Открытый урок английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема урока: Простое прошедшее время неправильных глаголов. Построение вопросов и кратких ответов.

Цели урока:

1) Воспитательная цель: воспитание уважительного отношения к партнеру и одноклассникам при работе в парах, командах;

2) Образовательные цели:

  • научить строить вопросы в простом прошедшем времени и давать краткие ответы на них;
  • научить использовать временные показатели простого прошедшего времени
  • обучать навыкам учебного труда;

3) Развивающие цели:

  • развитие языковых способностей;
  • развитие навыков аудирования;
  • развитие навыков внимания и памяти;

Задачи урока

  1. Отработка фонетических навыков;
  2. Обучение работе в парах и группах;
  3. Отработка построения простых вопросов в простом прошедшем времени и ответов на них;

Оборудование: учебник, карточки “Actions”, карточки “Irregular verbs”, карточки “Days of the week”, раздаточный материал (песня “I took a trip”), раздаточный материал для составления предложений в простом прошедшем времени с использованием временных показателей, магнитoфон.

План урока

I. Организационный момент

II. Фонетическая зарядка

(Flashcards are faced down on the board)

Choose a flashcard and mime the action. The class guesses the action (play football, watch TV etc.)

Then the teacher adds “Did you ….” In front of the first verb and a question mark at the and.

On the board: Did you play football?

watch TV?


wash the car? etc.

This is how to make a question for something that happened in the past.

Now answer these questions, use Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t

III. Обучение построению простых вопросов в Past Simple Tense.

Did you play football? Yes, I did.
watch TV? Yes, I did.
dance? No, I didn’t
wash the car? Yes, I did

Did Maria play football? Yes, she did.

Did Sophia watch TV? No, she didn’t

IV. Отработка фонетических навыков, работа с текстом

Учебник “Excellent 2” с. 24 упр.5, текст “The Question Machine”

Open your books and be ready to role play the dialogue.

Now answer the questions:

1) What did the machine do? (It made questions)

2) What did Rick do yesterday? (He watched TV)

3) What did Sally do yesterday? (She went shopping)

4) Which door did they want to open? (The blue door)

Do you know the present form of the verb “made, went”? (make, go)

Yes, these verbs are irregular.

Do you know some more irregular verbs? Let’s revise their past forms.

(Flashcards on the board)

Make – made

Go- went

Take – took

Sing – sang

Read – read (the difference is only in pronunciation)

Ride – rode

Eat – ate

Write - wrote

V. Развитие навыков аудирования

Работа над песней “ I took a trip”(раздаточный материал – текст песни с пропущенными глаголами)

  1. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. (Children fill in the gaps with the irregular verbs).
  2. Let’s sing and act out the song.

VI. Обучение навыкам говорения

Работа в парах

Учебник “Excellent 2” с. 25 упр.2

On the board: flashcards “Days of the week”

  1. Do you remember the days of the week?
  2. (children read the poem chorally by heart:

    “How many days has my baby to play?

    Saturday, Sunday, Monday,

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

    Saturday, Sunday, Monday”)

  3. Look at page 25 ex. 2. Work in pairs.

One of you should think about a day of the week, your partner will ask you some questions to guess the day of the week.

Read the example to understand the task.

One pair will role play the dialogue at the board.

VII. Обучение работе в группах

Game “What did you do last Monday?

Дети получают раздаточный материал для составления предложений в простом прошедшем времени.

Ask your partner about what she or he did last Sunday, Monday etc., complete the sentences and tell the class about it.

For example: Last Sunday he played tennis.

Last Monday she rode a bike, then she went shopping, after that she listened to music.

Last Saturday he read a book in the morning, washed the car in the afternoon and sang a song in the evening.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока

Домашнее задание:

1) Составить 5 предложений в простом прошедшем времени.

2) Составить 5 вопросов в простом прошедшем времени и 5 ответов на них.

Раздаточный материал песня “I took a trip”

I took a trip!
I took a trip!
I went to Spain!
I sang a song.
I danced around and played in the rain.
I took a trip!
I took a trip!
I went to France!
I read a book!
I rode a bike and learned to dance.
I took a trip!
I took a trip!
I went to Rome!
I ate pizza.
I wrote a friend
And then I went home!
I ______a trip!
I _____ a trip!
I ______ to Spain!
I ______ a song.
I _______ around and played in the rain.
I _______ a trip!
I _______a trip!
I _______ to France!
I _______ a book!
I _______ a bike and learned to dance.
I _______ a trip!
I _______ a trip!
I _______ to Rome!
I _______ pizza.
I _______a friend
And then I _______ home!

Раздаточный материал для составления предложений (перед использованием разрезать)

Last Monday read a book In the afternoon
Last Tuesday took a trip to France In the evening
Last Wednesday listened to music In the morning
Last Thursday played tennis After that
Last Friday Sang A song then
Last Saturday watched TV  
Last Sunday Rode A bike  
  played Computer games  
  went shopping  
  ate bananas  
  took photos  
  played football  