Интегрированный метапредметный урок английского языка и обществознания по теме "Молодежь в современном обществе"

Разделы: История и обществознание, Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока:

  • Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, совершенствование навыков и умений устной речи (систематизация ранее изученного материала).



  • развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учеников;
  • совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения;
  • совершенствование навыков выполнения задания с элементами моделирования;
  • обеспечить расширение межпредметных компетенций (связи изучаемого с явлениями и процессами реального мира)


  • развивать умение логически мыслить, сравнивать, обобщать, делать выводы и заключения;
  • учить составлять схемы обобщения материала;
  • развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения.


  • воспитание культуры и потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах жизни;
  • формирование у учащихся основных мировоззренческих идей;
  • воспитание и развитие толерантности и самооценки.

Тип урока – обобщающий, урок применения знаний и умений

Педагогические технологии – обучение в сотрудничестве, личностно – ориентированный подход в условиях классно-урочной системы

Форма работы – групповая (минигруппы), фронтальная.


  • доска, экран, мультимедийный проектор, стереосистема, компьютер.

“They adore luxury, they have bad manners and don’t respect authorities.

They express disrespect to adults, they idle and spread rumours.

They quarrel with their parents all the time and permanently interfere into the talks.

They attract attention to themselves; they eat a lot and misbehave with teachers…”

said Socrates, the philosopher of ancient Greece in 470-399 BC.

And how does youth live today? How do other people treat them? Some representatives of older generation consider that the biggest part of modern youth doesn’t live but spends its life, doesn’t work but works additionally, doesn’t learn but makes a view of this. Is it really so? Let’s try to solve this problem at our today’s lesson.

The topic is “Youth in the modern world and society” and we shall work according to a plan

  1. Youth as a social group.
  2. The process of youth socialization.
  3. Youth subcultures.

1. Youth is a social group on the basis of

  • some age characteristics,
  • the peculiarities of social position,
  • some social-psychological features that are marked by religion, culture, the peculiarities of bringing up, etc.

Now let us try to express the same with the help of a diagram

Each of this group in its turn is characterized by some differences

  • differences in profession and qualifications
  • sex
  • age
  • marital status. еtc

Thanks a lot for the help in making the diagram and now there is my question to everybody “What are the main features of young people?”

(Ps answers)

2. Youth socialization process

How does the process of becoming grown ups occur? What problems do the teens face?

Now you’ll divide into 3 groups and define the problems that young people have to face

  • 1st GROUP – Citizen Full Age
  • 2nd GROUP – Education and Professional Training
  • 3rd GROUP - The Beginning of Work

Questions for the 1 st group:

  1. When can the citizen implement his rights and duties according to the Constitution?
  2. What rights and freedoms do the young men have?
  3. What civil duties must young men carry out?
  4. How does the status of a young man change when he is full age?
  5. Is it easy to be young?
  6. Young people are blamed in infantilism. Do you agree or disagree with it? Give your arguments.

Questions for the 2 nd group:

  1. What are the main principles of education in our society? Are they fair?
  2. What testifies to the prestige of education in our society?
  3. Nowadays a lot of private educational institutions have appeared and some state educational institutions have started working on the commercial basis. What are your arguments pro and cons commercial education in Russia?
  4. Is it easy to be young?

Questions for the 3 rd group:

  1. When do the teens start thinking about labour activity?
  2. What helps the youth to choose the profession?
  3. Prove that today’s situation in job market isn’t simple and full of contradictions.
  4. What factors of social-economic situation in our country do promote young people to get a job and which of them don’t?
  5. Is it east to be young?

4.Youth subcultures.

So it’s not easy to be young. The main difficulties are associated with 3 main circumstances:

  • teens aspire to have fame and to be heroes but don’t manage it ( the high level of desire and a low social status of teens because of their age don’t coincide);
  • the old style of parents doesn’t coincide with new possibilities of teens;
  • contradictions between the orientation of being independent and the dependence on their peers’ opinion and behavior.
  • Some separate public groups possess the peculiar features of thinking, behavior, style of life and they create their own culture or subculture. So youth is not exception, it has created its own subculture. Youth subculture has
  • its own language
  • fashion
  • art and style of behavior.

The bearers of subculture are often non-formal teen groups. What impels youth to create subcultures?

(Ps give answers)

Let’s try to draw the main features of youth subculture.

In our country there are a lot of groups and movements in youth culture, they are

- rock movement

- music, sports (leasure activities)

- ecological movements

- youth groups that don’t respect public opinion (football fans, etc.)

- radical national movements – skinheads, etc,

Read to some extra information and prove that emo-kids are representatives of youth subculture. (Приложение 1)

(Ps read and summarize information about emo-kids)


1. (Group work: the participants get the sheets of paper with some expressions)

  • Don’t teach your Grandmother to suck eggs (PARENTS)
  • Still wet behind the ears (Older generation)
  • We are looking for talents (TEACHERS)
  • Youth can choose any road (YOUTH)
  • You have to define which of the sayings suit to these groups

2. Interactive exercise:

  • With the help of a diagram or a drawing make a portrait of a modern young man according to the views of a certain social groups – PARENTS, TEACHERS, OLDER GENERATION, YOUTH.
  • Make up a sinquain on the topic “Modern youth: what is it?”

(Ps prepare diagrams and sinquains and present them)

So according to your works we can make a conclusion that

  • we can’t judge modern youth from one-sided point of viеw
  • youth is different in our society: young people have various aims and values
  • there are a lot of problems in the life of our young people, it’s necessary to solve them and be attentive to them.

Homework: prepare a presentation to the diagram or a drawing to show what helped you to create a portrait of a young man.