
Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков по теме “Шотландия”.

Задачи урока:

  • формирование навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме;
  • развитие аудио-фонематических навыков учащихся;
  • проверка уровня усвоения страноведческого материала;
  • развитие кругозора учащихся, внимания, их творческих способностей ;
  • формирование способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;
  • воспитание у учащихся уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: Учебник “Английский язык VI” (авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева), презентация, компьютер, аудиозаписи, проектор.

Сокращения: “T” – Teacher – учитель, “P” – Pupil – ученик.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент и сообщение целей урока

T: Today we continue speak about Scotland, the second biggest part of Great Britain. We were talking about Scotland during some lessons and today we are going to review the material, remind some facts and interesting information, activate lexical material and at the end of the lesson you will do a short test. (Слайд №1 презентации)

2. Фонетическая и речевая разминка

T: Scotland is a land of scenic beauty. The dramatic Highlands with their snow-capped mountains, wood glens and shining lochs, rich farmlands and picturesque villages of the Lowlands inspired Robert Burns to write so many wonderful poems. He felt a special bond with the Highlands, with its high mountains and wild lochs. And now I`d like you to recite the poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands”. Which of you will be a volunteer? (Слайд №2)

T: Boys and girls, to revise material about Scotland I`d like to ask you some questions:

– Where is Scotland situated? (P: Scotland is situated in the North of the British Isles.) (Слайд №3)

– What is its capital? (P: Its capital is Edinburgh.) (После ответа ученика – слайд №4)

– What other big cities in Scotland can you name? (P: Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee) (После ответа – слайд №5)

– Who is its patron saint? (P: Its patron saint is St. Andrew.) (После ответа – слайд № 6)

– What rivers in Scotland do you know? (P: The Tay is the longest river in Scotland and the seventh-longest in the United Kingdom. The river Spey is a river in the northeast of Scotland, the second longest and the fastest-flowing river in Scotland. It is important for salmon fishing and whisky production. The river Clyde is the third longest river in Scotland. Flowing through the major city of Glasgow, it was an important river for shipbuilding and trade in the British Empire.) (После ответа – слайд №7)

3. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

T: You know there are a lot of lakes, called lochs, in Scotland. The largest and the most beautiful of all the lochs is Loch Lomond, which is 23 miles in length and 5 miles at its widest point (Слайд № 8). But what is the most famous of the Scottish lochs? How can you explain this fact?

P: The most famous is Loch Ness, because of the mystery of the Loch Ness monster Nessie. (Слайд №9)

T: You’re right! It’s difficult to say exactly when and how the story arose. But the lake became popular in the early thirties when a new road was opened around Loch Ness. According to a report in a London newspaper, a tourist driving his car along the banks of Loch Ness in April 1933 noticed a very strange creature in the water. It was about 30 yards long with two humps in its back, the head of a snake and two very short front legs. Since that time there have been many similar reports. Nessie has become a great tourist attraction, bringing a lot of money to the region. According to one theory some prehistoric creature swam into Loch Ness and present-day monster is their descendant. According to another view, the strange creature is simply seal or otter. [3]

Now I want you to work in pairs and imagine that one of you – a tourist who has recently seen Nessie, other – a journalist, who wants to make a sensational reportage. Use your imagination and make up a dialog.

4. Развитие навыков аудирования

Т: What do you imagine when you hear the word “Scotland”? (возможные варианты ответов: the man in tartan kilts, the “clan” system, sounds of bagpipes, ancient castles on rocks…). You’re right, Scotland is the land of tartans, romantic castles and haunting melodies of bagpipes. But in addition to your information I offer you some words connected to Scotland: (Слайд №10)

“Scotch egg: a boiled egg in sausage meat and breadcrumbs.

Scotch: a word for smoky-flavored whisky NEVER used by Scots.

Scotch mist: characteristic western weather condition resulting in constant damp misery.

Scotch terrier: a dog with a heavyset body, short legs and a dark, wiry coat. (Слайд №11)

Scotch thistle: the purple plant which is the national emblem of Scotland.” [4]

By the way, do you know why the purple thistle became the national symbol of Scotland? Let`s listen to the story about it (Приложение 1).

Complete sentences choosing the right variant: (Слайд №12)

1.… wanted to plunder the land of Scotland.

a) Scandinavians
b) Romans
c) Goths

2. The Norsemen landed …of Scotland.

a) on the west coast
b) on the east coast
c) on the south coast

3. Scots assembled behind the river…

a) Clyde
b) Tay
c) Thames

4. After a long march the Scots…and didn`t expect the enemies. (Слайд №13)

a) were sleeping
b) were singing songs
c) were having dinner

5. When the Norsemen decided to attack the Scots, they…

a) took their guns
b) put their cosy shoes on
c) took their shoes off

6. One of the Norsemen screamed because…

a) he saw a ghost
b) he was afraid
c) he stepped on a thistle.

Ключи (Слайд №14)

Now who can answer why the purple thistle became the national symbol of Scotland?

5. Музыкальная пауза

To relax I offer you to listen to the Scottish music, the charming sounds of bagpipe and to see the beautiful views of Scotland (Приложение 2 и слайды 15-29 презентации).

6. Развитие навыков монологической речи

T: Lots of tourists visit Scotland every year. Name some reasons why you would like to visit this beautiful country. (Слайд №30)

T: Excellent! I`m sure you will visit Scotland and its capital some day! The appeals of Scotland are undoubtedly unique and the hospitality of the Scottish people will make your visit unforgettable. You would enjoy the journey!

7. Контроль усвоенного страноведческого материала

Test on Scotland (Слайд № 31)

  1. A type of musical instrument, played especially in Scotland and Ireland.
  2. A game, originating in Scotland, played outside with a small ball.
  3. A wild plant with sharp points on the leaves and purple flowers. The national emblem of Scotland.
  4. The Edinburgh writer who penned Treasure Island.
  5. One of the most famous lakes in the world, said to be the home of a monster.
  6. Britain`s highest mountain, located in Scotland. (Слайд №32)
  7. A city in Scotland which is known as the Athens of the North.
  8. This city is a heart of industry, it has a large port.
  9. A kind of skirt made of tartan.
  10. It`s the Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the Scottish manner.

Ключи (Слайд №33)

8. Подведение итогов урока

9. Домашнее задание


  1. Шереметьева А.В. Страноведческий справочник. – Саратов: Лицей, 2010. – с.45 – 46, с.69.
  2. Сатинова В.Ф. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах. – Мн.: Выш. шк., 1997. – с. 155 – 177.
  3. Павлоцкий В.М. Знакомьтесь с Британией. – СПб.: ИГРЕК-М, 1996. – с. 135 – 156.
  4. Special Issue: Scotland // Английский язык. – 2008. – №16.
