"Животные в опасности". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Class: 7.

Course book: Winner.

Level: pre-intermediate learners.

No. of pupils: 5.

SWBAT’S: present his/her project in a written and oral form.

Targeted Benchmarks

Access to Information:

  • read for specific information
  • locate relevant information for a purpose
  • extract information from visual data
  • understand the general meaning and main ideas in a text and use this knowledge as needed
  • use a map as a source of information

Social Interaction:

  • engage in short conversations
  • ask and answer simple questions on the given topic

Appreciation of Language:

  • use Present Simple while writing different parts of the project
  • use correct word order
  • spell the words correctly

Appreciation of Literature and Culture: use different sources of information

Presentation: prepare a written and oral presentation

Assessment: - assess students' oral and written presentations according to the requirements of the Students' Self-Checklist and Teacher's Checklist

Enabling Skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking

Lesson 1

Topic: Introduction of the topic "Endangered Animals"

Objectives: students will be able to

  • make a mind-map on the topic
  • choose an animal in danger
  • make up a list of words on the chosen animal



  • watching a short video "Save Planet Earth" www.youtube.com  and guessing what the topic of the project will be
  • warming up (discussing the meaning of the word "endangered", what animals can be called endangered, short conversation on the chosen topic)

Main Part:

  • making a mind-map (Appendix #1)
  • presenting a world map. Students should choose a continent they are interested in.
  • choosing a kind of an animal
  • choosing an endangered animal from the list presented on the screen library.thinkquest.org/19689/data/menu.html
  • describing the chosen animal using a picture
  • making a list of words (Appendix #2)

Closing: summarizing the information learned at the lesson

Lesson 2

Topic: Collecting information on the topic

Objectives: students will be able to answer the questions about the chosen animal in oral and written forms

Opening: warming up (summarizing the previous lesson task: What is the aim of the project? Why is it important to pay attention to this topic?)

Main Part

  • oral presentation of pupil's choices
  • discussing the place where the chosen animals live
  • analyzing the reasons of being in danger
  • talking about the ways of protection
  • working with the list of words, which have been done at the previous lesson
  • composing sentences of their own in writing
  • checking the pupils’ sentences (the first letter, the full stop, verbs)
  • reading the pupils’ sentences
  • answering the questions (Appendix # 3)

Closing: pupils are asked to summarize what they did

Lesson 3

Topic: Collecting information on-line

Objectives: students will be able to

  • find necessary information according to the given instructions
  • read the chosen articles
  • make a list of new words and translate them with the help of the dictionary (Appendix #4)
  • write the Introduction for the topic

Opening: warming up (presenting the ECB site)

Main Part:

  • reading an article about endangered animals
  • writing an introduction of the project answering the questions (Appendix # 5)

Closing: summarizing the information learned at the lesson

Lesson 4

Topic: Writing the main part of the project

Objectives: students will be able to

  • read the article about animal
  • fill in the Fact File
  • describe the chosen animal in writing


Opening: warming up (listening to the song "Sentenced For Life" thinkquest.org/07aug/01055/Lyrics.html and discussing it.

Main Part:

  • reading an article about a chosen animal
  • filling in the Fact File (Appendix # 6)
  • writing a summary of the article

Closing: summarizing the information learned at the lesson by reading one or two summaries

Lesson 5

Topic: Creating a Game

Objectives: students will be able to - create a crossword/a word search/a memory game about the chosen animal


Opening: warming up (presenting different kinds of games) www.teflgames.com/games.html eslresources.wordpress.com/category/eslefl-resources/activity-type/board-games/

Main Part: creating a game devoted to the topic of your project

Closing: playing the games which have been created by the students

The work on the project will include two more lessons which will be devoted to writing the conclusion and bibliography and arranging the final paper of the project, checking if all the steps were done correctly according to the student's checklist. Then the projects will be presented orally in the small group lessons.