"Путешествия и транспорт" (Travelling and transport). 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

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  • повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививать интерес к путешествиям;
  • развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;
  • овладеть лексическим материалом и расширить кругозор по теме “Путешествие”;
  • формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения, обучать умению строить высказывания по модели.
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре родного языка.

Оборудование: компьютер, экран, магнитофон, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

II. Лексическая разминка

The theme of our lesson is Travelling and Transport. [Слайд 1] We’ll speak about different means of travelling. We’ll know why people like to travel. We will name the reasons why tourists come to our country, Russia. But at first let’s see what we know about travelling in general. Please, write down your ideas in the clusters. They’re on your desks. [Слайд 2]

(Учащиеся получают кластеры и в течение 1 минуты заполняют их словами, которые ассоциируются у них с путешествиями. Один из учеников делает это с помощью интерактивной доски).

That’s enough. Thank you. Let’s check it. Look at the screen. There are some words which you could write down in your clusters:

Rest, communication, entertainment, sights, new cuisine, sport, business, hitch-hiking, landscape, knowledge, culture, etc. [Слайд 3]

III. Речевая разминка

Let’s answer some questions:

- Why do usually people travel?

- Do you like travelling? Why?

- With whom do you usually travel?

- Have you ever been abroad? [Слайд 4]

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы и выражают свое мнение о том, почему люди путешествуют, а также делятся своим собственным опытом поездок заграницу).

IV. Тренировка навыков аудирования

Now, please, look at the screen. There’re names of popular means of travel (plane, train, bus, car, underground, ferry, hitch-hiking). Is it familiar to you? [Слайд 5]

Good, now let’s do an exercise. Listen to the audio attentively and guess what means of travelling are mentioned here. [Слайд 6]

Now, check your answers.

(Учащиеся прослушивают небольшие диалоги и пытаются отгадать, о каком средстве передвижения идет речь).

V. Тренировка навыков говорения

Now I want to know your personal opinion about some things.

1. Which means of travel is the cheapest?

2. Which means of travel is the most comfortable?

3. Which means of travel is your personal favourite? Why? [Слайд 7]

(Ученики выражают свое собственное мнение о том, какой вид транспорта наиболее удобен и практичен).

VI. Физкультминутка

Dear pupils, it’s high time to have a break. Stand up, please. [Слайд 8]

Raise up your hands as like you try to touch the sky. Make them apart. Then put your hands down. Now try to touch your toes, try to touch the floor. Then again stand still. Now hands on hips. Bend to the left, then bend to the right. Sit down, please.

Now for a few minutes let us leave this place. Close your eyes and just relax. Imagine yourself being on some desert island. Nothing is troubling you. There are only the bright sun, warm sea, not overcrowded beach. It’s a real pleasure to enjoy this landscape. You can do everything what you want. Unfortunately, we have to come back, but once we’ll come here again to get this unusual feeling one more time.

(Видеофрагмент Riga – Easy to go, hard to leave)

VII. Тренировка навыков чтения

Let’s continue our work. Tell me, please, which countries would you most like to visit? Why? [Слайд 9]

I myself would like to visit Germany. I think it’s a very interesting country, because it has rich history, a lot of sightseeings which are worth visiting. Most of all I want to visit Munich ['mju?n?k]. The landscapes of this city are amazing. There are a great number of museums, castles, historical buildings.

(Ученики делятся своими желаниями посетить ту или иную страну и объясняют свой выбор).

Have you ever thought about visiting Australia? Let’s read the text about it. Please, open your books at page 101. Read the text and open the brackets. Put the words into their right forms.

Did you like it? Do you want to visit Australia? Why?

(Учащиеся читают текст об Австралии, преобразовывая слова в скобках и записывая их на интерактивной доске, а затем выражают свое мнение о том, хотелось ли им самим побывать там). [Слайд 10]

VIII. Активизация навыков монологической речи

Everybody knows that we can visit not only foreign countries, but there are a lot of opportunities to travel in Russia. Everybody knows that our country is famous for its history, culture, outstanding people, scientists and inventors. That’s why many tourists are eager to come to Russia in order to see everything with their own eyes.

I know that you prepared the reports about Russian cities. Let’s talk about them according to the plan:

places to go; transport; accommodation; food; things to do. [Слайд 11]

(Несколько учащихся рассказывают о выдающихся городах России (Москва, Санкт-Петербург) по плану). [Слайды 12-15]

 Well done, thank you. Now, I suggest you watching a film about the capital of our republic, Kazan. Then some of you will sum up its information.

(Видеофрагмент Kazan)

(Ученики смотрят небольшой фильм о Казани - столице нашей республики. Несколько учеников рассказывает о городе используя свои знания, а также пользуясь информацией полученной после просмотра фильма).

IX. Активизация лексических навыков

Let’s sum up the information which you’ve got from this lesson. Take the clusters and write down the word-combinations which, from your point of view, are appropriate here. [Слайд 16]

(Ученики, заполняя кластеры во второй раз, пишут словосочетания и предложения, которые они ассоциируют с данной темой).

X. Активизация навыков диалогической речи

It’s high time to make up a dialog. Just imagine that one of you is a foreigner who comes to visit Russia and one of you is a native person who tries to help him. [Слайд 17]

There are some phrases which may help you:

“How can I get to...”; “Where is the nearest...?”; “What do you think of...”; “I suggest that you...”; “You can take...”; “It’s worth visiting...” [Слайд 18]

(Ученики составляют диалоги, используя речевые клише).

XI. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

At home I want you to think over and write down your attitude for the next statement: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” by St. Augustine. [Слайд 19]

I want to thank all of you for your participation. You did a great job today! You were very active! You get only excellent and good marks today. Good-bye! [Слайд 20]

Приложение 1

Приложение 2