I like to travel медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • Учебный аспект: совершенствовать навыки говорения; обучить грамматике; обучить чтению с извлечением основной информации; обучить аудированию; активизировать новые лексические единицы и речевые обороты в устной речи и письме.
  • Развивающий аспект: развивать мышление, внимание, память, любознательность учащихся.
  • Познавательный аспект: расширить кругозор учащихся, формировать коммуникативную компетенцию.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, презентация PowerPoint, интерактивная доска, проектор, компьютер, смайлики, travelcards.


1. Warming up.

T-Hello, children! Nice to meet you! Do you know me? Let me introduce myself. My name is Yana Vladimirovna and I’m your teacher today. Look at your desks, everybody has got a travel card and look at the picture. See? And can you guess what topic of our lesson is today?

P-The topic of our lesson is travelling.

T-Yes, you are right! The topic of our lesson is travelling.(слайд№1)

I like travelling very much! Do you like travelling?And now listen to me, I have got a lot of interesting tasks for you: you should read the text, answer the question and make a story and during the lesson you should fill your travel cards and at the end of the lesson be ready to tell your own story about your travelling. Ok?!

2. Phonetic Practice

T-Oh, sorry! It’s my Walkman!(показатьмр3 плейер)

If go travelling you will take a lot of things.

Now, look at the blackboard and repeat after me these words

(слайд №2 повторяем слова за учителем)

3. Analyzing pictures

T-And now look at the pictures and say what things will you take if you go travelling. What do you need?

P- I need a Walkman

P-I need a....

(слад №3 показываем на картинку и высвечивается название предмета)

T-And now open your travel cards and write down what you need if you go travelling.

(учащиеся заполняют свои “travelcards”,чтобы они хотели взять с собой в путешествие)

T-Now children look at the pictures and say how people can travel?

(слайд №6)

P-People can travel by plane....

T-And now open your travel cards and write down how you can travel.

(учащиеся заполняют свои “travelcards”)

4. Answering the questions

T-And now will you answer the questions?

1.Which is the quickest method of travelling?

2. Which is the most comfortable?

3. Which is the most expensive and the cheapest?

4. Which is the most convenient?

P-The quickest method of travelling is travelling by plane.

T-And now open your travel cards and choose what method you prefer to travel.

(учащиеся заполняют свои “travelcards”)

T-And now look at the pictures and say what country it is?

(сдайд № 4)

P- It is Great Britain.

T-And do you know the official name of Great Britain? No?-

P-The official name of Great Britain is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

T-And tell me please, what is the capital of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

P- It is London.(слайд № 5)

5. Reading

T-Today we shall visit London. And you will see a lot of beautiful places such as Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and British Museum. They are known all over the world. I shall give you the smiles for your answers and at the end of the lesson we shall calculate them and you will see who will be the best.

So, we are in London.(слайд № 8) It is the British Museum. It has a large reading-room. To get there you should read a story about Cameron’s trip and answer the questions. You have only 2 minutes. Now look through the text.

(дети читают текст)

(слайд № 7) T-And now will you read the questions and answer them.

Q1) What did John give the gucks?- John gave the gucks his sandwiches.
Q2) Where did the students go when they were hungry?-The students went to the art gallery cafe.
Q3) What was their teacher’s name? - Their teacher’s name was Mrs Stevens.
Q4) Where did they see the paintings? -They saw the paintings
in the National Gallery.

T-Take the smile, please. And now you can see the pictures of the British Museum.(слайд № 8)

6. Listening

T-Let’s continue our trip. It’s Westminster Abbey, a symbol of England. The coronations of all Kings and Queens take place there. (слайд №11) And some famous people are also buried there. Look! (слайд №12) If you want to see the coronation of Queen you should do some tasks.

Look at the picture.(слайд № 13) There are a lot of students at the cafe. Where are they? What are they doing now? What are their names? For example: Mike and Sue are near the door. Mike is speaking to Sue. And Sue is opening a can of coke.

Listen to the text and write down the students’ names.(включитьзапись)

T-And now look at the picture and check yourself.(слайд № 14) Put your sheets aside. Now you can see the coronation of Queen.(слайд № 15)

7. Answer the questions

T-Well, the third our stop is Big Ben. (слайд №17) Tourists always want to see Big Ben and to hear the bells. If you want to hear it you should answer the following questions...

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. What colour are the buses in London?

3. Britain’s national drink is...

4. What is the official name of Great Britain?

5. This is...

6. The coronations of all Kings and Queens take place in..

T-Thank you for your answers. Take the smiles, please.

And now listen, it is Big Ben. (слайд №23)

And now fill your travel cards, write what places you want to see in London.

8. Summingup.

Well, our trip is over. We should go home. But to get there you should tell your own story about travelling. Take your travel cards and read your story.

And now some up. Can you tell me your story about travelling, take your travel cards and tell us about it.

Выходят три человека по желанию и читают свой рассказ по своим карточкам.

And now children tell me, please, whose story was the best? What do you think?

Did you like our trip? What places did you visit?

And now let’s calculate your smiles. How many smiles do you have? Tell me.... Oh, let’s congratulate our winner. Thank you for work. The lesson is over. Good bye boys and girls!


Задание по чтению.

Read about Cameron’s school trip. Then answer the questions:

- The coach arrived and we started our trip to London. There were thirty-two students on the coach and one teacher – Mrs Stevens, our art teacher. The journey was okay. It took forty-five minutes to go two kilometers!

- We arrived outside the National Gallery in London and went to see the paintings. We all thought the paintings were great, but after half an hour we all felt really hungry and thirsty. We went to the art gallery cafe and had a coke and a cake. The cakes were wonderful.

- We all got onto the coach again and went to Hyde Park. We sat by the lake in the park and had our packed lunches. I opened my packed lunch and saw two cheese sandwiches and an apple. I don’t like cheese so I gave the ducks my sandwiches and ate the apple.


  1. What was their teacher’s name?
  2. What did John give the ducks?
  3. Where did the students go when they were hungry?
  4. Where did they see the paintings?



My name is______________________________________

I like travelling very much. Because I can-practice my English (see a lot of beautiful places, meet new people)

When I go travelling I shall take_________________________

I prefer to travel-by plane (by bus, by train, by ship) because it is the quickest method of travelling (the most comfortable, the cheapest, the most convenient)

I would like to visit London to see-Big Ben because tourists always want to see Big Ben and to hear the bells (Westminster Abbey because it is a symbol of England and the coronations of all Kings and Queens take place there; the British Museum because it has a large reading-room)