Цель: Активизировать способы выражения будущего при помощи Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple и to be going to
1) Отработать правильное использование способов выражения будущего при помощи
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple и to be going to.
2) Формировать терпимость к мнению других.
3) Развивать умение выражать свое мнение.
Оснащение: Учебник “ Английский в фокусе 7”, рабочая тетрадь “ Английский в фокусе 7”, аудиодиск “Английский в фокусе 7”, проектор, экран, карточки c заданиями.
Организационный мoмент.
T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you.
P: Good morning, a teacher. We are glad to see you, too.
T: Before sitting down tell me if you believe or don’t believe in those statements on the screen
(Презентация. Слайд 2)
(Учащиеся садятся только тогда когда выразят свое отношение к одному из данных на экране утверждений.)
P1: I don’t believe that people will drive flying cars in the future
P2: I believe that scientists will find the cure for lots of illnesses.
(Учащиеся отвечают по цепочке P1– P2– P3 – P4 …. )
Фонетическая зарядка.
Listen and repeat. (Слайд 3)
If white chalk chalks on a black blackboard, will black chalk chalk on a white blackboard?.
Лексическая зарядка.
T: Now open your workbooks at page 32 and look at exercise 2. Look at some predictions people have made about the future. Then tell if you agree or disagree with them using phrases:
I think, …..
I don’t think, ….
The way I see it, …….
In my opinion, ……
P1: The way I see it, people won’t fight over drinking water.
P2: I don’t think, people will have holidays on other planets.
P3: In my opinion, there won’t be any teachers.
P4: I think, people will eat food pills.
P5: The way I see it, there will be fewer wars.
P6: I don’t think, people will live in underwater cities.
T: Great job. From these sentences you can see that if we want to express our opinion about the future , we use Future Simple
Повторение изученных ранее структур.
T: Today we are going to practice Future forms. Tell me , please, how we can express the future.
P: We can use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple and to be going to.
T: Well done. Now, take your Students books and open them at Grammar 4.
(Учащиеся открывают грамматический справочник в конце учебника и отвечают на вопросы учителя.)
T: When do we use Present Simple for expressing the future?
(Ha экране появляются слайды с правилами.)
P: When we talk about the timetables and programmes. (Слайд 4)
T: And what structure do we use to show intention to do something?
P: to be going to. (Слайд 5)
T: And what Tense do we use when we have arranged with somebody?
P: Present Continuous. (Слайд 6)
T: Right. And what Tense do we use when we decide to do something unexpectedly.
P: Future Simple. (Слайд 7)
T: Great! And we use Future Simple if the information about the future is definite.
Активизация изученных структур.
T: And now let’s practice these rules. Take the sheet with tasks and look at the task № 1. Take your pencils and match sentences with the rules.
(Учащиеся читают предложения из задания №1 и соотносят с правилaми. (Приложение 1. Задание № 1.)
P1: I’m going to do computer studies next year. – an intention or a decision to do something.
P2: My brother will be sixteen next year. – information about the future which is definite.
P3: Computers are going to take over our lives. – a probability based on evidence now.
P4: The university term begins in October. –a future event, e.g. on a timetable.
P5: We’re getting together to discuss the computer course tomorrow. – a definite future arrangement.
Закрепление изученных структур.
T: Now let’s do the task № 2. Here you have to use the proper form for the future
(Приложение 1. Задание № 2.) (Учащиеся выполняют задание самостоятельно.)
T: Now swap your card with your neighbour and let’s check together.
(На экране учащиеся читают правильный вариант и говорят почему использовали эту форму.)
(Слайд 8)
P1: The next computer course starts on September 17.
T: Why have you used Present Simple?
P1: Because it’s about timetable
T: Well done. The next sentence , please.
P2: I am flying to Greece at 10.30 a.m on Monday morning.
T: Why have you used Present Continuous?
P2: Because it’s a definite future arrangement.
T: Wonderful! Next, please.
P3: Don’t worry! I won’t tell anyone what you said.
T: Why have you used Future Simple?
P3: Because it’s a promise.
T: Well done! Next, please.
P4: Look! He’s too tired to continue. He is going to lose.
T: Why have you used to be going to..?
P4: Because we can see that something is going to happen
T: Right! And the last sentence, please.
P5: My sister is 18 tomorrow.
T: Why have you used Present Simple?
P: Because it’s information about the future which is definite.
T: Well done! Let’s put marks. If there are no mistakes, put “5”. If there is one mistake, put”4” If there are two mistakes, put”3”. And if you have more mistakes, that means that you need doing more exercises.
T: And now let’s play a game “Guess the activities”. We have to divide into two teams and choose a leader. Then I’ll give the leader a peace of paper which says what he/she is going to do tomorrow (Приложение 2). The teams ask questions in turn until they find out what the leader is going to do. Each correct guess gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner.
(Члены команды по очереди задают водящему вопросы, пытаясь угадать что он собирается делать. За правильный ответ дается одно очко.)
Team A S1: Are you going to play golf?
Leader: No, I’m not.
Team B S1: Are you going to play tennis?
Leader: Yes, I am
Team A S2: Are you going to watch TV?
Leader: Yes, I am.
Team B S2: Are you going to write a letter?
Leader: No, I’m not. etc.
Итог урока. Oценка.
Well done, children. You were very active at the lesson and you did your best. Thank you for your work.
Домашнее задание:
H/w: Sb ex5 p.54. You’ll have to revise grammar material that we have practiced today at the lesson and use the correct future form. Good luck!