Обобщающий урок английского языка в 3-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок разработан на основе УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Тип урока – комбинированный.

Цели урока:

– Воспитательные цели – осуществление нравственного воспитания учащихся, формирование навыков и умений интеллектуального труда; воспитание культуры мышления, общения, поведения, обучение умением пользоваться разными источниками информации;
– Образовательные цели – обучение различным видам речевой деятельности на английском языке; развитие коммуникативных умений;
– Развивающие целиразвитие интеллектуальной, эмоциональной и мотивационной сферы личности учащихся; расширение кругозора учащихся.

Задачи урока: активировать лексику по темам “Parts of the Body”, “Food”;
– закрепить новую лексику по теме “Animals”;
– развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
– развитие навыков чтения с извлечением информации;
– развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением нужной информации;

Ход урока

1. Вступление.

T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to meet you! How are you today?

PP: We are fine? Thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine, too. Thank you. What's the date today? Who can tell us?

P: Today is the seventh of February. Today is Tuesday.

T: Thank you. We’ve already spoken a lot about animals and today we continue our theme. So we’ll speak about animals, read about them, listen to the tape and of course we’ll play. Are you ready?

PP: Yes, we are.

T: OK. We’ll begin our lesson with phonetic exercises.

2. Разминка.

а) Фонетическая.

Прорабатываются звуки, встречающиеся в словах – названиях животных и частей тела:
[QI] tiger, lion, crocodile, eyes
[R] arm, giraffe
[x] cat, parrot, hamster

b) Грамматическая.

Отрабатываются навыки употребления неопределенного артикля.
T: Fill in “a” or no article.
(На доске написаны словосочетания. Ученики должны вставить неопределенный артикль там, где это необходимо. Работа проводится всей группой устно.)
___long nose, __clever eyes, __little mouth, __brown hair, __big head, __short legs

3. Основная часть урока.

(На экране – название темы урока “Animals”.)

T: Well done! Do you like animals?

PP: Yes, we do!

T: What animals do you know?

PP: a cow, a bear, a cat, a horse …

(Ученики по очереди называют животных.)

T: Thank you. I see you know many animals. Some animals can live with people but some can’t. What animals can live with people? How do we call them?

P: They are domestic animals.

(На экране появляется надпись “Domestic Animals”.)

T: You are right. And some animals can’t live with people. They live in forests, fields and mountains. How do we call them?

P: They are wild animals.

(На экране появляется надпись “Wild Animals”.)

T: Yes, you are right. But first let’s speak about domestic animals. Domestic animals are different. Some of them can live near people in their flats and some can’t. What animals can live with people but not in their flats? How do we call them?

P: They are farm animals.

(На экране появляется надпись “Farm Animals”.)

T: Good answer, thank you. And some animals live with people in their flats. How do we call them?

P: They are pets.

(На экране появляется надпись “Pets”.)

T: Yes, you are right. But now let’s read the names of farm animals.

(На экране появляются слова–названия домашних животных. Дети хором читают.)

T: Let’s look at the pictures of these animals.

(На экране появляются картинки домашних животных – дети хором называют животное.)

T: Who wants to tell us about farm animals?

P: I want to tell you about horses. I think they are beautiful animals. The Horse has got a long body, long legs, a long neck and nice eyes. It eats grass. Horses help people work.

P: I’d like to tell you about cows. Cows are farm animals. They have got big bodies, four long legs and a little head. They are grass eating animals. Cows give people meat and milk.

T: Thank you for your information. Farm animals live near people, they help people live and work. And now let’s speak about pets. What animals can be pets?

PP: Cats, dogs, parrots, hamsters, guinea pigs…

T: You are right. Let’s read the names of these animals.

(На экране появляются слова–названия домашних любимцев. Дети хором читают.)

T: Let’s look at the pictures of these animals.

(На экране появляются картинки животных – дети хором называют животное.)

T: Very good! People keep many animals as pets at home. But what animals are the most favourite pets? Let’s listen to the story and then you’ll answer this question.

(Вопрос – на экране.)

Do you understand the question?

PP: Yes, we do.

Первое прослушивание.

(Звучит аудиозапись.)

People keep animals as pets in all countries: in India and England, in America, in Canada and in Russia. These animals often become the most favourite members of the family. Pets get names. People look after them, teach them different tricks, buy them tasty food, toys, presents and even clothes.

The most favourite pets in all the countries are kittens and cats, puppies and dogs. But many people keep parrots and other birds at home. Sometimes they have hamsters and tortoises, monkey and snakes, frogs and fishes as pets. Some people have more than one pet, and some people don’t have any pets at all, as tastes differ.

T: Do you understand the story? Can you answer the question? Let’s listen to the story once more.

(Второе прослушивание. Звучит аудиозапись. )

T: Now you should answer the question. What animals are the most favourite pets? Each of you will get a card with the names of the animals. You should mark the names of the most favourite pets. Do you understand the task?

Каждый ученик получил карточку с названиями животных. Задача: отметить названия самых популярных домашних любимцев.


T: Are you ready to answer the question? What animals are the most favourite pets?

P1, 2, 3: The most favourite pets are cats, kittens, puppies and dogs.

T: You are right. Now let’s check your answers.

(На экране появляется такая же таблица, как у учеников на карточке, с правильно отмеченными ответами.)

T: Look at the table and correct your answers if you need.

(Ученики сверяют свои ответы с ответами на экране.)

T: Is everything all right? Very well.

(Отключить экран.)

T: Have you got a pet? What pet have you got?

P: I’ve got a pet. It’s a dog.

P: I’ve dot a pet. It’s a cat.

P: I’ve dot a pet. It’s a guinea pig.

T: Very good. Now, please work in pairs. Make up the dialogues. Find out if your friend has got a pet, what colour it is, what it looks like and what it eats and drinks.

(Ученики разбиваются на пары для выполнения задания.)

T: Are you ready? That’s very well. Now tell us please what you’ve found out about your friends’ pets.

P: Pete has got a pet. It’s a cat. Her name is Danka. She answers to her name. She is brown black and white. She has got a long body, a short neck and big beautiful eyes. Danka is clever. She eats fish, meat and soup and drinks milk and water.

P: Dasha has got a pet. It is a kitten. His name is Pele. He is white and grey. Pele is clever. He has got short ears, a very short neck and big eyes. He can run very quickly. Dasha gives her pet Whiskas to eat and water to drink.

P: Dima has got a dog. His name is Rolf. He is two. He is not very big. He has got a long body, long legs and a big head. Rolf’s eyes are brown, his nose is black. Dima takes his dog for a walk, washes him and gives him meat and porridge to eat. He loves his pet.

T: Tank you for your stories. They were very interesting. So many animals can live with people and near people. But many animals can’t live with people; they live in forests and mountains. They are wild animals. What wild animals do you know?

PP: Tigers, elephants, monkeys, hares, wolves, lions, crocodiles, giraffes…

(Включить экран.)

T: Thank you for your answers. Let’s read the names of these animals.

(На экране появляются слова–названия диких животных. Дети хором читают.)

T: Very good. And do know how wild animals run, jump, walk or swim?

PP: Yes, we do.

T: OK. Let’s see! Stand up, please. We’ll do funny exercises.

Веселая зарядка:


Walk like a bear!
Jump like a hare!
Run like a fox!
Walk like a penguin!
Swim like a dog!
Jump like a frog!
Walk like an elephant!
Run like a tiger!

T: Very good. Sit down, please. I’ve got some puzzles for you. Try and guess what animal it is. Are you ready?

PP: Yes, we are.

T: It’s not very big. It’s not very small. It has got a long tail, a long body, four legs, small eyes and very sharp teeth. It is grey. It eats hares and other small animals. What is it?

P: Is it a wolf?

T: Yes, you’re right. It’s a wolf. Let’s look at the picture of the wolf.

(На экране появляется фотография волка.)

T: Who wants to ask a puzzle?

P: It is big. It has got beautiful eyes and very sharp teeth. It is orange and black. It is the biggest cat.

P: Is it a tiger?

P: P: Yes, it is.

T: Let’s look at the picture of the tiger.

(На экране появляется фотография тигра.)

T: I’ve got many puzzles for you. It has got a very long body, very short legs. It can run and swim, but it can’t jump. It is green. What is it?

P: Is it a crocodile?

T: Yes, you’re right. It’s a crocodile. Let’s look at the picture of the crocodile.

(На экране появляется фотография крокодила.)

T: Who wants to ask a puzzle?

P: It is a big animal. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves from the trees; its long neck helps it.

P: Is it a giraffe?

P: Yes, it is.

T: Let’s look at the picture of the giraffe.

(На экране появляется фотография жирафа.)

T: Who wants to ask a puzzle?

P: This animal is the king of all animals.

P: Is it a lion?

P: Yes, it is. It’s a lion.

T: Look at the picture of the lion. Do you like it?

PP: Yes, we do.

P: This animal is little. It has got a short tail and long ears. It can run and jump very well.

P: Is it a hare?

P: Yes, it is. It’s a hare.

T: Look at the picture of the hare. Do you like it?

(На экране появляется фотография зайца.)

PP: Yes, we do.

P: It lives in Africa and Asia. It is a very big animal. It has got a big body and very big ears. Its nose is very long.

P: Is it an elephant?

P: Yes, it is.

T: Very well! Look at the picture of the elephant.

(На экране появляется фотография слона.)

T: Who wants tell us about the Elephant?

P: The Elephant has got big ears, a long nose, small eyes and big strong legs. It is grey. It is very strong. Elephants like to eat and to drink. They eat fruit and drink water.

T: Thank you for your story. It was very interesting. And now we’ll do a very interesting task. You will be divided into three groups. Each group will get five cards with the words. You should make the sentences from the words in your cards. All sentences are about elephants. Do you understand the task? We’ll see who will be the first.

(Дети выполняют задание. Каждая группа получила по пять карточек со словами.)

1) elephants, a very, have, long nose, got. 2) eat, of, elephants, food, a lot. 3) are grey, sometimes, they, and, white.)

T: Are you ready? OK. Read your sentences, please.

P: Elephants have got a very long nose.

P: Elephants eat a lot of food.

P: They are grey and sometimes white.

T: Thank you. You’ve all done your task very well. So we have three sentences. Read them once more, please.

(Ребята еще раз читают предложения.)

T: Thank you. Now you can take your sits.

(Работа в группах закончена. Ребята рассаживаются на свои места.)

T: Open your books, please, p. 40 ex. 8. Here is the text The Elephant. Take your pencils find and underline these three sentences in the text.

(Дети выполняют задание.)

T: Are you ready? Read the sentences, please.

(Один ученик читает найденные в тексте предложения.)

T: Well done. Thank you for your answer. Our lesson is almost over. Please, write down your home task. You should read and translate this text about Elephants ex.8 p.40.

(Дети записывают домашнее задание.)

Заключительная часть.

T: Very good. You’ve done all the tasks very well. You are good pupils. You can read in English, you can understand English, you can speak English. You were very active. You get excellent and good marks. Thank you for your work. Good bye!
