look around.
Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear,
Touch the ground.
Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear,
Switch off the light.
Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear,
Say good night.


(это стихотворение читают двое учащихся: второй имитирует звуки, которые издают животные)

The Hen has a Chicken.
What does it say?
Cheep, cheep,cheep, cheep!
All through the day.
The Duck has a Duckling.
What does it say?
Qwack, qwack, qwack, qwack!
All through the day.
The sheep has a lambkin.
What does it say?
Baa, baa, baa, baa!
All through the day.
The Pig has a piglet.
What does it say?
Squeal, squeak, squeal, squeal!
All through the day.
The Cat has a Kitten.
What does it say?
Mew, mew, mew, mew!
All through the day.
The Dog has a Puppy.
What does it say?
Bow, wow, bow, wow!
All through the day.
The Snail has a Baby.
What does it say?
It doesn’t say anything
All through the day.

Ведущая: What do we call…. a baby-dog? A baby-pig? A baby-cow? A baby-horse? A baby-cat? A baby-bear? A baby-goat? A baby-swan? A baby-sheep? A baby-duck? A baby-hen? A baby-mouse? A baby-wolf?

(a puppy, a piglet, a calf, a colt, a kitten, a teddy-bear, a kid, a cygnet, a lamb, a duckling, a chicken, a mouse, a wolf-cub)

Далее в программе принимают участие пять учеников. По очереди они прикрепляют к магнитной доске заранее приготовленные рисунки передних ног разных животных, и каждый ученик коротко рассказывает о своём животном, не называя его. Ребятам предлагается угадать животное и назвать его.

These feet belong to a big animal. This animal can draw a cart. This animal helps the farmer.
Whose feet are they?
These feet belong to a big animal. This animal gives milk. Each foot has two toes. Whose feet are they?
These feet belong to a very big animal. You can see this animal at the zoo. This animal has a trunk. Whose feet are these?
These feet belong to an animal that barks. This animal can guard the house. This animal sometimes helps the hunter. Whose feet are these?
These feet belong to a small animal. This animal catches mice. This animal likes to wash itself with its paws. Whose feet are these?

Двое учащихся задают одноклассникам четыре загадки.

I like green grass. I am smaller than a camel. I am smaller than a cow. My milk makes good cheese. What am I? (You are a sheep)
When do reindeer have 8 legs? (When there are two of them)
What does a pig have that no other animal has? (A piglet)
How many legs does a shark have? (It has no legs)

Учащиеся подготовили рисунки лошади, коровы, собаки, кота, белки, обезьяны. Каждый из них говорит о том, для чего животному нужен хвост. Ребятам предлагается сказать это по-русски.

The Cow uses its tail to keep away flies.
The Horses uses its tail to keep away flies too.
The Dog wags its tail to show that it is pleased.
The Cat wags its tail to show that it is angry.
The Squirrel uses its tail to keep its back warm in winter.
The monkey uses its tail to swing from branch to branch.

Ведущая: Where do domesticated animals live? Choose the right word.

A horse lives in a …….
(a dog, a cat, a pig, a cow, a hen, a mouse, a swan, a rabbit)
(a stable, a kennel, a basket, a sty, a cow-shed, a coop, a hole, a nest, a hutch)

Ведущая: What sounds do animals give? Choose the words.

A donkey ….
(a dog, a sheep, a cat, a pig, a duck, a hen, a horse)
(to bray, to bark, to bleat, to mew, to grunt, to quack, to cluck, to neigh)

Ведущая: Do you know how many years domestic animals live?

Rabbits – 5, sheep – 12, cats – 13, dogs – 15, goats – 15, cows – 25, pigs – 25, horses – 30, camels – 40

Ведущая: What do animals and birds give us?

Bees give us….
(sheep, hens, cows, rabbits)
(honey, wool, eggs, meat, fur)

Ведущая: Do you know how to spell the words? Fill in the blanks with a, e, I, o, u, y.

(Два ученика выходят к доске. Каждому из них предлагается по шесть слов. Побеждает тотб кто быстрее заполнил пропуски)

L_mb   c_lf
G_at   p_ss_
C_t   sh__p
D_ckl_ng   p_pp_
K_tt_n   ch_ck_n
C_m_l   h_rs_

Ведущая: Listen to these proverbs about animals and birds and translate them.

When the cat is away, the mice will play.
All cats are grey at night.
The early bird catches the worm.
Every bird likes its own nest.
To kill two birds with one stone.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
Better an egg today then a hen tomorrow.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Every dog has his day.
To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
To work like a horse.
One should not look a gift horse in the mouse.

Ведущая: Children, guess the meaning of the words.

Tiger, lion, crocodile, kangaroo, zebra, giraffe, pelican, dolphin, antelope, penguin, gorilla, jackal, rhinoceros, leopard, coala, pony, dragon, canary, crab, llama, dinosaur, echidna, gyena.

Ведущая: Children, answer my questions about animals.

What does a rabbit look like? (very pretty, grey or white warm coat of fur, long ears, sharp teeth)
What food does it eat? (fresh grass, cabbage leaves, corn, hay)
Do people keep rabbits? (People easily tame the rabbits and keep them on their farms in the country).
Are goats as big as horses?
Can goats climb high hills?
What do we get from the cow?
Where do people keep cows?
What do cows eat in summer?
What do cows eat in winter?
What do we call a woman who milks cows?
When do milkmaids milk the cows?
Can you make great friends with cats?
Where were our house cats first tamed? (in Egypt)
What is a young horse called? (a colt)
What is a small horse called? (a pony)

Ведущая: Children, thank you very much for your answers. You know a lot about animals and birds. Many of you have pets. So, my dear friends, you must take care of them and not only of your pets but of all birds and animals. Don’t hurt animals, don’t catch birds. It is necessary for you to remember some rules about your pets.

Give him food every day.
Give him water every day.
Give him a clean place to sleep.
Give him a dry mat to sleep on.
Give him a warm place to sleep in winter.
Give him a cool place to sleep in summer.

Ведущая: Dear children, you had a very good time at the zoo. You have seen many animals and birds. You know their names, you know many verses and songs about them. I liked your answers. Every pupil is given a postcard with a picture of an animal or a bird. On the back side of the picture there is a mark for your knowledge in English and also for your activity at the lesson.

(Урок может быть дополнен разнообразными песенками о животных)